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Everything posted by Biscuits

  1. Pretty rare that you’d get a guy to turn down a P5 offer to remain a coordinator. Lanning can inform that decision, of course. But ASU would be a tempting job if sold the right way.
  2. We demand…ATTRIBUTION!!! You ask for a miracle? I give you the West. End. Zone. https://westendzone.com/, that is. The term ‘Corch’ was minted on the off-topic board that canesinsight spun off in 2011 because some of, er, off-color content. The university administration wasn’t pleased with our propensities for celebrating big commits with porn gif threads, flying banners over underperforming coaches heads, and comical use of various gifs featuring orangutans. Nothing miraculous about it, actually. I just like Hans Gruber. But we definitely coined that term, among others. Fee free to venture on over for some Ss and giggles, but beware. While it’s not exactly 4chan, it is an-off topic board at heart. A greater hive of scum and villainy and all that. I will say, also, that at the WEZ, we have our eyes fully open regarding MC and his propensity to suck at inconvenient moments. Our 2022 season thread is titled (and was so moments after his hiring) “2022 Miami Hurricanes Football, the Mario Error has begun”. He wasn’t at the top of many of our lists, but given how generally crappy our coaching has been over the past 2 decades, he’d have to implode badly to not do well enough, given how weak the ACC-C is. I think I’ll hang around a while if you’ll have me. Spent 15 years up in Portland before moving down to SoCal (wife grew up in OC) last year. I love Oregon as a state, wish I could have spent more time in Autzen, and root for both (sorry) Oregon teams pretty hard. I kind of hate Justin Herbert for being such a good dude and awesome QB that I’m not forced to root for the Chargers after they debased themselves and sold out to LA. Cheers, y’all.
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