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Posts posted by Utahrangerone

  1. "

    They say USC is leaving the Pac-12 for TV money but really they’re leaving so they never ever ever have to play Utah again ever"
    This is certainly something that has been batted around in SLC for the entire time since Utah beat both the Ducks twice in one year, followed by beating USC twice in one year.  It showed the rich fatcat alums/donors for U$C that they were officially eclipsed by both ORE and UTAH;  and that they would never be dominant again.
    So now it is off to a conference (with an unexpected return of ORE to their nightmares) where they get to deal with far more Utah-like teams.  I always feel a bit ashamed at profound schadenfreude, but damn if it just isnt SO RIGHT concerning this school... it has gotten away with buying EVERYTHING and breaking rules (that penalty they had a few years back was pretty much meaningless) for decades.  Chickens... Roost... etc.
    I had really begun to enjoy the very serious FB rivalry between Utah and Oregon... I hope they can swing a few NC games over the next decade.
    I will continue to lurk here and enjoy the amazing community y'all have.  Many thanks to Charles Fischer for maintaining a wonderful board community.
    • Thanks 1
  2. On 12/3/2022 at 4:30 PM, Charles Fischer said:

    Oregon knows that answer from last year--ouch, ouch, ouch!


    Congrats so much to the Utes, and the great Utah fans who come to OBD forum.  You deserve it!

    Thank you Charles.. This is a message board I a lot of other fan bases could stand to copy (format alone if nothing else).  Good luck wherever y'all end up bowling.  Now if only the Pac1- can win some of their damn bowl games! LOL

    • Haha 1
  3. Greetings from Salt Lake.

    Many big grats/kudos/etc, for puncturing the inflated balloon that was UCLA.


    But it appears there's another "circle of Suck" forming... Team 1 beats Team 2 which beats Team 3, which Beats Team 4, which beats Team 1.. That sort of thing this conference is infamous for  😄


    Certainly sets up a pivotal showdown when Utah travels to Eugene.


    Until then, Have a great day!

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