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Duck 1972

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Posts posted by Duck 1972

  1. I believe the Ducks gain an advantage in confidence knowing they went toe to toe with a blue blood. Maybe it won't be enough but they supposedly had no chance last year at tOSU. Everybody except them. And even though the points above are all valid they can be mitigated by some examination.


    Ok tOSU defense wasn't up to snuff but we still held them to 28 points. I believe that was one of the lowest scores they have put up at home in a long time.


    I believe we will be better at QB then last year. RB I believe we are at least even. The rest of the offense returns and should be better and they will have no idea what we are going to do or even capable of with our new coaches. But we know what they are doing.


    On defense we are better just because of DL and his game plan. Under his tutelage we are going to surprise people. We will have proven players all over the field. They are having to replace a lot.


    Our Special Teams should be better with Lorig running the show. 


    I know I could be wrong but I just have this feeling of the perfect storm. 


    Go Ducks Fly High


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  2. Why can't we beat UGA with basically the same team that went into the shoe and beat tOSU? Been there done that (as far as going into hostile territory and overcoming an winning).


    I believe we will be better than last year. I don't believe 1st game out they will be. Guess I'm just a greybeard homer. Oh well!

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  3. Just like Michigan canceling against UCLA u watch others do it also unless it's USC and maybe us although I believe TA&M did it to us several years ago.


    Most of the B1G and the SEC are chicken sh*** when it comes to that. Look at how many away games they play outside of conference and the occasional marquee games against top competition. A decided advantage for W/L records.


    I believe the PAC should do the same. No more away games with the MW. That would even things out with those other so called great leagues. Especially if we can match them in league games played at either 8 or 9. 



  4. So cool. In CBB you need 3 stud pitchers and the ability to score by small ball or bashing. Either way it's fun to watch the strategy and the amono/amono between the pitcher and the batter.


    So far the greatest loss of my life is not being able to see my nephew play since 2009 as I went to every game from LL to OSU and even got to see him relief pitch for Spokane against Salem/Keizer. He struck out the side in the 8th inning of 2 games.


    Guess that's why the Ducks are even more important for me now.

  5. Isn't discipline a part of competitiveness, play smart while giving 100% every play?


    I would say the same of obsession although it's not enough the higher the competition.


    You add talent and I believe you have the triad of competitiveness.

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  6. As a minority poster for certain topics I have been having a hard time not being sarcastic sometimes. It's hard sometimes remembering in this situation it's not "you" people are disagreeing with,  but just your opinion.


    In my upbringing sarcasm was a way to protect myself. I'm now a greybeard and even though I know in my heart and mind it doesn't work will never work sometimes my negative emotions get the best of me and I slip back into old habits.


    That's why this site is so important to me. I've become isolated from general conversation so I need this place more than any of you know. It's not just about sports but helping me stay grounded. I can learn from anything and try to everyday.


    So thank you Charles and the forum with decorum.


    Oh by the way;  Go Ducks Fly High

  7. Good post. I really don't know how they will do but with DTR a 5th year QB and mostly every one else starting transfers I'll give them benift of the doubt. It used to be there was always a surprise team that had a senior QB in the PAC. The Bruins were top 3 in offense in the PAC last year which in my mind should be expected due to CK.


    Their defense just couldn't stop anyone. Will new DC and Norton make a difference. They could!

  8. It would be interesting to know what he was thinking. I believe three things.


    # 1 I believe our team peaked for the tOSU game rather than later in the season. To me this along with my other points explains the up and down performance of the team. 


    # 2 the season ending injuries to our best players most important CJ Verdel and 2 many game to game injuries led to youth being forced to play to soon with a lack of cohesion being the result.


    # 3. The above articles do indicate he had to be thinking about it. And really I don't know how it wouldn't have had an effect on himself and the team with all the added turmoil ( booing and injuries) surrounding it. 


    I do believe he was doing what he felt was the best way for us to win, that his players loved to play for him and he's extremely driven. I do wish him the best. He left the Ducks better than what he found it.


    Now we have a new coaching staff and future.


    Go Ducks Fly High

  9. I believe the strength of this team is the OL/TEs. I believe their strength is the run game, not as much pass blocking. Also the "D". We have adequate RBs


    With a new QB and WRs I believe we should take advantage of the run game this season. I believe it should look like it has the past couple of years. The team and current players have played this way for 4 years.


    I know this is a minority opinion. But hear me me out. We should have a great defense this year. With that being so I posit we run a time management offense.


    This means leaning heavy on the run with occasionally taking shots downfield to keep defense honest


    We control the clock thereby giving the opposing team fewer chances. Which then helps our defense pin their ears back and get after the opposing team. 


    I believe big time this is how I would run our offense that gives us a chance at an CFB PO. this upcoming season. We can change next year with a new direction....

  10. I played DL/OL in HS football in 70/72 for Estacada which is 20 mi SE of Portland. Recruited by the Ducks but throwing discus was my thing. Wanted to be a Duck after throwing at Hayward during state tournament. Didn't materialize tho.


    Then moved to Eugene because of work in 75. Went to numerous games including the "toilet bowl". Lived there till 81. Life long fanatic ever since.

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