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Posts posted by Jhoff

  1. I always thought overtime should be played like at the end of the first and third quarter.  Team with the ball at the end of the 4th quarter continues from the same yard line and down situation. The overtime  clock set at plus or minus 7:30 minutes with zero or one timeout. It could be sudden death or the full 7:30 minutes played. No one scores in that time frame then the results is a tie.

  2. My only complaint about you is that you haven't bought Twitter yet. We all thought that, by now, you would be running that ship with your OBD rules. What a glorious world it will be when you finally take control. Don't worry all your readers will pitch in to recover your invest at some point in time as far as you know.


    Seriously though this ship is a great ship to be on with such a good captain.

    • Thanks 1
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  3. On 11/26/2022 at 7:25 AM, Haywarduck said:

    'Let's keep beating this dead horse,' said no one, even respectively.


    The name of the game is like a mullet, it will go away, but some will still think it is cool. Much like a mullet everyone will still know what it is, nothing will truly replace it. As time goes on, like a mullet, some will be able to keep it going, and pull it off, but it will still be a mullet, not really cool.

    I think think in the long run it will be called 'the civil war'


    From what I understand it was  some players that were upset with the name. My guess is that they were from out of state and everytime the term came up in the past it had to do with the Civil War not some football game.


    To most Oregonian's everytime the term comes up it's about a football game not a terrible and still lingering time in our past.


    So to get a firm grip on all this we need to have an OBD type discussion with the offending parties and then, as a whole, decide if the name change is warranted.


    What type of discussion, and with whom, took place a couple of years ago before the powers at be decided what was what.


  5. On 10/22/2022 at 7:25 PM, ArkieDuck said:

    Kelly called the same 2nd quarter after TD onside kick against Stanford in Autzen when Andrew Luck was qb and Harbaugh was coach. A game changer then and again today. Neither Stanford or UCLA recovered  - pun intended.

    It was also the kicker that recovered the onside kick against Stanford

  6. On 10/18/2022 at 4:33 PM, Mic said:


    Said Charles above:


    As my ol' favorite Viking Coach Bud Grant once said when asked what it takes to be a winning coach?  "You need a good wife, and good huntin' dog, and a good quarterback.  And not in that order...."


    That's a great quote, C.  Bud was probably the best HC to never win a Super Bowl.  But his teams played in a few!

    Don't mean to be picky but wasn't But Grant's quote  "..... and not necessarily in that order"?

  7. When someone says to me  'you sure look good for your age'. They think their giving me a compliment.  But all I hear is  'your old'.

     If a moderater thinks something is in the gray area then it could very easily be construed to be offensive to the  person that the statement is being referred  to.

    So I say if the moderator initially thinks it's in a gray area then go ahead and nuke it with any of the polite responses mentioned earlier. Don't dwell on it just do it and move on.

    Oh and by the way I am damn good looking.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Footballs first body protection was the leather helmet then came foam type shoulder, hip and knee pads. Then the hard shell helmet was introduced. A few years after the other pads followed suit. All those hard surfaces aren't that great for the brain.


      I don't see why the shoulder, hip and knee pads can't go back to a foam type of pad. You would think that a helmet  could be designed along with that same principle in mind.  Motor vehicles need that hard surface  type protection. But not the brain. It just seems that the new designs that start with that hard shell outer surface  just makes it more complicated.  


    I'm sure my thoughts aren't original but what , pray tell, am I missing ?

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