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Duck 1972

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Posts posted by Duck 1972

  1. Montana and the Dakota's seem to be fine with the limitations. They play for their divisions championship almost every year. I know it's not quite the same but it shows a way it could be done. 


    Can't believe every one would quit watching. Yes less money but still doable. And I believe a lot of top athletes want to go to school and get their degree not just get ready for the pros.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. Here's a thought. When there is a super league it's not going to stop the rest of us from playing in our league/s and for our championships.


    Some schools are going to have to drop out but not most.


    We will be the Divisions top level and then u got those that aren't Power 5 schools in the next level then u got the Montana's, EWU, SD/ ND State, etc


    We all play our own championships, bowls and playoffs. Actually it will work better. Giving more teams championship dreams.


  3. The schools and coaches themselves could make it where they will not move until after season is over.


    Just typing this I had a thought. The coaches do stay, it's the schools that terminate coaches during the season so they would have to be controlled.


    They should be motivated by not ruining their own recruiting class and schools image.


    I guess not since they have been doing this all along. Oops, never mind.

  4. On 1/28/2022 at 10:34 AM, Steven A said:

    Hit the nail on the head.  It's going to be very hard to put the Genie back in the bottle now that they, the players, have tasted this freedom.


    Besides, where is it in the players' best interest to now restrict them?  Since it isn't, real tough sledding for the ncaa (can't do smaller font) to make a change now.


    If you tried to tie it to coaches changing, since it is open season on them, different schools would have different portal times.


    Time to suck it up and get used to the death of CFB as we knew it.

    Can't see a problem with having it open at a particular time for all schools like after the season including bowls and start of spring training. 


    That's 3/4 months they all would have. How would that be considered restrictions on their freedom?


    Have same for the coaches to be consistent and protect the integrity and functionality of CFB.

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