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Posts posted by Notalot

  1. It may prove beneficial in the end to have slack (open slots) in the roster. The new coaches will have time to understand the players they inherited, assess needs, and find and attract the best fitting players to their schemes.


    I think we fans will be pleasantly surprised and optimistic by the revised roster when spring practice begins.


    Now, can the new coaches motivate, teach. and coach as a unified staff? September won't come fast enough.

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  2. The AD, Rob Mullens now, has a responsibility to keep his hand on the pulse and manage continuity of the coaches in the football program.


    As football is the revenue-driver of UO sports, then his attention on football coaches must be high and constant.


    Rob Mullens has been caught short a few times. The environment of football coaches and their contracts has changed. RM needs to get ahead of the game.

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  3. UO v OU is an epic and anticipated matchup anytime. Slotted in TV prime time on a slow sports night the game will be watched coast to coast. What better time is there for the Ducks to prove that the win over the Buckeyes in the Shoe was deserved?

    I would like to see the O-line push the Oklahoma defense with Dye passing 150 yards rushing and Cardwell adding 100 more.


    It will be great if the defense can plug the LOS and play a pressing pass defense taking away the first six yards that the Ducks opponents feasted on throughout the season. 

    No guts no glory. No balls no blue chips. Go Ducks.

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  4. Thanks, Jon, for writing the sad story that encapsulates the management foibles of the leaders of the PAC. The PAC-12 has dug itself into the proverbial hole.


    Along with those you called out by name, I would further place responsibility on the university presidents who failed to protect and increase the present and future value of the asset of “college football” and the brand of the PAC-12 and its predecessors.


    As only three strikes are allowed, the management “misses” of the administrators should be afforded foul ball status at the least. 

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  5. Like a breath of fresh air. Optimism returns. The elements detailed by Coach Boles have been sorely absent from the.Duck’s recent offenses. Two back sets, counter plays (Mr. FishDuck will be happy}, under center snaps, and more up tempo snaps will add variety to the offense and challenge defenses.


    I’ve been a fan of Coach Norvell at both Tulsa and Memphis. If Oregon’s offense migrates to Norvell’s schemes under Coach Dillingham, then Oregon’s offense should roll again.


    Coach Joe  Moorhead’s tenure as OC began with optimism based on his notable track record. The offenses under  Moorhead turned out to be unimaginative, mundane, and disappointing overall, uncharacteristic of Modern day Ducks football.


    Go Ducks.

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  6. On 12/9/2021 at 9:34 AM, nw777b said:

    Waiting for the right coach is better than settling. Settling can tank the program for years.


    Mullens has stated he is not being driven as much by dates.

    Mullens got juked by Mario who ran by him and scored. Mullens failed by not having a contract signed at least 30 days before early signing. He blew it by not having advanced contingency actions underway for the "what if" scenarios.


    Is this his Strike 2. Strike 3, or just another foul ball? This hire must be a home run.


    Excellence? Or mediocrity?


    And, oh by the way, the next HC needs to be strong, admired, connected, and respected enough to bring a great OC, DC, and staff along quickly.

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  7. From Duck Territory:

    I am astounded at Rob Mullen's floundering slow progress in replacing his key employee, the Head Coach for Football.

    My shock and amazement is amplified with his history of being unprepared when the last coaches turned over.

    An executive supervising division managers typically continually prepares for key employee turnover.

    AD Mullens should always have a short-list of best HC candidates watching their performance, contract status, and family news shuffling the list to always have 4-5 viable and desirable prospects (who would likely take the position if offered) for head, and have been grooming his relationship with each.

    A rapid hire is not always required and the process can sometimes be more leisurely. In some cases, such as the current Head Coach vacancy, moving quickly is valuable and necessary.

    Was Rob Mullens adequately prepared for Cristobal to bolt? Did he read the tea leaves two weeks ago and begin hitting up agents, warming up his top prospects indirectly, etc.? Or, was AD Mullens caught napping with his pants down?

    I certainly don't have the answer. but it looks like a Duck and walks like a Duck.



  8. Mycah knew/knows something. He wouldn't have known MC was bailing. That's too far above his pay grade.


    What did he know? He was rarely targeted with a thrown ball. Often passes were ill- timed or off the mark. The offense was ineffective without a passing game. His role was all exercise and risk without corresponding rewards. The coaches were stubborn and resisting change.


    All of the WR. TE's, and RB's must have known the same. The fans saw it from miles away.


    Mycah went away. That's in the past. The future is new and bright. Go Ducks. Go QB's and receivers. You have uffered enough.

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  9. On 11/19/2021 at 12:07 PM, David Marsh said:


    Just as Duck fans we have come to associate those flashy numbers with being in the National conversation. Do we need a super flashy offense to win a National Championship? No... but it is certainly nice to have one. 

    Flashy no. Balanced? A passing threat? More yards on offense? More PPG? All that added to more rushing yards. Yes. Yes. Yes.

  10. Thanks David for sharing your thoughts. The "is Becoming" within your Title suggests the future. I sure hope for a more watchable offense in Oregon's future. I wince more than applaud during most games. "It's not easy being green" said Kermit the frog.


    But, I'm happy for the wins, and proud of the foundation and substance of Oregon Football. Hopefully, better days on the offense will dawn ahead. Go Ducks. Go David.

  11. Back at those of you who commented.I have enjoyed reading your thoughts in reply to the topic. Frankly, I am surprised by the majority of responses.


    In the lead post I was not disparaging Brown, nor suggesting that he should not be QB1. I have believed since he was named the starter that Oregon should ride that horse until it cannot carry the team - the job was his to lose.


    I live in ACC country, and have seen Brown QB while leading Boston College. As a former QB a hundred years ago myself, I have felt some things QB's faces and feels that come with the position.  


    Given AB's passing issues beginning in game #1, that have lingered throughout the 10 games, coupled with the prolonged lulls in the offense early in games and in the 2nd quarter, I would have played other QB's for several series in each game except the Ohio State game. The coaches did not.


    I agree with the majority of you who posted that AB's our guy now, and we hope that he stays healthy and takes the Ducks into the playoffs. Thanks again for taking part in the dialogue.

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  12. One bullet is loaded into the revolver. The cylinder is spun. Where did it stop before being pointed at our collective heads? The trigger is pulled - only to hear a metal on metal click. What if?


    As the season has progressed for Duck's football, I feel an ominous sense of peril. The source of my fear is the total reliance of Duck Football on Anthony Brown.


    I get it that Brown is a sixth-year college QB. I know that he started and was a proficient starter at Boston college where he was good, but never great. I get it, and agree that his experience and earned leadership made Brown the best choice to lead the Ducks when the season began.


    I cannot imagine that ten games into the season, with a 5* and two 4* recruit Freshmen, one with a redshirt year under his belt, that other Duck QB's have not all been given significant game action snaps. Anthony Brown is a planned rusher. He rushed 29 times in the past two games alone. He has no lifeline or net under him in the case of injury. He is exposed to potential injury every snap; hand-off, pass, or rush. Frightening.


    Anthony Brown as the sole playing Duck Quaterback is Russian Roulette. Do you feel the tension as the Ducks move closer to the North Title, PAC12 Championship game, a New Years bowl game, or the CFB Championship Playoff games?


    I was taught to hedge my bets. Coaches Cristobal and Moorhead have gone "all in" and bet the house on Anthony Brown. Will the Ducks survive?


    An injury to Brown, and the Ducks are wounded, maybe fatally.

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  13. On 11/11/2021 at 11:30 AM, Haywarduck said:

    What is so difficult is we fans only see limited play from our back-ups and bench players. We then prognosticate about what is going on, what should go on, and why!


    On the other hand we know Cristobal and the coaches see way more data. They see who comes to practice early, stays late, which one really shows flashes of brilliance more often than not. They then have to deal with all the emotions from the players as they struggle and grow. This is especially difficult with all these players who have been told, for their whole lives, they are the man.


    I look at it, from my experience, like winemaking. I hear about the weather and the grapes from a year, and ponder about how an amazing pinot noir may develop. I then wait and wonder, while the vintner sees the grapes, squeezes all the juice, has the smells and sees the real potential for the grapes. He then has an impact on the wine by choosing the timing, caskets and so many other things I have no clue about.


    Like our players we are then left with a star rating to understand the value of the wine. There are descriptors about the wine, but really all we can go by is the star rating, and that often puts a value on the wine. That is the same with the players, we are left with a star rating, and then we wait to savor the finished product.


    With that said, I agree Cardwell is showing he is our next guy. His ability to see the hole develop, cut with excelleration, and use his stiff arm could become legendary. He is from another year of potentially amazing talent we don't have right now. We have had a sip of his potential and it is enticing. The same can be said with the qb room, these guys are going to be better than what we see on the field right now. It is like we have been invited to have a barrel tasting of the next great wine. We still don't know all we need to know, but, for many of us, we want to bottle them up and drink it all. 


    This is where the difficult part comes into play. Do you appreciate the wine, the players you have now, or do you just jump into the players you are certain will be better. As anyone who knows their wine, you should wait, and let it grow in depth and really ability. Players are the same we need to enjoy the glimpses of the amazing future, but let it grow, and develop. 


    What is so hard is seeing bits and pieces of that potential and then being left to wonder. Fortunately the team is behind Dye and he is carrying it. The team is also behind AB, and willing to make up for his obvious weaknesses. We have a brilliant team dynamic, when you think about it. The only difficult thing is pondering about the possibilities, of the next great vintage of Oregon Football Players, but we must wait.




    Nicely crafted analogy with salient facts and astute observations. The coaches as vinters angle you took is masterful. Thanks Haywarduck.

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  14. Cardwell is off to an amazing start to his Ducks career showing tremendous potential. He is shifty, strong, has vision, follows blocks, and has balance to match his acceleration.


    I don't know yet that he will become the bell cow back, because Oregon's RB room is loaded. It is too soon to anoint Cardwell as the chosen one.


    Sean Dollars before injury was highest on the depth chart. Trey Benson has been likened to Royce Freeman. Seven has been compared to DAT with the attributes of a mamba. Let this sink in for a minute.


    I don't like the one back Pistol formation. I don't like Oregon's predisposition to inside runs. With the Ducks great, but under-used wide receivers, and the terrific young running backs, the offense needs to attack the entire field challenging the opposing defense more vigorously and keeping them off balance and guessing with tempo.


    The current offense is strong, but predictable, stale, and methodically boring. That may be a result of the limitations of the QB, but cannot be a factor going forward as the team strives to win the national championship next year.


    The Ducks need all of these young backs to have a role and get playing time, just as the ball needs to be spread to the many good receivers. The offense needs to ramp up and average 45 PPG, because it can. I'd like to see more 2-back sets, and more use of the slot back as a runner next year.

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  15. I was at Spartans Stadium in East Lansing when VA led the Ducks team. With me at the game was my brother-in-law and his family - all MSU alums.


    The Ducks were on fire and the win looked to be ours. Everything turned when VA broke his hand. He lost his grip.


    The key play was on my end on the field in front of me with VA rolling left. The receiver had leaked into the end zone to that side. Touchdown Ducks!


    No, an incomplete pass as the wounded duck throw from VA's broken hand fluttered short of its target to the ground. 


    He was a warrior and battled, but the injured hand cost the Ducks dearly that season.


    But VA won my heart and I remember him as a great Duck who nearly pulled off a memorable miracle.

  16. No, I'm not buying. With the fast rising gas  prices,  driving to and from the home games at Autzen from Greenville SC would kill me.


    Besides, with my luck, I would get to Kansas or Colorado only to find out the game has been postponed or canceled due to Covid protocols. 


    If I can get to Eugene for a game I'll hit up Mr. Fishduck for the gate. haha.


    Go Ducks!!!

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