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Posts posted by GODUCKS15

  1. I don't remember where I read it but there was an article written about Will Steins offensive game plan where he stated that he want to be different and mostly use short passes. Someone on here mentioned that article a few days ago and maybe they could chim in.


    It seemed like the game plan was to have DG not run and not throw deep. It's almost like his hands were tied. Like when Herbert couldn't run. 

  2. My vote is for Chip. His offence brought excitement to the game. Trickery or not it was a blast to watch him blowout teams. There was time during his tenure that I almost always felt like we would win every game. It was like being a Tide fan where you just never lose. 


    He's the only coach out of all of them that gave me that feeling. I still don't have that feeling with Lanning yet. 


    Between PK and CK they turned CFB on it's head with the blur offence and the millions of uni combos. Gameday was a regular event it seemed and there was this swagger that the Ducks had that made them so much fun to watch. The teams weren't full of 4*-5* players either. 


    It was the Glory Days for me. 


    Lanning may just be the new guy on his way to being the all time great. 

    • Applause 1
  3. I'd rather watch a good game than a blowout like Pst or Montana St type or Liberty. I have no problem playing Osu every year. It's a guaranteed win just like Pst and it's more entertaining. I have a feeling that Osu fans would want to bail before Duck fans do. It's a loss on their schedule every year going forward. 

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  4. Bandwagon Blazer fan. Seasons too long to watch seriously so if they're decent at the end then I'll watch a few games. Haven't been a serious fan since Drexler and Sabonis days. Too many other things in life to sit and watch a losing team several nights a week. Plus the NBA's kinda boring till the playoffs. 

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    On 1/10/2024 at 5:44 PM, VegasDuck said:

    Lanning hasn't won anything. Too inexperienced and nowhere close to Saban in coaching. I think it would be stupid to follow a legend. I would't take him If I were Alabama. Don't get me wrong, I like him and don't want to see him leave but he is still unproven in my book.

    Agree. If anyone went on those points it should Deboer who beat Lanning with lesser players. Cheaper to get too.

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  6. I have a huge amount of respect for the UW football team. Penix is our Bo. Unlike Caleb Williams who seems as arrogant and self centered as you can get. UW beat the Ducks 3 times in a row of which 2 were this year.


    That hurts but the Ducks only have themselves to blame. The Fuskies won fair and square with better coaching. Lesser ranked players beat the Ducks. So much for rankings. I will be reluctantly rooting for the Fuskies to win only because I don't like MI more.


    It would be the same regardless of who's playing MI. I do want the Fuskies to lose but I want MI to lose worse. If it were the Beavus I'd be rooting for them as well. In bowl games I feel the need to root for the P12. It's the Pacs last dance so it needs to be the best.  


    Oregon doesn't need WA to win to make Oregon losses look better but it won't hurt either. 

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