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Posts posted by Drake

  1. 1 hour ago, Jon Joseph said:

    HOPE, when you do not have what you hope for, is a god thing to have. But IMO, evidence and experience trump hope.

    BTW, going back to their HS days in AZ, Shough is 0-4 vs Purdy. I HOPE Tyler gets off the Purdy schnid today?

    My experience with hope and optimism has been positive. HOPE is wanting something good to happen. Failing on the way to a goal is certainly not uncommon. Using failure as the only evidence that something can’t be done, or evidence that a person is incapable of a task may be somewhat short-sighted. 

    Never let failure defeat you. That may be hopeful, or optimistic, but it works for me. I hope something good happens seems like a great attitude when faced with negative reality. 




  2. Kind of looked like Clemson didn’t show up for the game last night. OSU made Clemson look like they didn’t belong in that game. It happens to everyone. Who knows, Alabama may make OSU look like they don’t belong in the title game. It will take another MVP performance from Justin Fields and Trey Sermon to beat Alabama. 

     You can be an excellent X’s and O’s guy and be competitive. However, you still need outstanding players to win...if you can’t recruit,...you are doomed. Just ask Chip Kelly. 

    Cristobal, even with his coaching faults, has more upside potential than most coaches, no matter what team shows up today. 

  3. My expectations are simple and expecting to win doesn’t change the losses to wins. I expect the Ducks to be favored in most games. I know a winner when I see one, and what I saw was a young team making mistakes that they couldn’t overcome. In my opinion, that doesn’t make the coaches incompetent? 

    We have a good team that is missing a few components to have a shot. We need a QB that can carry the team, a RB that can go to the house anytime he touches the ball, healthy TE’s, and depth on the defensive line. We are recruiting talent that is improving our chances at a title shot. 

    Been attending games consistently for over 40 years. That is a lot of tailgaters. I want to see them win a title as much as anyone. This coaching staff has the team on an uptick, and a few losses along the way does not spoil my journey. Win, or lose I know when we have a legit chance at a title...this year was not one of those years. 




  4. 25 minutes ago, Jon Joseph said:

    ? OK, not every highly ranked HS kid comes through. But no one can  objectively review the Ducks vs CAL and Beavers rosters and come to the conclusion that they are on the same planet. 

    Why do we follow recruiting rankings? Because no team has won a BCS or Playoff title that did not have a roster of 50% or more, 4 star players.

    There is no way that CAL and OSU belong talent wise, on the same football field as the Ducks. No Way!

    Nick Saban and his superior roster teams have not lost to an unranked opponent since Saban's 1st season in Tuscaloosa. WHY? Because he has superior talent ready to ball out.

    You will never convince me that this Oregon team as young as it is, had any reason for leaving Berkeley and Corvallis in the loss column.

    If you do not expect excellence, excellence will never be achieved.

    Thank you for the comment. But it's time to leave excuses behind and win the damn games.



    I am not surprised that a young Oregon team got beat. New QB, new O line, young LB’s and DB’s with little game experience and limited practice together is a recipe for upsets. Not an excuse, but reality.

    Using Alabama’s success as an example may be a stretch. Based on their recruiting class results they underperform every year they don’t win a National Championship. They had a stretch of 7 years where their recruiting classes were ranked #1. Their worst class recently is equal to our best class ever. 

    Expectations are rising once again, and most fans expect to compete for a National Championship. But, most fans realize we aren’t there yet. 

  5. The kid needs to relax and play football. I don’t have any brilliant answers on how you make that happen. Shough does need help from his linemen and receivers. The QB can’t win this game by himself.  Shough will face pressure because he hasn’t handled it that well, and other teams know it.  This will definitely be Shough’s make, or break game. 

    With the talent we have is Shough the best game day QB?  As a QB on the roster, I wouldn’t be looking at the transfer portal. 


  6. Playing one more game for the fans seems reasonable. However, the possibility of playing all out and getting injured is real. The chance at a National Championship run keeps most players from opting out, but an injury to a player does impact their value. 

    As a fan, I want to see my team at full strength, but I can’t blame players that are making a business decision. There is no protection from the downside risk of an injury, and with most of these guys this is their shot at financial success. I really can’t fault someone for opting out even though I am disappointed as a fan. 


  7. Always tough to name one player. So I will name three...Mariota, LaMike, Herbert. 

    Mariota for obvious reasons...have to pick a guy that had a building named to honor his achievements. LaMike was such a warrior for his size and played a significant role during the Chip Kelly years. Herbert is just a class act and is starting to make me a Charger fan. 

    Never watched Phil Knight run, but.....I am a huge fan.  😇

    Go Ducks




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