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Duck 1972

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Posts posted by Duck 1972

  1. On 2/7/2022 at 8:54 AM, Jon Joseph said:

    Good take. What do you define as 'success' in Miami? The Canes haven't won a division title in a long time, let alone won the ACC. And no matter how you define 'success' when do you think Mario will achieve same?


  2. He will have top 10 recruiting classes year in and out. I believe he will win the ACC and play in the PO and ln national title games within 4/5 years out.


    I believe he will have the players he needs to be a ground and pound with explosive plays offense and a dominant defense.


      I know he isn't perfect and needs some tweaking and I think he will do it. No one will out work this man I'll tell you that.



    Now whether Miami will want more than that like a major portion of the OBD forum and Duck fans I don't know?


    I never believe in throwing shade at someone unless it's earned and IMHO MC didn't do that, to me.


    I know others don't feel the same way as I do but I will have to see him fail at Miami before I will change my mind. 

  3. This means he has 2 Broyals award winners (top asst coaches) as his coordinators. 


    I've been a MC supporter and believe he will be successful in Miami. I also know a whole lot of you don't, so we shall see which way it turns out in S. Florida.



  4. On 2/6/2022 at 11:48 AM, OhioDuck said:

    Oregon is a hard recruit for having a shorter tradition (sometimes called being a blue blood) than some others and because of geography for some. Yes, it's a long, long way from Alabama/Georgia... or Southeastern Virginia where I grew up to Eugene. 


    But those of you who are so lucky to live in Eugene, look around you. Look at how beautiful it is, think of all the great people, the spirit of freedom and innovation. Who wouldn't want to live there? I would take Eugene over Tuscaloosa every day of the week! Not that Tuscaloosa's a bad place, but Eugene, wow!


    Add to that the University, the facilities, the coaching staff and there is a lot to attract players to UO! 


    No sun, no girls, no worries.

  5. On 2/6/2022 at 8:35 AM, DCDuckfan said:

    KT will be fine in the NFL.  I don't think he's an elite talent at that level and I'm not sure if he was at the college level either.  But does anyone actually believe he lived up to the hype?  Some of that is probably due to the coaching that wasn't happening, but it felt like he was playing it safe most of the year because he had a lot to lose by either not dominating or getting injured.  


    I don't fault the guy for either of those potential reasons, but I'm just saying, my eyes weren't lying when I saw slightly above average play....when he played.


    7 Sacks - Not in top 50

    49 Total Tackles - Not in top 500...yes 500

    35 Solo Tackles - Not top 100


    I know the temptation is to say he didn't play much of the season...that's part of the point.

    I respectfully disagree with your assessment.


    He got leg got rolled up on in the 2nd quarter of the 1st game. That is one of the most lingering injuries to overcome even when able to play again. I believe he missed 3 or 4  games which means he only played 1/2 the season.


    In the Stanford game he was dead tired before being ejected at the end of the game.


    He was game planned against as season went on especially after the UCLA game.


    He was chipped by both TE and RB on most plays. If not he was double teamed by the OL.


    I know I'm a homer but that's truly what I saw.

    • Like 1
  6. I probably used a wrong metaphor with backwater but u guys know what I mean.


    Yes we are a national brand but look back. I couldn't count how many top players had us in their final list of several schools, but when push comes to shove, they went elsewhere.


    Riley goes to USC and takes 10 or so players from Oklahoma with him.


    DL comes to Eugene with not 1 player from UGA's greatest defense ever. They had numerous players hit the portal and we got none of them. 


    With him and his staff having long-term relationships with players from that footprint we were only able to get 2 players.


    Guys it's just a fact that getting quality players from back in the Southland and Midwest is and will take out working and innovation over those teams to get the best to come to Oregon if we even can.


    I know this year may have been an outlier but I wouldn't put any money on it until I see it with my own eyes 👀.


    I sure  don't want it to be so but it's IMHO it's what I see.


    Go Ducks Fly High 

  7. On 2/5/2022 at 12:53 PM, 30Duck said:

    That is definitely what it looks like. I have no doubt that having a plan and working at it, is why all of a sudden it turned out that you could recruit to Oregon. 

    I kinda agree although I think recruiting is a young mans game. They have to be recruiting almost 16 hrs/ 7 days a week.


    They have to out work almost everyone because it tough recruiting for the best against the best.


    Especially to a small backwater school in the PNW. Hell most of the kids back east couldn't even point to where it is.


    We don't have the advantage of the recruits being in our back yard therefore having to travel more with less time to do it so less players seen, relationships made and kept.


    Recipe for a tough job. That's how Mario was able to recruit here and nothing less will work.

  8. The difference as I understand it is the schools have nothing to do with NIL. 


    They can't make them do anything and it won't be any part of the Athletic Department. They pay for any costs of all the sports.


    What they don't want is the players to be employees. Profit sharing, SS, matching taxes, health care, injury insurance etc. Thats the thing that will kill most of all the other sports the schools offer. There's not enough money to go around.

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  9. A lot of athletes have these sports be their profession. What's wrong with that. Let the NCAA be the minors for pro football. " It already is".


    You will still have guys getting their education knowing that is their future.


    They will still be enrolled in the school so the tradition will stay, they will still be kids so the emotion will be the same,


    Their young so the skills still have to be shown and growth still has to be made.


    You will have a lot of kids that pan out and others who don't.


    Youll still have a lot of 💎 in the rough. I just don't see how that will change CFB all that much.

  10. Nuttin before 12 and only H/H games with only P5 schools in ooc. Only home against group of 5 schools. None of the Big 10 or SEC play any lower schools away from home. Last year I believe at least 3 of the PAC loses were at BYU. Makes no sense. 

  11. The bottom line is that if the other team can't score or score as much as you do; you win, they lose. Can't peel the onion any further.


    I don't know if DL and staff can replicate the Kelly years but if they can and we play defense like DL has shown he can, but without all the talent at UGA we are going to have a lot of fun!!!!!!!


    The Sun is so bright we gotta wear shades in Autzen.

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