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Posts posted by EastBayDuckDad

  1. On 5/10/2022 at 8:43 AM, Axel said:

    7. Stanford


          Greatest disappointment in 2021—X’s and O’s not solved with quantum physics


          Burning question in 2022—Why don’t we give quantum mechanics a try?

    I understand that Shaw is going back to a run heavy offense where both guards pull in the opposite direction but negate each other in a burst of quantum entanglement.

    • Haha 1
  2. On 5/7/2022 at 3:57 AM, Flyin Vee said:

    If Phoenix was truly a mythical bird that rose from the ashes, then it’s a perfect name for a city that has no business being where it is. A mistake, full of strip malls, traffic jams and unbearable heat

    I spent 5 years in Tucson. Don't need to say what the opinion about Phoenix was there. But like Beelzebub once said after a long weekend in Glendale, "yeah, but it's a dry heat"

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  3. Looked at the replay several times and it was definately a F-2 foul, but the real damage was done not by the head smack but by Payton getting his legs caught up in Brooks' legs and him falling sideways with his left arm extended. I think it was a very hard foul that warranted the F-2 and ejection because of the head contact but it looks to me that the fall resulting in the injury was not intentional and maybe shouldn't warrant an extended suspension. 


    On 5/4/2022 at 1:05 PM, McDuck said:

    What am I missing that makes him more than a warm body? 

    Agreed that his numbers don't pop out at you but DA and his new assistant coach must see something there. The article remarked on his improved output late in the year. He is a bigger guard at 6'4"  211# and on tape is pretty physical without getting into foul trouble very often. And comparing a guard's FG% to overall team % is a bit apples to oranges as post players will bring the overall number up above that when compared only to the backcourt. 

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  5. On 5/4/2022 at 9:08 AM, Charles Fischer said:

    Joshua, your explanation of the Bill Conerly stat about the success of teams winning more with explosion plays, is not something I have seen anywhere. It is a fantastic, concise, easy to understand explanation as to why we need explosion plays not just for entertainment, but for a higher winning percentage.


    How many long, slow, run-oriented pistol whipped drives have we seen suffer an ignominious demise in or close to the red zone because of penalties over the last couple of years? I agree that while an occasional pick will hurt us and some are in essence long punts, a more explosion oriented offense will on balance win more games and save us from death by a thousand false starts.

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  6. Not not only the run game will benefit. With long fast WRs stretching the field on the deep threat, the safeties have to stay back to support the undersized CBs over the top. The middle zones are then open for the TEs who can usually exploit the LBs. Finally the Ducks will use the TEs as a passing threat and not just as blockers for the run game. I think I saw only one or two really effective pass plays to our TEs last year. More plays like the one against OSU where Matavao was wide open for a TD, please. 

    • Go Ducks! 1
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  7. On 5/3/2022 at 10:49 AM, Axel said:

    That was oh-so-touching and so reminiscent of what Brutus once said: "It was tough. Julius Caesar was my first political love,


    Et tu, Axel? I saw on another thread that you had an insightful opinion on honesty in journalism, and two degrees in the same discipline. As a devoted fan of the late, great PJ O'Rourke, might one of them have been a major in humor with a minor in hilarious satirical snark?

  8. As glad as most of us ultimately were with the coaching change, don't lose sight of the fact that the 2019-20 Rose Bowl winning Ducks have 15 starters from that team on active NFL rosters. Not counting 2022, five were UDFAs: Faoliu, Kampmoyer, Scott, Juwan Johnson and Throckmorton. Not saying they will all be on rosters in September, but they are there now. Four of the starting five O-line are on teams: Sewell, Throckmorton, Lemieux and Hansen. All coached by MC and Mini-M. So they did something right even if they couldn't offensive game coach their way out of a paper bag. 


    I guess my point is to not lament too much the dismal 2022 draft showing. No doubt several of the players that went undrafted and have signed UDFA contracts got crappy advice and declared a year too early. Some like VMIII and Wright will likely succeed as they were legit draft targets. But the article posted by 30Duck shows the silver lining in the cloudy 2022 draft results for the Ducks. Oregon is a national destination for blue chip recruits and Lanning will burnish that credential with the staff he has brought in and their history of building champions.

    • Great post! 1
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  9. Can't miss concept with Matt "Pro Bowl/Hall-o-Fame" Leinart taking point. The Hall of GOATS (Get Over yourselves, Arrogant Trojans) will certainly be marketing a unique set of NFTs (Nether-region Fungal Tokens) jointly with the USC-OJ Simpson Institute of Conflict Resolution and the Reggie Bush Center for Ethics in Athletics.

    • Haha 3
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  10. On 5/1/2022 at 10:13 AM, Haywarduck said:

    All I know is we need to lose to Georgia to start the season. A team needs to grow as the season goes along, not peak early with an upset. Last season Oregon peaked early with an upset and then lost its last 3 of 4 games

    I'm with 30Duck on this though Hayward has a legit argument that Oregon peaked too early and allowed the season to get away from them starting with the Stanford debacle. We don't want that repeated in the unlikely event of a win at Georgia, but if win Oregon does, this is a different team with different coaching and an upgrade at QB. And hopefully fewer critical injuries contributing to last season's wheezing to the finish line.


    That said, the previous regime pulled off a stunning upset at tOSU. I watched it again a few days ago and nearly every position group either played a great game or had just enough flashes of brilliance to secure the win. That includes AB and the D-Backs.


    In spite of how the season turned out, would anyone not take the beautiful smack down the Ducks put on the high and mighty Buckeyes in their own house? God, that felt good. What a great, and long overdue, consolation prize for a so-so year. The majority of the young players in that game are still in Eugene and I believe that win will continue to bear fruit on the recruiting trail for years to come.


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    On 4/29/2022 at 9:45 PM, LADuck said:

    .. who says "whoop" anymore?

    As defined in the New Revised Redneck Dictionary (not really)





    verb: whoop; 3rd person present: whoops; past tense: whooped; past participle: whooping; gerund or present participle:

    utterly defeat or dominate (an opponent or rival).

    "we just got whooped by the Jaguars"



    "I'm gonna open up a can of whoop-@ss on you, buddy"


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  12. ICamel, Thanks for the play by play. Much needed win for Oregon. 

    On 4/29/2022 at 9:13 PM, ICamel said:

    9th inning;

    Leadoff hitter for Cal is at first base on a throwing error by Kasevich that is wide of first. Somers got ahead of the count 0-2 but four straight balls walks the second batter to put runners at second and first with no outs. A fly out to right field allows the runner at second to advance to third. Runners at the corners with one out. Somers retires the second out on a swinging strike. And Kolby bears down to strike out the hard hitting top of the order for California.

    0 Runs, 0 Hits, 1 Error, 2 LOB


    Oregon wins 7-2


    • Let’s hope! 1
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