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Duck 1972

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Posts posted by Duck 1972

  1. I believe if you want to play for PAC titles NY6 bowls or a national title we are going to have to "Do as the Jones".


    I'm sure all the other big time schools require their season ticket holders to donate to their athletics fund. 


    The thing Jon is describing is totally new and therefore needs to be implemented if we as a fan base want our teams to be able to compete with what our outlook is.

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  2. I say our coaches have to spend more time and out work any other staff outside of the PAC (USC excluded) to get the talent to compete nationally due to the obstacles named above. To me this is a no brainer.


    I posit that this could cause burnout for our coaches and thus will possibly cause repercussions on the field.


    As far as a difference between the South which I include Texas. I moved to Houston in the 80s and when my native friend and I started driving around I would see these large football stadiums so I would ask which college it belonged to. He would chuckle and inform me it was a HS. 30k capacity for a HS. I was overwhelmed.

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  3. let's see we have many teams to consider.


    2001 Joey and the Ducks # 2 cheated out of the Championship game against Miami.


    2007 D Dixon we will never know but before injury we blew everyone in including the big bad Michigan at their place.


    2010 C K, LM James, the best defense in school history and the undefeated Ducks who got cheated on numerous plays and end up losing to the cheating Auburn.


    2014 M Mariota and a good defense who lost at least 2 key players in semi's and then tOSU. 


    Honorable mention.


    I don't remember the year but we had RB R Drounghs go down after beating UCLA at their place. We were ranked pretty high and so was UCLA. 


    1994 first Rose Bowl in 30 yrs. Tough match with Penn State


    2012 bad call in game against Stanford


    2019 almost came back after bad start at ASU.


    Again to me it's 2010 they are the only team to go undefeated in reg season, actually played and should have won a natty.



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  4. On 3/26/2022 at 7:21 PM, Haywarduck said:

    The problem with AB was teams figured him out. He was like a pitcher who baffled teams with one pitch, but then once they figured there was only one pitch he was easy to hit. AB was a running qb with limited passing ability.


    I was actually startled more teams didn't pick off his sideline throws after Stanford figured out that was one of the few passes he could complete. The Stanford LB almost picked off two of them. That was a pass AB made way too many times if I was a DC of the opposing team.


    AB did his best and gave it his all. For that we should all be grateful. The fact that the guys underneath him didn't get any playing time would seem to have been unjust. We will see in the coming years.

    I agree with the sentiment for AB. I do believe because of tOSU win it seems to have locked MC to play it safe.


    We have pretty much proved on the "forum of decorum" I do believe the boo game was the start.


    The players and.MC lost each other and the team towards the end of the season was not functioning properly.


    I believe we now have a fresh start with a staff that will "make football fun again", inspire the players, have challenged spots and improved play.


    That's why I believe we are going to shock everyone.


    Go Ducks Fly High

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