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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. With all the excitement going on in Eugene, it's important that we don't overlook what is often critical on a championship team - a rock solid place kicker.  It's been a while since we've seen 'perfect stats' (8/8 FG, 37/37 PAT) this late in the season, and there's a case to be made for Camden Lewis as one of the most improved players on the squad.  Although it could be argued that we 'haven't needed him to win a game' so far this year, we likely will as we go down the stretch.  


    We had the pleasure to visit with Cam during pre-game at the UCLA contest, and he was calm, engaging and generally a really nice young man.  Someone we all can root for...  


    Go Ducks!  ..and Go Camden Lewis - thanks for all the hard off-season work... we're lucky to have you here!


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  2. 1Funduck has a real good perspective here... Winning the North and Competing well in the Pac-12 Championship are good 'headline' gauges of success - but not the most important in year 1 of the Lanning era.  Get the foundation right - discipline, focus and 60 minutes of consistent, whole team effort - and a lot of opportunity for growth of the program opens up.  


    And as fans, let's also work on us a bit - bring some patience and true support to the team, game in and game out.  The booing at Autzen has to be a thing of the past... if we want the program to build something special, fan support is a part of the puzzle, and not a trivial one.  

    Let's not expect lightning to strike and we take it to Georgia on their home turf - if you are looking for instant gratification, I'd suggest going to Salt & Straw for a nice ice cream cone... but if you want a Natty, plant well, nurture your garden and allow the process to take place before your eyes.  And remember, once we are on top of the mountain, we will likely look back quite fondly on the journey, and not just the destination.  GO DUCKS!


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  3. Interesting question, but possibly a moot one... seems that our Ducks have a solid trajectory to the CFP playoff, but not so much for the Rose Bowl.  Although that sounds odd, let me explain... if we win out, we should be in CFP - plain and simple.  If we do not win out, we will be a two loss (or worse) team in the P12 North, and could be in jeopardy of not making the P12 championship game.  


    So, let's say we lose one more game... if we lose to Wash, WSU or OSU, we would be a two-loss team tied with the the team we just lost to - and thus, are out.  The only 'good loss' would be to Utah - assuming we beat the 3 P12 North foes - then we make the P12 Championship Game, most likely to face Utah again, giving us the only real path I see to the Rose Bowl.  


    I guess there may be a complicated multi-team tie possible for P12 North where we also have a shot, but those scenarios hurt my head to think about.  So, for my simple logic, it's CFP or bust - GO DUCKS!

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