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Posts posted by Drake

  1. This team will struggle to win games the rest of the season. The reason that I am not overly excited about being 5 - 1 is that I know what a top 10 team looks like. I have a tough time truly believing that we will be that highly ranked by seasons end.

    I guess the bright spot is that we are 5 - 1 with a QB that many want to see sitting on the bench.

    I do applaud a few of the catches made by our receivers last night. 


    I also think that after a bye week and playing at home against Cal, who we lost to last year, we should not need a last second stop on our goal line to win. 



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  2. On 10/15/2021 at 11:26 AM, Charles Fischer said:


    We are all in that boat...although the boat is quite a bit lighter.  The number of people posting compared to normal is way down, as I believe it is now sinking into people--the truth about Cristobal.  And they are checking out of Oregon football.

    I think a lot of fans that post comments will post a few negative comments and then just give it a rest after awhile when their favorite team is losing. 


    After reading a rumor that Anthony Lynn may be a possible candidate for the USC job, Cristobal seems pretty solid to me. 

    Cristobal has proven that he can recruit, he has won the PAC 12, and Rose Bowl…and is the only Duck coach to beat tOSU…at the shoe.


    Getting to that next level is not that easy, only a handful of coaches have been able to do it.  Those coaches all have one thing in common, they recruit top players each and every year.


    I think I will let Cristobal do his thing for awhile longer. 

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  3. I don’t know that I get that excited about anything stated on a fan website. We do have some very good young players standing on the sidelines. I am sure they all would love to play if there number gets called tonight. 


    I do know that our current QB room will not get game experience with AB at QB. If AB can’t lead the team to a comfortable lead against the likes of Stony Brook, he will certainly struggle to win against any team on the rest of our schedule. 

    Historically, no matter what offensive scheme we have run, we struggle without good QB play. Oregon has been fortunate to have several good/great QB’’s. Nothing against AB, but his name will not appear on my good QB list. 

    I am hopeful that a “brighter future” starts in tonight’s game. 


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  4. Moorehead’s offense could certainly be more effective with a better QB.  AB has played for about a decade, but not with Oregon. He is an average QB at best, at least by Oregon’s standard. Even our teams that barely made it to the lawnmower bowl games had better QB’s. 

    I know that I don’t have any confidence in AB to get a first down at a critical part of the game. That really shouldn’t be a huge concern with a legitimate top 10 team. With him at QB, we really are not a great team. 

    I don’t think our offense would be that much better with a different scheme with an average QB.  Look at what happened to our old offense when our starting QB was injured. We struggled. Helfrich was even fired with his potent offensive scheme


    The offensive scheme helps, but the players are the ones to make it happen.

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  5. If my job was hiring coaches, Jim Leavitt would be a possible choice if I were working at a school like Colorado. However, at USC I would want someone more charismatic than Leavitt as my hire.

    Nothing against him as a coach, but as a casual observer he just seems very vanilla. Oregon players didn’t rally for him as their candidate, they were more excited about Cristobal. Not that the players would carry a lot of weight in my decision, but I would at least listen. 

    There is a lot of pressure on the AD at USC to get this right. Otherwise, we may see another 10 years of slightly above average football from USC. 


  6. Been to several games at Stanford. The fans that tailgate close to the stadium have seemed overly nice as they sit in the shade of the trees sipping white wine at a table of catered food….”Very California”. 


    Way too civilized for a football game.

    Never like to lose, but can’t really hate on them too much for winning a few games. Although, all long time fans know that some of those loses have derailed a shot at a title. 


  7. Watching AB’s inaccurate passes and his bad decisions on when to keep the ball and run is painful to watch. Unfortunately, that seems to be a high percentage of our offense lately. However, I would be surprised to see him benched until at least one more game is lost. 

    Most of AB ‘s game experience was with Boston College, and I am sure we don’t want to replicate his record with them at Oregon. If he is a better QB than all of our young QB’s we are in serious trouble. 

    I have to wonder if Shough crumbling under the pressure of starting for Oregon has anything to do with not starting a younger QB? We are going to need to start a young QB soon.

    Just have to wonder how painful this may be to watch. 


  8. On 10/6/2021 at 1:12 PM, Jon Joseph said:


    Great comment Drake. But other than the game in Columbus was anyone thrilled with the play vs Fresno, Stony Brook and Arizona?


    You can tell when you have found “the guy” at QB. “The guy” would have been sitting on the bench halfway through the 3rd quarter vs AZ, and SB, because of points scored. 

    Fresno maybe not, but they are a great example of what a decent QB can do with an otherwise average team. 



  9. Wow…what a difference a few weeks makes. The conversation went from Mario is great, to now he has a lot of work to do…


    We have a good coach trying to get a very young team to play at a National Championship level. There are good things and bad things going on with this team. We have had both good and bad play as well. 

    A great QB can cover a lot of bad play and errors made by other players. However, who covers for poor QB play?

    AB has been plugged into the QB position and had a signature win at tOSU. However,  does he look like “the guy” to win it all? Too many bad QB decisions and poor throws with no improvement in sight. 


    The next time we have an NFL caliber starting QB is when we will have a legit shot at something beyond a PAC 12 Championship. Until then I am on this rollercoaster ride with everyone else. 

    BTW…MC is a good coach. We will see if he can be a great coach. I know a great QB would have made him look like a better coach then he was on Saturday. 







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  10. Not sure that the team has deep structural problems beyond injuries on the defense where players are now playing out of position.

    Pretty sure we all knew that we weren’t the #3 team in the nation. I had really hoped we were, but our defense would need to be rated in the top 5 in the nation to overcome our QB play. 

    A good QB fixes a lot of issues. We have some sitting on the bench that can’t do any worse.

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  11. Like it or not, game experience and time playing together does matter. These guys are good, and time will tell if they can become great. 

    The person with the most experience on this team is at QB, and he is only starting his 5th game in a Duck uniform.

    AB doesn’t throw interceptions, but does seem to throw a bunch of passes that nobody can catch.  He has the most important position that can overcome mistakes by the team on the field. He will need to play better going forward. 


    The youth on this team is our future, and the future starts tomorrow at kick-off.

  12. 6 hours ago, nogerO said:

    You forgot the Grateful Dead...

    “What a long strange trip it’s been” pretty much sums up Bill Walton. Great player, and as long as you aren’t looking for a commentator that is full of “facts”...he can be pretty amusing.


    Even though he left the TrailBlazers, which stunned the fans at the time, he is still embraced by the fans when he returns to Portland. 

    Love his prediction. That is pure Walton at his “best”.

  13. Cristobal has the attitude that he will just outwork the guy next to him to win over the long term. Love that attitude and he also seems to connect well with the players. He might not have been ready for prime time when he took over the Duck program, but his work ethic and ability to recruit has many expecting his team to SOON be good enough to challenge for a title.

    The transition from “speed football” with a potent offense, to what we have today, has been tough on long time fans. However, Expectations are once again rising, and it will be fun to watch if the team can match those expectations. 

    The Ducks are on the move and Cristobal is leading the way. I’m on board and look forward to returning to Autzen to  watch this unfold.


  14. As long as orange, and purple are banned, I really don’t mind the different colors. The football team did wear orange socks a few years ago and I wasn’t too keen on that idea. I always wear green and yellow at away games and am immediately identified as a Duck fan. Everyone knows the Duck colors....lol

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  15. Herbert went from one of the best offensive lines in college to arguably one of the worst in the NFL. Luckily Herbert is very mobile and can get the ball out quickly when pressured. Herbert’s talent didn’t just happen because he worked with a different coach. Personnel makes a big difference at elite levels of play. 

    I my opinion he was probably two very good receivers and a top running back from a legit shot at a National Championship at Oregon. 

    Congrats to him for everything he has achieved. 

  16. Have always been impressed with Altman. The focused effort he gets from his players on the court not only elevates each individual, but even more important, elevates the team. His guys may at times seem overmatched talent wise, but when they play with focus, and as a team, they can play with anybody. 

    A game always has ebbs and flows, he seems to have a very good feel on managing the team through both. His demeanor on the sideline seems consistent whether the team is leading, or trying to come from behind. 

    He is a great coach and I hope to see him get to hoist the NCAA Championship trophy. 

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  17. The newest collective bargaining agreement requires 47 to 48% of “football related revenue” be allocated to the players.  Total team revenues range between $360 to $900 million depending on the team. Total annual revenues probably just shy of $15 billion. 

    Therefore, the contracts being paid are inline with the revenues generated.

    The billionaire club that owns the franchises probably had $4 to $6 billion in lost revenues due to COVID restrictions. It was estimated that the Cowboys would lose $500 million per home game last year.

    The numbers are big, but the people that pays those $20 million contracts have big wallets. 

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