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Everything posted by Silversabre

  1. That was a positive play! Longest of the game 66 yard TD.
  2. Not to take away from this hire (I personally approve of it) but I don’t think this move for Lanning was JUST because Oregon is such a destination school. A lot (as in most) position coaches are looking to become head coaches as that is not only a promotion but the pinnacle of the college football world. That is why many of our recent position coaches have left (to Nevada, Akron, UNLV, etc.). It’s not that those are amazing destination schools compared to UofO, but the amazing opportunity for these coaches to make a lot more money and a lot more fame for themselves than simply being a DC, OC or the like. Not to say Lanning would have taken any old HC gig, but with the money Oregon was offering in addition to the premier chance to be a HC at a top tier Power 5 school, many position coaches around the country would be eager to make this step up.
  3. Chip’s buyout is 9 million dollars!!! I know it’s a bummer not having a coach lined up for early signing day but saving the entire $9,000,000 just by waiting until January 16th seems worth it to me!
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