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Posts posted by Ktmguy2018

  1. So, section 124, row 6 is where I shall be for the Pac-12 Championship.


    I bought my ticket knowing that Ducks still had some business to take care of.  


    After watching a complete demolition of ASU, I am NOT seeing a way for the Beavs to win on Friday unless Mari-Noooo starts calling plays on offense.


    Seriously, I am that confident in what I have seen out of this team.  


    There was NO WAY I was missing out on the final Pac-12 Championship game with the Ducks putting the shock collar on the poochies.


    Anyone else going?


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  2. On 11/20/2023 at 8:13 AM, Just Ducky said:

    I would bet my SS check DL already has someone in mind.

    I completely agree with this statement.  DL and staff see TT day in and day out at practice and I am 100% certain that they have already decided if TT is THE GUY for next year or not.


    If they've decided he isn't, they have already target locked on those QB's already in the portal and who may be entering.


    I kinda get the feeling that DL is/would be a good chess player.  5-7 moves ahead in his thinking and ready to pivot to secondary and tertiary options if the first one doesn't pan out.

  3. There is something VERY different about this Duck team.  No, I'm not trying to be Captain Obvious.  I am referring to the FEEL this team has.  


    Past Duck teams have had significant success and yet there was always that fear that they would plant their heads up the proverbial nether region and lose a game that they had no business losing.  And it nearly ALWAYS happened.  Look no further than the Fishduck article yesterday, "Will ASU Destroy Oregon's Playoff Hopes AGAIN?"


    Yep, they lost to Washington in a game they should have won.  But they have not allowed inferior teams to hang around to the end of the game.  The mentality of this team is one of toughness and focus.  In the past, I was waiting anxiously, knowing that some game was coming that the Ducks had NO REASON to drop but they would.  ASU would have been one of those games.  Maybe even Cal.


    There is a resiliency about this team that has considerably eased my anxiety of past teams.  It seemed to me that there used to be a mindset of "we HOPE our athletes can be superior to yours when it matters" in past teams.  This team seems to have a really bad dog in them that says "you're athletes don't matter because we will beat you down".  Look no further than Patrick Herbert's second touchdown where he was escorted by two offensive linemen who were LOOKING to crush someone.  Or Bucky Irving flushing tacklers like a dead goldfish.  Gary Bryant making a video game type of run after his catch.


    There were glimpses of that from previous players.  I recall Thomas Tyner absolutely trucking a tackler, or Colt Lyerla dragging tacklers down the field.  But I have NEVER seen an entire squad play that way.  


    Commentators last night described Bo Nix as a surgeon as he dismantled the ASU defense.  If Nix is the surgeon, the rest of the team is the Anesthesiologist who tells you to count backward from 100 after they give you the meds and you get to 98 and are done.  You blink and it's over.  That was the game yesterday, and the Colorado game, and Utah game, and the Cal game.  


    THIS is the feeling of success, not luck.  I like it.

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  4. Florida State is not gonna get any "eye test" votes today!  Down 14-0 to University of North Alabama....you know, that amazing football powerhouse.


    Just heard that Jordan Travis, FSU QB, suffered a very nasty leg injury and was carted off the field.  FSU will drop for sure.

  5. As I write this, Colorado players are walking off the field on the Palouse with a 56-14 loss hanging around their necks.  Waiting in the wings of tomorrow is a matchup of USC vs UCLA.  Colorado will not be invited a bowl game this year after dropping to 4-7 on the season.  USC will be invited to a bowl game, just not one that has anything to do with a meaningful ending to a season.


    Both of these teams started the season on absolute rockets of hype, media praise, and cockiness.  Many of us who have watched college football for some time were able to see cracks and weaknesses that could only be covered for so long before they affected the integrity of the foundation.  USC peaked at #5 in the AP poll in week #5.  Colorado peaked at #18 in week 4.


    Both programs displayed flash, moments of jaw-dropping play, and electric attitudes.  There were other teams in the conference getting love from the media as well, UW, UO, WSU, OSU.  But their early season success was overshadowed by the glitz and glam of the other two programs.  Until....


    Until the lack of substance, depth, and coaching began to cascade down on top of the flash and electricity.  I came across this quote a few weeks ago that has been simmering in my mind for a while;


    "Underneath the glitz and glamour, however, lies a troubling reality: the absence of meaningful work. The showmanship culture often masks a lack of substantial achievements or tangible results. It fosters an environment where style triumphs over substance, and the focus shifts from genuine progress to mere appearances". - Aditya Kumar Singh, www.medium.com


    The interesting thing is that Singh was not remotely referring to football, but to the tech and research industry.  The correlation to me was astounding.  This forum knows all to well the madness of the Trojan fans who were crowning USC as Pac-12 champions and CFP contenders before a down was even played.  The narrative was that the season was a foregone conclusion and every other team was playing for second place.  Those same fans are calling for Riley to be fired, for USC to "get back to greatness", and for wholesale changes.  The problem is, you can't glitz and glam your way to the top.


    Unfortunately, this showmanship culture has infected every level of college and professional sports.  The old school person in me is astounded and incredulous when a player scores a touchdown, prances and flexes while his team is losing by a large number and the touchdown is relatively meaningless.  The "showmanship culture masking the tangible results".  I can never forget Vince Lombardi's legendary quote; "when you get into the endzone, act like you've been there before".


    This season, more than any other that I can remember has shown that Dan Lanning and company have built the foundation on the substance OVER the appearance.   Words like "physical", "most complete team", "position depth", and "technique discipline" are being used to describe the current Duck group that takes the field.  Yes, Oregon still has all the uniform combinations, facilities that are the envy of the sports world, and the reputation of speed.  The difference this year is that the foundation of substance is deep, solid, and a philosophy that Dan Lanning is building each day.  


    "Rooted in substance, not flash" - Dan Lanning


    With that substance, we hit 10-1 today.  Go Ducks!


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  6. I gotta say that I think officials in all conferences have been attending road work flagging courses because they are flagging everything!!!  😂


    Obviously, I am being funny (or trying to).  The penalties that I care about are the pre-snap penalties that should NOT happen...way to many false starts in our own stadium in my opinion.


    Holding and PI, unless blatantly obvious are just a result of play.  I've seen some PI calls that was such good coverage that the ref must not have thought it was impossible for the coverage to be so good and I've seen holding calls that were phantom.


    Multiple holding calls on a single player are a source of concern as well and I hope that the coaching staff is nipping that.


    Spinning a ball on the turf...well, whatever.  

  7. I looked to see if this had been posted yet and did not see it, so apologies if I missed it.


    I gotta say, these videos make my week and get me so fired up for the next game.  The preparation and passion that DL and his staff put forth is astounding.


    I got goosebumps watching it from the opening because of the phrase he brought out from Top Gun: Maverick.


    If you've already watched it, watch it again! If you haven't, you are in for a treat!



    Oregon does not miss with its cinematic recaps. The USC game recap was no exception.


    • Go Ducks! 1
  8. On 11/13/2023 at 12:06 PM, Pocketchange said:

    Stephen A. Smith wants to see Deion Sanders take the vacant Texas A&M head coaching

    With all his success at Colorado, it makes sense to hand him the keys to A&M.


    Maybe Shadeur will stop getting his car booted.

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