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Posts posted by Drake

  1. Riley continues to lose bowl games. Just another reason USC deserves Lincoln Riley. He bailed on Oklahoma because he didn’t want to compete with the top programs in the SEC. 

    Kind of heart warming to watch USC collapse with Riley as head coach. Same story, just a different team and year. 

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  2. Targeting rules are necessary for any governing body of football. Lawsuits due to injuries incurred while playing happen all the time.

    A governing body must try to mitigate injuries by establishing rules. If penalties were to be decreased in anything dealing with head trauma injuries…good luck defending against all the class action lawsuits that follow. 

  3. On 12/26/2022 at 7:30 AM, lownslowav8r said:

    Sorry, all I see is pistol and that means plod, predictable, and defeat to me. We’ll see next year I guess but not an auspicious start after painful years of Cristobal’s pistol. 

    The Pistol can be effective when coupled with RPO Options for the QB. If the QB never runs , and rarely passes downfield, then the pistol just signals to the defense a high probability of a run, or short swing pass. 

    I think if there are RPO plays from the formation, a smart QB will run, or pass, and be able to exploit the defense that tries to stack the box all game. 

    My take is that we have a QB, and capable WRs, that can “stretch” the field and possibly exploit a defense that doesn’t adjust.


    Also, after reading Charles comment, the QB will be more shallow, with the RB the same distance from the LOS as they are in the normal shotgun formation. Different style of play from Will Stein’s version vs the “not the pistol again” version from our past. 

    I hope. 


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  4. Adrian Klemm left the Pittsburgh Steelers to join Dan Lanning’s staff. I kind of figured he would struggle with recruiting in first year back in the college ranks. 

    If we see his offensive line come together this next season, the talent that will listen to him will include the top guys in the nation. That bodes very well for future recruiting cycles. 

    I agree that our offense looks fun for the OL. Watching our OL flatten DB’s downfield is highly entertaining. Being the DB getting flattened, not so much. 


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  5. While Justin Wilcox can be remembered as a great player for the Ducks, he Is not a high level recruiter. Therefore, in todays college game, he can’t be considered an outstanding head coach. 

    The Ducks gave him an opportunity to step up to a higher level and he was not comfortable with that position. 

    His wheelhouse is probably as a DC for a solid college team. 

  6. In about two to three years it will be interesting to watch the Miami transfer portal. Oregon may have had a mass exodus of offensive players from the program if he had not jumped on the Miami opportunity.

    The talent he brings in will make his team competitive, but how long his offensive players stay to play with “physicality”  in his offensive scheme will be interesting to watch. 

    So far the only thing Miami fans have to be excited about is his ability to recruit. However, it is a tough sell to pack a stadium with a boring offense to watch at every home game. 


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  7. Recruiting is totally a numbers game. The coaches will win and lose games and recruiting battles. Oregon has too much to offer to worry about a few players. 

    The biggest need last year was replacing a coach. The Oregon brain trust went out and gave an opportunity to a young energetic coach with everything to prove. Kind of the Oregon way, in my opinion.


    The biggest need of the new coaching staff is the support to compete in the recruiting free for all that the NIL has created. Oregon has that covered. 


    The team needs to improve and I believe that the coaches are getting the necessary support to bring in outstanding talent.

    Not worried, just anxious to see how this years class pans out. 


    • Go Ducks! 1
  8. There are three perspectives from which to view the transfer portal. The first is from the players and the multiple reasons why they transfer. The second is from the coaches, and finally, the fans perspective. 

    Based on the numbers of players that lose the opportunity to play sports, and their scholarship forever, the players decisions in my opinion are driven in large part by emotions. Decisions driven by emotions do not always end up with fairy tale endings. 

    The coaches are always recruiting talented players. Their job security and ability to further their careers is based upon winning. The transfer portal is a tool to be used when needed. 

    The fans perspective seems to be driven in large part by emotions. Football is a team sport and for those of us who have played, a brotherhood. Watching “brothers” leave the family via the transfer portal is emotional. We all would like to think that our team is committed to excellence and each other. 

    In the end, the transfer portal is part of collegiate sports. Some players win by using the portal. However, many players that enter, look at their collegiate sports experience in the rear view mirror. 


  9. I agree that the line backers will need to be agile and fast. They need to attack RBs and drop into pass coverage. However, They shouldn’t shoulder the blame for our defensive issues.


    A Georgia type defense is predicated on pressuring the QB fast and often. A DL that can consistently bust up an OL and get into the backfield is really a game changer on defense, and is where Georgia shines.


    We all know that pressure on the QB forces quick decisions. If defensive backs are also constantly changing defensive looks it becomes very difficult for QBs to get into a rhythm and thrive. 

    The DL is the foundation of the defense. They will need to get better before our defense starts to look like Georgia’s defense. 

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  10. Revenue sharing has to appeal to all conference members. Negotiating for a bigger slice of the pie sounds great for Oregon, but how does that keep a struggling conference intact? 

    Every conference member has athletic budgets to worry about. The spiraling payout to coaching staffs alone is getting absurd. 

    TV revenue drives the bus, and the networks that are involved with college sports have changed the face of college sports forever.

    It is unfortunate that is our reality. 

  11. Good article.

    Errors on offense, special teams, and defense lost this game. Kind of a total team effort for this one. I agree that the team thought the game was in the bag, and then it wasn’t.

    The defense certainly contributed to the loss, but I have a tough time pinning this solely on them. The assessment of Dan Lanning regarding his coaching staff matters, but he should not throw any coordinator under the bus publicly. 

    Tough loss for the team, coaches, and fans. Time will tell if Dan Lanning learns a valuable lesson and continues to be a rising star as our head coach. 

  12. The Forum with Decorum. 

    Anytime anybody enforces rules there will be issues at some point. I look back at little league baseball games as a kid and the arguments from parents sitting in the the stands with the teenage volunteer umpires.

    Adults acting less mature than their children, and many times embarrassing their kids who are just trying to play a game.

    Winning an argument does not mean you are a winner in most circumstances. 

    Minimizing the headaches and time that it takes to ascertain whether there is a rules infraction is perfectly fine. We all have 24 hours in a day and actually have other worries in life to deal with. 

    Charles, thank you, and I hope the frustration of losing connections with people that were friends subsides. 

    • Thanks 1
  13. I suppose the answer needs to come from the players opting out. Each player on the field is one play away from a potential injury requiring rehab. 

    I suppose the Bowl games on New Year’s Day and after are the more meaningful ones.

    It would be interesting to hear what some current NFL players would say about this subject. 


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