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Washington Waddler

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Posts posted by Washington Waddler

  1.      Great article Jon; whatever comes of it, it’s just interesting to ponder.


         One issue that is a potential Achilles heal is that of how national school administration from the federal level right down to local districts will react to the intensified financial pressure brought to bear on student athletes who will inherit that along with the expected uptick in recruiting pressure. The reverberations from such a change in college ball will unavoidably sound throughout the high school systems of the country as prominent programs begin to jockey for position in this changing landscape and schools are forced to deal even more with some of the same issues colleges do now between education and sports.


         The reaction from national school administrators would probably be swift and negative as they foresee students of this age group not being mature enough to deal with the pressures raining down on them.


         Would this alter football as it has basketball where we now have academies created especially to prepare players for the next level? Easier said than done when you look at a cost comparison of the two sports. It could be the only choice though if national educators trump athletic departments at the high school level in the effort to protect youth from a higher sports system run amok in pursuit of the almighty dollar.

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  2.      Nothing new here. Fans will always see the glass as half full on their side, and half empty on the other.


         Not going to badmouth Mario for what he’s good at. That’s how he got the job in the first place — by letting the players talk our swishy-washy AD into hiring him. He can recruit — period. 


         However, that should be a strength for DL going toe to toe. The before and after picture with MC has more than enough evidence to suggest to any recruit MC can’t deliver on what he promises. DL can capitalize on that. 


         In some ways, MC reminds me of Ernie. Both were (are) great recruiters, but the only real success both ever had was when they had superior field generals (Justin Herbert, Luke Ridnour). Take that away, and their coaching deficiencies became obvious.


         Mullens needs to go. It’s becoming apparent he’s more concerned with his ‘national committee’ image than he is with his obligation to Oregon’s success. Just another Peter Principal  case: kick him upstairs.

  3. On 12/17/2021 at 12:41 PM, David Marsh said:

    However, not every program is has the goal of reaching the playoff. Hell, most programs don't even have the goal of winning their conference these days


         It helps to remember that there was a time when that was the Ducks. Our single-minded focus on the right to be considered a serious contender was what characterized Oregon through the Rich Brooks years and into Mike Bellotti’s time.  And, it was precisely that galvanizing obsession, churning as we flew just beneath the radar of established collegiate powers, that held us all together — players, coaches, administration, fans — and got us to the point of being considered a serious contender.


         I guess you can’t expect that kind of home grown, single-minded loyalty to exist  past that point. Once you become a contender, you’re reward is recognition, along with becoming a threat to the established members; it is — after all — an exclusive club of backstabbers — the price that comes with being taken seriously.


         I sometimes find myself looking back on that climb from nowhere with a wistful longing. While I don’t miss the frustration of those battle-torn years, I do miss that simple clarity of purpose we all shared — that family bond of loyalty. And while the purpose hasn’t changed, the battlefield upon which it is chased has. 


         There is not a successful program out there that has not had to face and cross that killing field where loyalty no longer seems to exist and the program you thought you were feels like an illusion slipping through your fingers. The ones that survive that ordeal do so because they never for a moment forget who they are. They hold fast to that hard won identity that unifies them, honing and shaping it through good and  bad seasons until it becomes like a polished stone that cannot be shaken or denied. Do that, and loyalty follows.

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  4. On 12/16/2021 at 1:20 AM, Axel said:

    I, too, have serious concerns about Rob Mullens' judgment. He offered the mediocre Wilcox the head-coaching position not once, but twice. 


         Judging from the player lobbying that went on during Mario’s hire, and the letter from past players that seems to have affected the 2nd Wilcox offer, I can’t quite shake the feeling that Mullens has a need to not shoulder the load for his choices, but share that responsibility.


         While that obviously can’t carry any weight in the eyes of the public, it still makes me wonder if it colors his decision making process.

  5. On 12/13/2021 at 10:06 AM, Mike West said:

    There are so many reasons why that horse had left the stable forever.  


         We OBD’ers need to keep in mind — as best we can — that the price of success can, and often will,  go well beyond some of our comfort zones — including ex-players.  There is wisdom to the saying, ‘be careful of what you wish for; it may come true’.  

         We’ve let the horse loose in pursuit of that dream. But, just like pushing your kid down the driveway that first time, you’ve also started to relinquish control. Enjoy the ride!

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  6.      If Can’tzano had any interest in authentic journalism rather than the hack sensationalism he excels at, he’d have checked first with the letter’s authors just to make sure that the timing of his making the letter public didn’t conflict with the original intent of the writers. In journalism, that’s known as giving equal voice, something this sewer spewer doesn’t care to pursue.

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  7.      I know it’s hindsight to say, but if they’d just dropped the heart felt justification to Mullens and just respectfully requested the extension of an offer to Wilcox, then it doesn’t really matter if Canzano gets the letter or not, and we’re not all left trying to wipe this stuff off ourselves flying from that turbo fan he calls a column.  He’s always seemed a Beaver in Duck’s clothing to me anyway.

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  8. On 12/11/2021 at 1:51 PM, Muskrat said:

    We’ll never see another 5-star on quarterback visiting our campus again.


         MC didn’t bring any more buzz to the job than Lanning will, and he did just fine mining 5 stars. It’s not always clear what attracts top talent, but it’s more than just having a recognizable name.

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  9. On 12/11/2021 at 5:50 PM, DCDuckfan said:

    Since we are just throwing out names we would have liked to see hired instead, I've got a few:

    Nick Saban, Bill Belichick, Mike Kryzewski, Urban Meyer, Dabo Sweeney, Phil Jackson, Luke Fickel, Lincoln Riley...


    You forgot the ghost of Knute Rockne 

  10.      If there’s nothing else (and there’s a hell of a lot more) about this hire, what I love is that it has the rest of the PAC-12 reaching once again for the antacids wondering if Oregon is again a few steps ahead of them. Keepum guessing!

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  11.      Risky, strange, unknown — sounds like the basic ingredients that have always gone into Oregon HC hires/promotions.  We’ve never looked back or played it safe. Just doesn’t work in the PNW. Innovation is not just our way, it’s the only way.

    • Thumbs Up 4
  12. On 12/9/2021 at 8:20 AM, Haywarduck said:

    I have always said you are either acting or reacting. Mullens is a reactor, not an actor


         Business admin guys like Mullens tend to be reactors as a result of always having there eye on the bottom line. MC was a safe hire coming off the Willie disaster because the only direction was up, and all that was required of him was to endorse the players’ choice.


         But, Mario changed all that, and his legacy may at last force Mullen’s into being an actor because he doesn’t want to see the bottom line fall backward as the result of him not taking the necessary risk on a new HC.

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