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Mike West

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Posts posted by Mike West

  1. Amen Charles.


    I'm disappointed, but I've been on the fence since the conversation got real about him leaving.


    I wish him great fortune no matter what because he's the type of man many men should aspire to be 


    Life at elite levels like college football, pro football, corporations (and just about anywhere the most talented people in life compete) is rough and tumble.


    MC has principles and is a man of integrity.  I believe he really is trying to do the right thing for all involved.  Life is brutal.  I'd go to battle for a man like Mario Cristobal.

    • Thumbs Up 7
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  2. On 12/5/2021 at 11:19 AM, 1Ducker1 said:

    He wont though, thats the problem.

    With Mario we win some games and play ugly football -Im not satisfied with that. Winners always strive to move forward and good coaches dont lose to a mediocre team by 28 in a conference championship. Im not sure his recruits are any stars by the way they played against Utah--but hey thats my opinion and I have watched a lot of losing seasons of Duck football. we are all welcome to our own opinions.


    I really don't think Utah is a mediocre  team.


    Time will tell because Ohio State is slightly better than Oregon this year.

  3. Impressive article Jordan!


    Here's my take:


    1) Very good points on the potential losses to the program if MC leaves 

    2) Possible bright sides:. Oklahoma State and Baylor both have Offensive Coordinators that coached brilliantly yesterday.  Baylor's OC came from BYU.


    I'd take either one as HC.  


    The Oregon brand is strong. If the Snake can recruit to Oregon, and MC ramped it up better, well those two showed they can compete with Lincoln Riley on the field ( AND WIN). 


    That's a narrative that both will be able sell to recruits. 


    I'm going to give MC the benefit of the doubt.  Utah served him some major humble pie. He will lose all credibility if he doesn't deliver a playoff berth next year (at Oregon).  THAT WILL REQUIRE CHANGE. 


    If he stays, he was shown exactly what it takes to reach the playoffs this week ( by several programs). And it's not what he's been providing ( with THREE playoff caliber teams at that).


    If MC matches the performance at USC the last two years ( the only two true dominant victorious against equal talent) -over a full year, we really will have to pay him mega bucks.  And he'd be worth it. 


    That requires an authentic NFL caliber QB.  He may have three on his hands.  So the ball win be in his court front and center next year ( he can find his OC- but HE MUST DELIVER). 

  4. On 12/4/2021 at 1:56 PM, CalBear95 said:

    (and very willing to make changes rather than follow some dogmatic scheme)


    The operative phrase here.


    MC was introduced to his vision by another coach.  That is how a physical offense is supposed to perform.


    My question is what team doesn't want to be physical? 


    Oh FishDuck, can you tell us what you learned after MC spent time with you after his first presser?  

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. On 12/4/2021 at 1:05 PM, 30Duck said:

    He could have said, "Stay tuned" and accomplished the same thing, either way we're in limbo. 


    It's kind of win-win if you think about it.  


    If he leaves, there will still be plenty of talent for the right guy.


    If he stays, he has time to reflect on if he wants to win, or learn more lessons the hard way.


    I'm very disappointed with the tread water performance.  But I still wish MC the best, and no matter where he goes, a good soul search may do him good because he is a B Minus coach right now.  


    Championships require more.


    So my question to every coach out there is: Are you serious about doing everything it takes to be your best, and get the best every day out of your team- including the willingness to leave your ego at the door?

    • Thumbs Up 2
  6. I saw plenty of very good coaching in that game today.  Both teams killed momentum with good play calling on both sides of the ball.  


    Not seeing that in the PAC12 these days.  


    And to think, the conference rejected Oklahoma State.  


    Same as it ever was...


    I'm starting to think there's been a talent drain going on out West.  Hubris, entitlement, and entrenchment mentality  is aplenty.  

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. On 12/4/2021 at 11:42 AM, 30Duck said:

    Somebody mentioned in another thread that Utah's offense was exactly what Mario says he wants, and nobody is labeling Utah as innovative. Mario doesn't even know how to get what he wants, no matter OC's leave.


    Hammer on the nail 30.


    In four years, we haven't seen that kind of performance from MC's teams at all.


    That actually speaks volumes.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. On 12/4/2021 at 8:08 AM, Darren Perkins said:


    I take it you think the Ducks should stick with Brown? I see an apples to oranges comparison. This year we have talented "the future of the program" backups, in 2015 there was nobody behind Vernon. Vernon always played well in 2015, Brown not so much this year, to where people have calling for Thompson.  


    May as well get started on the future in a meaningless bowl game and have a qb get some snaps in before facing Geogia next year. 




    But it's almost an insult to  Brown for being who he's been all year.


    I saw Oklahoma State play two QBs in the first half.  I say get the backup started be giving him a drive or two.  


    In fact, is get both backups some time.  Honor Brown for his accomplishments,  display the backups so they see what they need to work on. 


    I'd never be a coach because I don't think inside that box they ask seem to stay in (why u don't know).

  9. On 12/4/2021 at 9:11 AM, Jon Joseph said:

    SSDD. Find someone who knows his butt from his elbow when it comes to offense in the 2020s. On talent alone, if recruits do not decommit, in this conference Mario will win 9 to 10 games. But the team will never be elite and the O will be put you to sleep boring.


    While I agree overall, Brown is so Helter Skelter it is difficult to find method to get him in a groove.


    That said, I believe Morehead went with what he does best and UTAH WAS VERY PREPARED FOR IT.


    Four the life of me, two that work the guy and we didn't figure out twenty to thirty plays the guy can execute?


    Chip bragged about having 287 plays when he was here.  Four to ten million a year? You BETTER be using those 287 plays.   That's $13,937 for each play in your playbook.  GET TO WORK 





    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. On 12/4/2021 at 7:59 AM, C J said:

    Yes, the one constant variable is Cristobal so this is a logical conclusion.


    Six primary coordinators (offensive and defensive) in five seasons??? Houston we have a problem.


    Hey FishDuck, 


    You mentioned that conversation with Cristobal this week.  Did you gather Cristobal was this stubborn?


  11. I don't want to ever hear the word physical again.


    If I don't start seeing the word EXPLOSIVE, I'm tuning Mario out.  


    He's lost this team ( for the same reason- everybody expects physicality).  Coach speak will not work anymore.


    They have too much talent to fall apart like this.  


    And sure enough Herbie called this event a setback.  In other words the narrative about Oregon had completely shifted.  


    Utah is imposing the kind of personality I've talked about:  Killer instinct.  Mental toughness.  Big play execution.  


    They look physical, but they are actually EXPLOSIVE.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  12. Reese:


    "I'm surprised with the way Oregon has played"


    I'm looking at the game plan (?).  


    And I want to insert some humor here, but I get the feeling nobody is in the mood to laugh 


    I can say this. The team as a whole has the makeup of a bully without the mental muscle to execute dominance.  So they tumble at the sign of resistance equal or better to their talent level ( including coaching).


    You know what's great about this?




    Too bad we finally have to witness it in such embarrassing fashion.


    This forum is awesome.  We all should apply for the job and get that seven million.  LOL

    • Thumbs Up 2
  13. What did I tell you?


    The only route Brown likes.  He missed the post patterns behind the LBs.  


    All he had to do was pump the short route and deliver to the post pattern.  


    JM needs to give Byron double pattern that allow Brown to choose the route that is open.


    Double post, double out.  


    Or WR post, Slot out route combo. 


    Brown won't go through full progressions, of wait for routes to develop downfield.  That's his weaknesses. So simple combo route patterns are a solution.  


    Wise y, Brown has arm strength that is wasted because he isn't patient it confident enough to complete passes in Morehead's scheme.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  14. On 12/3/2021 at 6:14 PM, Duckdude said:

    My God!  What abysmal coaching!  Once again, team not ready to play.  And….no discipline!  Penalty after Penalty!  Team stops itself!  I know Mario’s mother is ill, but…..this is nothing new.  And, passing?  What do they do in practice?  Throw it 10 yards over the receivers head, and…..say that’s fine?  They never work to correct it?


    So I'm a liar....

    I'm back 


    What are my screens?  


    Where are the routes that occupy the LBs so Brown can check down to his RB ( the only route he seems to like).


    Why won't JM roll Brown, or give him boot action pass plays?


    The formations JM set up for passes don't play to Brown's strengths at all.  


    This is a waste of the defensive effort.


    This is the coaching I'm disappointed with 

    • Thumbs Up 4
  15. So I'm a liar....

    I'm back 


    What are my screens?  


    Where are the routes that occupy the LBs so Brown can check down to his RB ( the only terror he seems to like).


    Why won't JM roll Brown, or give him boot action pass plays?


    The formations JM set up for passes don't play to Brown's strengths at all.  


    This is a waste of the defensive effort.


    This is the coaching I'm disappointed with 

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