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Duck 1972

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Posts posted by Duck 1972

  1. Agreed. The pay for play is on the field training to earn a spot in the NFL.  The college has the advantage so I would make scholarships means tested against NIL money. These players would be walk ons.


    And then cut down and untie roster numbers from scholarships so no one can stockpile.  Maybe only allow the portal to be used to replace a position with someone of the same position that u lost. 

  2. If they can do it in Texas it can also be done here if we want to step up the table and eat with the big boys.


    This actually can have more freedom and choices which is always good.


    The idea of breaking up the monolithic monopoly of the NCAA. they allowed 120+ teams the false hope of playing for a championship against 10 to 20 elites.


    The breaking up of this could be a winning ticket if there is forward thinking out there. 


    Just have to wait and see.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. I believe we should look at the lower tiers of CFB and emulate them.


    Across the country we have league 1A for the super teams. Next is 1B for mid teams next is 1C for the lower schools. Etc if needed.


    They all form new leagues and only compete against each other with their own championships. They could have their own bowls too to save as much as possible of the old.


    You could move up and down if the league accepted you. This would help mitigate teams moving to try to steal a championship with better talent.


    The product on the field would be better due equalization of team talent. 


    The transfer portal could be mitigated by some means so a team doesn't get stripped of its best players every year.


    These are some of my thoughts but now have to go do some chores. 



  4. I agree with you Jon but the travel and time chance is detrimental to good CFB being played week in week out. 


    I also question how much the will to compete against the best will be impacted by the money.


    Also the NCAA could still regulate some of this especially the portal. As far as NIL would have to turn CFB into a business as has been stated with a union and some kind of cap that each school could spend including donors.


    What a mess.

  5. I believe that the problem with the PAC is the lack of fan interest in comparison to the SEC (8 stadiums at over 100k attendance), BIG (7 100k), ND, etc. PAC 0.


    More population base in the Mid West/East and South/West by a huge margin.


    That's why USC and UW have been the bluebloods of the PAC in the past. Population in LA is 8 million+ Seattle 4 million. Oregon 3 million.


    The only reason we are in the equation is Nike and PK and the 4yr run of CK who's offensive revolution changed CFB for the time being.


    Majority of kids like to be able to play for their hometown, regional and favorite teams (usually formed when young) and so family and friends can see them play.



    Time problem for West Coast with rest of the country. I don't like watching games in the morning or after 5pm. it interferes with the evening.


    More population base creates more recruits by a wide margin. Poaching of our best players by teams out of our league. Our footprint lack of the big behemoths for DL.


    These are the problems as I see it and are things that are not solvable. Of course every once and a while you will have an anomaly ie best QB in the country or very experienced team led by good coaches. But as we have seen not very often.


    Now u have NIL ( pay for play ). Oh well. 

  6. On 1/2/2022 at 4:24 PM, woundedknees said:

    UW's newest major will be announced soon:

    "C.O.C.H.T.101" (Critical Oregon Coach Hatred Theory 101)

    PS: Most Fuskie Faithful are already indoctrinated, so this will be a 1/2 credit program, i.e., "1/2 C.O.C.H.T. 101"

    How did you come up with that piece. I'm still laughing. Brilliant Simply Brilliant.

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