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Posts posted by Drake

  1. I agree that the DL is the heart and soul of the defense.


    This year we know that Oregon’s recruiting takes a hit. However, Lanning has an opportunity to take a big step forward with recruiting if he gets this team on track with a stingy defense and a wide open offense. 

    Duplicating Georgia’s defensive line anytime soon isn’t very realistic. However, winning games by wide margins gets attention. Boot stomping lesser teams would be a good start. 


    Lanning has compiled a solid coaching staff and inherited a solid core of players. Fans at Autzen know a good product when they see one. I hope this staff helps to return Autzen to one of the loudest stadiums in college football. 



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  2. The inside of the Delta house was the old Sigma Nu fraternity house. I was a Sigma Nu after the movie was filmed (1979). The basement of that house is where the original “Shout scene” was filmed.

    Many toga parties took place  after that movie, and of course “Shout” was really required to be one of the songs blaring on the speaker system that was left by the film crew. More than once the police would arrive to quiet things down. Sacred Heart hospital was nearby. 

    The outside of Delta house was an old run down house next door to the old Sigma Nu house. It was torn down long ago.

    The Sigma Nu’s lost their charter and sold that house. It was on E 13th St., and the Mill race was conveniently located on the edge of the backyard. 

    Great memories from those years…the Ducks were far from being a powerhouse football program back then. However, i still went to every home game and tailgated with at least a keg or two of beer in the back of my pickup. Good way to make lots of friends…lol


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  3. Oregon should be a possible destination for many highly touted recruits. It’s a nice discussion, but Lanning and company still need to prove themselves both on and off the field. 

    I believe that if this staff can lead the team to some impressive wins next season they will quickly gain traction with their recruiting efforts. 


    However, while predictions are nice…end results matter. 

  4. USC has speed, but they will be hard pressed to win the south with what Riley has right now.

    The Ducks will definitely need to put a Capital O back into the offense. With our veteran O line I would be pretty stoked if I were a QB, RB, or receiver. If we get a QB that reads defenses and can throw adequately beyond 3 yards…sigh


    Our current OL would get NFL attention with an offense that puts up points. That will get the attention of OL recruits for the Ducks. Lanning could tip the scales of recruiting in the Ducks favor with a solid team effort this season. 


    Have to say the potential for Lanning, and the staff he has gathered, is kind of exciting.


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  5. On 1/20/2022 at 7:09 AM, Haywarduck said:

    My take, it is only for entertainment value. If it doesn't add to the entertainment, there is no value.


    This is a great take if one wants to take on betting, but as was stated about the NIL, money is the root of all evil, and it is at least a path there.

    My problem is that winning a few hundred dollars isn’t really that exciting. Betting enough to make it exciting seems like too much work….lol

    • Haha 1
  6. The well heeled student athlete is a rockstar on campus. Everyone knows they are the “hired gun”. Brought in to win that championship for the alumni.


    Young athletes, away from home for the first time, making a substantial income in the care free environment of the expectations put on them from whomever is the highest bidder. 

    What a heartwarming storyline. 


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  7. I can think of many factors on why the transfer portal can be attractive to athletes.  It can range from family needs off the field, to factors impacting an athletes ability to perform on the field. Every situation is different. 

    There will be good and bad outcomes.

    The decision to enter the portal is being made by young adults. They may be facing adversity for the first time and the portal looks like the answer. The majority will find out soon enough that it doesn’t solve all problems.


    Some things just need to be learned on your own. 


    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. The amount of money spent on college football before NIL was crazy, with NIL it is going to be laughable. 

    Wealthy alumni can now have bidding wars on the coaching staffs, and the athletes as well. Kind of amusing and sad at the same time. 

    It would be interesting to have the top 25 NIL donators listed alongside their respective teams ranking. Maybe we can give out a trophy and cash bonus to the thriftiest team with the most wins at the end of the season.

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  9. Many people are worried that their team can’t afford to compete at the highest levels. We already had a scenario where most teams couldn’t afford to compete at the highest levels before NIL.


    I can’t worry about how individuals choose to redistribute their wealth via NIL contracts. If Oregon gets left behind, then so be it. 

    The reason we are where we are today in sports at the U of O is due in large part to Phil Knight’s generosity and competitive nature. Do we expect him to throw absurd $$$ at NIL contracts to make all sports programs competitive?


    Phil Knight choosing to donate $$$ to continue to build hospital wings, enhance student facilities at Universities, and  provide scholarships, is more praiseworthy in my book. 

    However, if he wants to compete for that shiny new trophy… I won’t complain too loudly.  : )

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  10. NIL money may escalate for awhile. However, paying money to teenagers to play football without return on capital over the long run is expensive. 


    In my opinion, a lot of NIL money will figure out that only one team per year wins the National Championship and they received nothing in return for their investment other than an NIL contract to pay a kid $$$$ that didn’t turn out to be the star they hoped. The money will level out at some point. 

    Also, if huge Corporate monies get involved, many people will start to protest with their wallets.  If ABC corporation spends millions on Puppy football many people would simply stop buying their products. Shareholders are not too keen on watching earnings drop. 


     I have bought season tickets for over 35 years. I enjoy the games and connecting with college buddies from…ahem…40 years ago. That won’t change because of NIL money.

    The landscape has slightly changed. However, there still are only a few teams that truly have a legit shot at a title on a regular basis. Why worry about it?

    • Thumbs Up 3
  11. On 1/9/2022 at 7:47 AM, MaiTaiDuck said:

    OK people do you want Oregon to win it all? If Oregon doesn't pay players like A@M and the rest that are truly trying to win it all. A@M just got " SEVEN 5 Star  players " as in are you kidding me. How can you compete with that unless your out bidding the competition. You can't so as much as us old grey beards hate whats happening to this game it's either do what they are doing or we as Duck fans who have watched Oregon come so close to lose because of an injury or say Newton's Father getting a deal for Scam to play for Auburn. I believe they did pay for him and got away with it.


     So in reality if the NCAA would have done their jobs he wouldn't have played in that game and Oregon win's it. So that proverbial saying is if you can't beat em join em. Its that simple and as a fan I'd really love to know what Phil Knight is going to do. Is he going to start telling his staff yes pay whatever it takes to get these 5 star players or 24 4 star players.

    Pretty sure Phil Knight has done enough for the University of Oregon, Stanford, Oregon State, Oregon Health Sciences, etc, etc. ,etc. 



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  12. At some point there needs to be a return on “capital” if monies get thrown around haphazardly with NIL. Otherwise, the money will start to dry up. 


    11 guys on the field at one time still hasn’t changed, and one guy can’t win a National Championship by himself. 

    I am not concerned about the end of college football. Just concerned that the wrong type of people will find a way to profit from the free-for-all that this creates. 

    • Thumbs Up 2
  13. We will have a very good offensive line as a base to work from on offense. With good receivers, TE’s, and RB’s. It’s not like our program melted down. The wild card is going to be at QB. 

    Defensively we will be more experienced. I expect them to win. If Lanning can start out his first year strong, then that impacts recruiting in a positive way. 

    Expectations should be high at Oregon. I certainly am going to give a young coach an opportunity/time to excel, but Lanning is getting some pretty good players to work with…..let’s see if he can make them better. 

    Go Ducks

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  14. On 1/2/2022 at 6:18 PM, Mike West said:


    Why do so many people say this?  JH didn't have NFL caliber WRs at Oregon to display his true prowess.  


    I'm just going to have to write an analysis article to settle this for good.  And the evidence is there.  


    There wasn't a single year JH had the kind of talent at Oregon that he has in LA.  Point blank.  And I'm going to prove it. 


    I'm tired of this argument because MC has his flaws.  To much bias is going on.  And the biggest evidence is all over Charger highlights.


    There isn't a single Oregon WR in 2019 that caught up to JH's passes the way LA WRs do. I dare anyone to prove it otherwise.

    Oregon has had very few receivers that have played regularly on Sundays.

    Herbert’s receivers while he was at Oregon did struggle.  However, Herbert singlehandedly got Dillon Mitchell drafted.

  15. On 1/2/2022 at 8:18 AM, MaiTaiDuck said:

    Great stuff Heyward and yes this roster is built for a run into the Playoff's and it's still the QB position we really have no clue about and that hopefully will work itself out. Remember Nix and Lanning know Georgia so like the OS game if you want any upset of a team of the Bulldogs capabilities then the first game should be your gunning point to victory. Oregon is loaded and I like our chances and hopefully we can just keep it in house and not betaking games like this. Its like scheduling BAMA your first game, not wise. Heck we couldn't even beat Utah twice.


    10 win season shouldn't be a problem but can Duck fans be happy with say only 10 wins because that just isn't going to get your team in and it's his job now to do this and the Man needs to come out of the shute red hot and Rollin. OH we used to have a Blazer rant like that in the good ol days. Honestly HD we are really loaded so I say I'm gonna go out on a limb and say we win back the PAC 12 and get back into the playoff's. Now does anyone know how many teams the playoff's will have?

    Next year QB1 will define the team that Lanning inherits.


    We have a solid base of talented players that are returning. With a veteran offensive line to protect our new QB, and open lanes for the RB’s, I would expect that we will be a pretty good team. 

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