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Posts posted by nw777b

  1. On 11/14/2021 at 10:43 AM, DurangoJim said:

    Canzano has a great article this morning about the poor broadcast quality last night. ESPN went on the cheap - outdated eq trucks, contract min cameras, etc. He thought they went to commercial because they didn’t have the right replay cameras - pylon, etc so they had nothing to show. 

    Thank you. That's so pathetic. 

  2. On 11/14/2021 at 2:28 AM, Charles Fischer said:

    (Press Release from Oregon Athletics)


     I have got to mention Kris Hutson, because Kris Hutson’s tackle on the fumble, or what they called a fumble. I don’t have a good TV angle, maybe you guys saw it better than I did, but that thing was getting returned.


    No, coach. ESPN cut to a bevvy of very important commercials because I pay extra to watch commercials. In fact, it's annoying when my commercials are interrupted by endless replays of what might have been the biggest play in the 4th quarter. 

    • Thumbs Up 3
  3. ESPN and other articles had similar headlines. The Ducks overcome early miscues....blah, blah, blah.


    One early interception and the final score has been blown way out of proportion. I blame the CFP for that line of thinking. 


    I'm glad the CFP committee works to actually watch the games, instead of only viewing final scores and ESPN headlines.


    Look at all the UW possessions. A LOT of three and outs. The Ducks were in control. Then after the break, they applied adjustments and UW couldn't stop Dye.


    Then the UW center, probably concerned about a big test on Monday, showed his academic prowess by deciding to put the ball and the game out of reach once and for all!

  4. This question crossed my mind. I'm not sure exactly how much each P12 school receives per CFP game, but one site stated $9 million for the P12 conference. 


    At any rate, the revenue sharing has brought up some interesting topics in the past. Such as a missed game winning field goal costing millions in lost bowl revenue.


    So, if your team is out of contention and backed into a hole on fourth down very late in the game behind by 8 points, would you punt if it gave your school a chance at a million dollars by allowing the only school with a chance at making it to the CFP another win?


    I'm not saying Lake did it for that reason, but there is a built in conflict of interest due to revenue sharing. 


    That's a lot of money!!

  5. The more I ponder this post, the more this year seems magical. 


    If the Ducks were meant to be 8-1 at this point and that loss came after a well fought game at the hands of the Buckeyes, we would have expected it and excused it.


    But the Ducks would most likely be rated behind them. Correct?


    So, while the Stanford loss is hard to swallow (aren't they all?), 8-1 with a win in the Shoe feels really good right now.


    The UnderDucks just keep finding a way to be relevant

    • Thumbs Up 2
  6. On 11/7/2021 at 8:56 AM, C J said:

    Travis Dye exemplifies why I watch the game of football. He is the quintessential underdog and an old school throwback to a bygone era. 


    I truly believe Travis should be considered a legitimate Heisman Trophy candidate after his performances the past several weeks.


    The defense looks to be in snowballing mode. In other words they are building and getting stronger the longer the season goes on. Thib's is forcing other teams to develop an entire scheme to deal with him and that creates a suitable environment for other players to excel. Man Jeffrey Bassa eh? That dude looks the part and is playing the part. What is he going to be like as a safety? That is going to be scary in the next few seasons.


    Personally I really enjoyed RGIII's commentary. He has a great happy go lucky personality and keeps it light and entertaining with all his funny sayings. He gave the Ducks respect, which has been hard to come by with some of the broadcasters we have had. I would love to hear more from him. Glad he turned his tough pro career into a broadcasting career. He was a tough luck case in the NFL.


    Ducks roll again but Wazzu is going to give us a really tough time next week. The defensive back field is going to have to deal with about 40-50 pass attempts. It would almost be good if it was raining real hard next week too, but right now the forecast is showing decent weather at about 60 degrees and cloudy. 

    I agree with all of the above,  CJ. Troy Dye played a LOT of downs completely gassed and injured.  Travis "no gloves" Dye is just like him. 


    Cast from the same Dye!


    Give him the rock and don't let him rest,  ha.


    And I thought the exact same things about RG III. 


    THANKS for the post!

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