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Posts posted by Sideburns

  1. On 9/13/2022 at 12:43 PM, Haywarduck said:

    What will it take to see Ty take over?


    Will it be an injury to Nix and only an injury? Does Nix get the starting spot even if he struggles mightily?


    Can Ty take the job over in practice, much like Herbert finally did his freshman year when what's Prukop struggled? By the way Prukop has had a decent career in the CFL.


    Does the staff pull Nix when, if he struggles and sees if Ty can rally the team and win one? Is Ty close enough in the race to get an opportunity when, if things go sideways?


    I know these are questions I am asking, not that I hope the negative scenarios play out, but, what if?

    I feel Duck Nation should be happy that we have QBs in competition.


    Let's support whichever one is playing, Bo, Ty or Butters. Let's not tear one down in order to build up the other.


    They obviously support each other.



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  2. On 9/5/2022 at 5:03 PM, Charles Fischer said:

    I want to remind everyone of Rule 31c, where we do not harp endlessly on the extreme negative.  We are not sunshine-pumpers, we do critical analysis here, but we don't need the obvious from Saturday pointed out over-and-over.


    If you have told us your opinion three times in the last week?  We GOT IT....hear that?  We GOT IT.  We do not need to see your excessive negative three or four times a day; you are venting, and that is impolite to the good people of this community.  We are not your therapists couch; if you have to tell us your excessively negative opinion about the Ducks more than three times in a week?


    Then you are venting and violating Rule No. 31b, as well as 31c.


    Why do we have this rule?  Why do you think?  It's a fricken buzz-kill for the rest of us!  We do not need your ongoing Eeyore observations; if you've given us your dire negative outlook three times in the last three days...we GOT IT.


    We are all aware of what occurred, and are still processing much of it.  And the loyal fans are just that....loyal.  Are you going to stand by Our Beloved Ducks right now?  This is when they need you, not when it is easy with big wins.


    Writing negative is fine, but there has been the beginnings of over-the-top negative, and I don't want to delete posts or ban people over it....but I have before and I will.


    Rant over.


                                    Time to move forward...

    Eeyore_From YouTube.jpg

    Message received and accepted.  

  3. On 9/6/2022 at 10:54 PM, Sideburns said:

    Something doesn't feel FAIR about your assessment of TT being "simply not good enough".  What is terribly UNFAIR is not even allowing TT to see the field even when a game is already lost, and he could benefit from getting reps... after all, isn't he QB2.

    What happens if Bo gets injured? Doesn't TT have to take over?

    Just because you've decided that Bo Nix or Anthony Brown is QB1 shouldn't mean that TT never see any playing time.  Coach him up, nurture his talent and find creative ways to put him on the field. Give him a chance to fail, too.

    Come on, Lanning and Dillingham... be FAIR!!!

    GO DUCKS!!!

    I am NOT prepared to say that TT and/or Butters are not good enough or else they would have played. At the very least DUCK NATION should request that the coaches treat our QB1 and QB2 with decency and fairplay. These young men spent last year being denied playing time, yet, unbelievably they remain committed to the program.

    Put them in a game, and they might just be the spark we need.

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  4. On 9/5/2022 at 2:14 PM, Mike West said:

    Somebody well versed in football said it.  TT didn't see the game for a reason.  He is simply not good enough to beat an "average" QB.  


    It is truly that simple.  


    Bo Nix needs to recognize his limits.  He is forcing things he doesn't need to force.  The play calling was excellent.  Bo needs to see the whole field.  I don't think he studies it.  I think he makes snap decisions.


    Fortunately this IS coachable.  Bo should reach out to Anthony Brown.  Learn a few things.  Bo seems to want to make the highlight reels. 


    In my opinion you can score all day in Georgia, but they make you take your damn time to the point it is boring.  Especially if you don't have the talent they have.


    I've studied them all summer.  They take away all the natural gummies and offense can exploit.  They are extremely fast closers of space.  Their pursuit is unrivaled, and a good portion of that is coached. 


    It's easier with that kind of talent.  


    Back to Bo: he gets way ahead of himself.  Against any team, a QB has to see it all, not just what he wants.  That is Bo's problem.  He is trigger anxious.  But his sense of timing is flawless.  What I believe he needs to do is map out the entire field, then assess what's really open, and what's next.  


    Just my thoughts.  If I get the time, I will spell out what I mean on film.  It's already out there on Nix. I'd hammer that concept into his head because I see upside to his game I'f he'd become more of a student in that aspect.

    Something doesn't feel FAIR about your assessment of TT being "simply not good enough".  What is terribly UNFAIR is not even allowing TT to see the field even when a game is already lost, and he could benefit from getting reps... after all, isn't he QB2.

    What happens if Bo gets injured? Doesn't TT have to take over?


    Just because you've decided that Bo Nix or Anthony Brown is QB1 shouldn't mean that TT never see any playing time.  Coach him up, nurture his talent and find creative ways to put him on the field. Give him a chance to fail, too.

    Come on, Lanning and Dillingham... be FAIR!!!

    GO DUCKS!!!

  5. On 7/11/2022 at 6:13 PM, Charles Fischer said:

    I do not have words for the stupidity, the delusion, and the malicious intent toward Oregon...  (From a USC Forum)

    "As a final finger to the Ducks I’m assuming you put in a clause that SC has veto power over any additional P12 teams joining the B10? I hate them so much, I hope they end up in the Mountain West."


    "Nah, pity them and schedule them as a non conference cupcake every year. Need to have a few mountain west teams in the schedule."


    "I’m fine with Oregon coming. They get solid ratings, have a ton of Nike money, and have shown they aren’t a true threat to USC."


    "If Oregon joins the BIG10, it's because of USC. As much as their fans say otherwise, the Big10 conference negotiated with USC first! So any more approvals, it's because we allowed it. Oregon wants to be USC so bad and they never will be. Nobody thinks about them at all."


    "I'm not sure Oregon would be excepted. A number of B10 Presidents welcomed SC and UCLA highlighting academics and research credibility. For B10 schools academics is important. Oregon is Pot-Head U.... with Poor/suspect academics.... also it does not have a a must have-market. A little flash because of football is not going to be enough."


    "Academically, Oregon is like a community college….B1G does not want that!"


    "I’m thinking the MWC. You guys owe Boise State a payback or three."


    "Given the histories of both programs, I personally feel that it is significantly more likely that USC starts skyrocketing compared to the last 12 years, and Oregon begins to decline from the last 12 years."


    How one game turned into 362 straight: The story of USC's most psychotic fan  - Daily TrojanI

    I sincerely feel that USC and UCLA are running away from getting crushed every year by Oregon.  They fear the Ducks.

    Our best course of action is to have the best season ever... a lot of the haters are intimidated and threatened by the power of the Oregon brand, the facilities, uniforms, swagger, and being in the discussion

    for Championships perennially. Ah, the mystique of the Ducks gets them every time.


    WINNING will solve everything.  Oregon is on the right track, the coaches, the players, the tradition, Uncle Phil, the legacy. 

    Let's not get distracted... let's beat everybody this season. It's the one part we can control.

    SCO DUCKS!!!

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  6. Note to Jester: While I thoroughly enjoyed your cleverly written satirical poke at the grandstanding of Mario, I was turned off by your sentence at the end of point 4, describing Christobal's touchy feely contact with parents of recruits, "Even if they smell bad."  I sincerely believe you meant no harm, but otherwise, you do have a gift for satire,

  7. I agree with Charles... this DOES change the narrative somewhat on the way Christobal left Oregon.  As Jon Joseph so correctly stated we are reminded that football is only a game.

    Whoopi Goldberg once said, "When I lost my Mother I knew that I would NEVER find another human being to love me the way she did".  I am a witness to that truism. 

    The Christobal family has my deepest condolences.

    May she Rest in Peace🙏


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  8. Duck 1972,

    Did you actually see the video I'm referring to, where Mario goes into the Guinness Book of World Records for SQUIRMING answers to simple questions about whether he was entertaining offers from the University of Miami.  Watch his body language and tell me that's what a TRUTHFUL man looks like.


    When asked if he thought all the rumors around his potential leaving affected the team, his answer shows that his mind was elsewhere.

    He DID advance the Oregon program as Head Coach, but his exit was lousy.

  9. I have been eating popcorn and thoroughly enjoying the chat on this page, and never intended to enter the fray. But now, I must come to the defence of Travis Dye.

    From my perspective, he does not deserve the negative comments he's received since he entered the transfer portal, having given his heart and soul and BLOOD to the Ducks football program. He is a never say Dye (see what I did there?) Running Back, who ALWAYS left everything he had on the field.  He played with an unmistakable love for The University of Oregon.


    To those of you who doubt his potential as a NFL player, just you watch... the man has the heart of a Warrior.  Underestimate him at your own peril.

    I am shocked that some of Travis's critics are willing to give "Sweet Mouth" Mario Cristobal a free ride out of the program. In my humble opinion, Mario made a disgraceful exit... watch carefully his drunken lies to the press when he was asked whether the rumours about him considering an offer from the University of Miami were true.  No wonder the Ducks played without any spirit in the PAC 12 championships, their leader's mind was in/on Miami. Then, he just abruptly left. GIVE ME A BREAK. Let Sweet Mouth Mario take his place next to Slick Willie on the list of Head Coaches who lied to their teams on their way out the door. SHAMEFUL!!!


    I am hoping that Travis will return to the Ducks or enter the NFL draft, because it would break HIS heart to play for another college program. Come on, even Stevie Wonder can see that what I am writing about Travis Dye is the absolute truth.

    Let's GO DUCKS!!!


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