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Posts posted by nw777b

  1. Some random thoughts...


    The O breaks out for 32 first downs!


    Cardwell reminds me of Tyner. I'm excited to see more.


    I don't recall watching a TD pass thrown while a Buffalo was twisting a Duck's webfoot.


    Another 4 4th down attempts against the Ducks. I'm wondering if the Ducks have ever had to face so many 4th down attempts in a season. I think the D needs to do a better job of getting the opponent's offense off the field before they reach Duck territory. 


    Go Ducks!

  2. Unfortunately,  negative news gets more viewers, listeners, and clicks. Add a villain to the mix and things get juicier. 


    I've resigned myself to believe the coaches know exactly the why's regarding the angst. But they are between a rock and a hard spot.  


    I'm thinking Brown really is the best option and the coaches know it's not a great situation, but if they don't back him 100%, his confidence could take a dive along with his performance and a backup would be worse than Brown is today. 


    So they need Brown. The plays called will be the best option for him to succeed. 


    Brown's our guy. 


    In the meantime, the media will do what they've always done to get more advertising $$$$$...so they add a villain to their story. It worked.

  3. I'm not going to take a guess, but I'm not going to panic if CO marches down and scores a TD in the 1st qtr. It can happen to the best Ds at all levels.


    I think MC's players over the years do a great job of not letting pressure keep them from coming back and playing well.


    Once the Ducks get in the groove and I hope on the first series, they will keep the pressure on.


    Let's get some Freshmen good reps Saturday!


    That's my hope anyway....Go Ducks!

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