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Posts posted by GODUCKS15

  1. Does it really matter if it's finalized or not at this time? OOC games are set. Only thing missing is dates for conference games. Times are usually on a weekly basis anyways.


    Bye weeks will pop up when dates are finalized. I see this schedule every year. I don't know why it takes so long but at the same time does it really matter?


    The home/away part is decided so all that's needed is a date. Times are never finalized until a week or so before except for some marque games like the Ore St or WA game.


    I did read that the Ohio St game is up in the air as far as location. Doesn't look like a home and home scenario could be played out in the near future. Reads like it may be a neutral field.

  2. From what I read the players left town or whatever and when the UO got the okay to start practicing for conference play the Ducks were behind the 8 ball in conditioning.

    I never took much of anything last year serious. It was basically an exhibition season IMO. Yeah they won the P12 albeit by default sorta. Got steamrolled in the Fiesta. Got the big payday though. Too many changes in personnel and not enough time to implement those changes with players that had to be rushed back in shape or were 1st time starters without big game experience. A total cluster conundrum. 

    As a Duck fan it was frustrating to watch. The team rarely clicked for more than a few series at a time. It was like putting a pig on lipstick. 

  3. I don't think you can answer that question until TY puts on some Duck pads and starts playing against the Duck D. He may look the part on film but he still needs to grasp the offense and be productive. Hard to let him learn on the fly and possibly lose games when you have a proven QB even though he is only a 1 season QB.

    I also don't think you can let Ty sit on the bench the whole season. But again is he good enough to manage a whole game or when the games on the line?

    As for the coaches making the decision it's easy for them to see which QB moves the ball with the least amount of mistakes. If we have a spring game that will at least give some kind of indication who the QB might be.


  4. Why would anyone not pass up a chance to be The D guy at Oregon and double their salary? In conference move or not the money difference along with the chance to be The D guy at Oregon is a lot to pass up.

    According to reports I read DeRuyter left Cal making $400K a year. Avlos left Oregon making $830K(?). Bonuses would get an Oregon DC close to $1M. Not much bonus action at Cal.

    It's a win win situation.


    • Like 2
  5. I for one can't take the 2020 P12 season seriously. National perception is that the P12 is weak and has been for several years. I feel that it was a wonky season mad even wonkier by the late start that was brought on by forces out of the Ducks control. Oregon did what it needed to to win the P12 and play in the Fiesta.

    Yes they lost in the bowl game but does it really matter? Going 4-2 before being in a big 6 bowl game in and of it's self is not normal. Players got to play and coaches got to coach and fans? Well it was rough to watch the whole season. Was it a waste? I don't think so. 

    Imagine if the Ducks had not played this season. They would've never found out that they don't have a QB and players that were backups or 1st time starters wouldn't of had the needed real game experience. 

    Culture? Top recruits still have the Ducks in their top 8-10 list. That says something about the culture. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. Interesting why he would leave AL for OR for the same position coach? Did he know something we didn't know?

    Back on topic, I think MC has the program headed in the right direction. I tossed this last year in the dumpster because of Covid. The whole P12 should too.

    Can't wait for this season to get underway in Sept. 

    However I don't see a return to the CFP in the near future. Especially for this season. Oregon would have to run the table to get in. When you start the season unranked or near the bottom it's very hard to make it to the top four. 


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  7. Sign me up for a vaccine. I plan on getting one regardless.

    As far as a requirement to enter Autzen goes, well thats a tough call. I can see where it would irk some people. Same as wearing a mask but more so.

    Getting vaccinated is a personal choice for most people unless your job requires it. Attending a game at Autzen is a privilege and not a given right. I'm okay if those in charge want to make vaccines mandatory. Whats the point of having a vaccine to help slow or stop the spread of Covid and then let 50,000 non vaccinated people gather in tight conditions and yelling all over each other? 

  8. The Ducks went 12-2 last year. Except for the dumpster fire in AZ they were right where they needed to be. Big change this year was a shortened season, lost an NFL QB, key player opt outs, new OC, new O line, and now they're the youngest team in the FBS. Even LSU had trouble this year. You can't lose that many key players and still go 12-2.

    Yes the play calling sucks which brings up the point that it sucked last year too, but there were better smarter players on the team able to over come it.

    With that being said it's obvious the Ducks have a QB dilemma that may not sort it's self out next year. Who stays , who goes? Is there another Herbert or Mariota in the wings? If not then the Ducks won't be anywhere close to a contender next year. They'll be better but not good enough to pin any hopes on the CFP by a long shot. 

    Winning the north and the Pac 12 will be a major achievement next year.




  9. I'd like to give the Duck players a pass this year because of the circumstance from Covid, but I can't give the coaching staff a pass. 

    When you're still running up the gut on 3rd and 2 and not getting it. When are you going to learn?

    Even my wife, who knows enough about football even knew Likio was going to get the ball on a 3rd and 2 in the 4th qtr. She said why else would he be in there? 0 3rd down conversions in a game. 

    I think thats a sign of something wrong.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Mike West said:

    Frankly, another four or five games wouldn’t have made a difference.

    As I intimated last night, we don’t have the horses.  This is not an experience thing.  We need guys the size of the Oregon grads that are NFL standouts.  

    Armstead; Buckner; the set of 2014 and 2007 WRs.  Blunt; Rolls Royce; Ngata; Sewell;  Stewart; Herbert; Harris; Matthews;  and others that are built like NFL players.  

    This group and the incoming recruits are too small.  They will elevate the program, but they are not enough.  We can start with the first two guys I mentioned above.  Bama, Clemson and Ohio State have six or seven guys that size on the defensive line.

    Our receivers still don’t torch the best nationwide.  You can see it today.  Verdell is close, but Blunt, Stewart and Freeman are archetype bruisers with speed.

    We have to get bigger and faster.  There isn’t enough juice or toughness that can match that caliber consistently in my opinion.  Maybe a semifinal victory, but I don’t see titles in our future.

    Iowa State is tough, but they do not look like or perform like the Big 3.

    Totally agree. I think it's fair to say that next year will be just another year. Some good, some bad but not enough to make a statement.

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