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Posts posted by Krsmqn

  1. On 11/4/2023 at 3:00 PM, David Marsh said:

    Tez Johnson scores... 


    Me... Waiting for the flag. 


    I wouldn't be surprised if we see a flag at kick off that rolls that TD back. 

    Seriously ... 🤦🏻‍♂️ I mean are the Refs giving Oregon a hard time so's they can bolster their resumes? I mean you got to figure in a few games they're all going to be out of a job anyways right?

  2. Maybe Lanning did the clipping? Let me explain. 


    I know DL is the Head Coach, but from what I gather, he hired a knowledgeable, terrific staff - for a reason. Maybe it was Will Stein whose wings have been clipped? Or rather, tampered. 


    After all, Stein is the OC. He calls the plays. DL may have given him more slack previously, but might have pulled the leash a bit since our loss to the ... 🤮


    I can't say it. 


    I know I'm speculating, but hey, who among us actually knows what's happening behind the curtain? 


    Whatever happens, I want a team with more consistency in all phases. I'm not expecting perfection, cause that's non-existent in football, but being consistently good in all phases of the game should be attainable for OBD. Let's hope they get there by Saturday... And stay there. 🦆


    Great observation, btw. Keeps us thinking. 

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  3. On 10/13/2023 at 6:11 PM, Log Haulin said:

    OK... to everyone picking washington to win... if you actually pick right you win nothing... zero... zilch!


    So stop it!

    Well, as for me, I'm not picking, I'm predicting. I feel that there's a difference. 


    And I'd rather be proven wrong by the Ducks, than by those butt sniffing mutts.

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