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Duckley Palace

Remember The 90's Bruh?!!! Favorite Merchandise?

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As a sports-obsessed kid growing up in the 1990s, there’s one jacket I can vividly remember seeing way more than any...



I'm in my 30's now, about to enter a stage of life I thought was super old when I was a kid. Now I've pushed that back to 70 and if I'm lucky enough to make it there I'll push it back to ninety.


Speaking of Ninety, or more accurately the 90's. I have a distinct memory of those old Starter pullovers with NFL teams as the font. They were bold, brash and super gnarly. Much like the decade they existed, much like a certain program we all love OBD. Oregon is the 90's personified. Big, bold, colorful and over the top. Programs like Penn State mock us due to our non signature look. But if all I had was a white helmet with a blue stripe, I'm not certain I'd be bashing anybody. But that's just me.


I do like Notre Dame, Michigan, Ohio State and USC's classic looks. But OBD are just built different.


Do any of you own any memorabilia from the 90's? Do you ever still rock out in it?

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