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Posts posted by NJDuck

  1. On 5/6/2022 at 3:41 PM, Charles Fischer said:

    If....if he actually does it and the HC lets him.  After getting burned with Mari (I don't include it because he doesn't know what to do with the "O") I am more inclined to believe it when I see it.

    I agree with you about MC saying what he was going to produce on the O side and never did.  I also agree with your article.  As the old saying goes "The proof is in the pudding"  But sure am hoping what they are saying becomes real on the grid iron.

  2. On 5/6/2022 at 12:02 PM, Jon Joseph said:

    BTW, I'd rather run fewer than 80 plays as the result of 'sudden strike' scores. I see '80 plays' as being far more euphemistic than literal.

    I agree.  I believe Dillingham said pro-style offense that plays fast.  He wants where this offense aims to snap the ball over 80 times per game, but he said he wanted to enhance the amount of opportunities for its playmakers to do just that — make plays.  I think he was also saying they want to be efficient in their plays, getting as many explosives plays as possible, but not necessarily have to get 80 plays off per game to reach the goal of the amount scores they need. 


    He said.."We want to get people touches. We want to be explosive," he explained. "It’s a system built around our players to create the best matchups and we want to do that at a rapid pace. We want to snap the ball as many times as we can because we want to get those guys as many touches as possible." Versatility, potentially opening the door for a more varied scheme.  


    With this brand of offense with a DL defense, will be fun to watch!  Go Ducks!!

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  3. On 4/23/2022 at 3:07 PM, Santa Rosa Duck said:

    Sure looks like a small fan turnout. Maybe 10,000 +

    With all the hype with Riley and QB you would think there would have been a bigger turn out.

  4. On 4/23/2022 at 2:42 PM, Santa Rosa Duck said:

    On TV at 12:00 today. Is it on Pac 12 Network? No way, it is on the ESPN main channel. The media hype is working

    Yes, on ESPN.  USC, the poster child with ESPN.  The only PAC12 team to be broadcast on ESPN 🤢

  5. On 4/14/2022 at 12:38 PM, Charles Fischer said:

    Below is a quote from a Georgia fan answering me on a Georgia forum...

    I read your article asking if Dan Lanning is the next Saban? We Dawgs think that he is, and we lamented that he would be ready to be a head coach before Kirby retired--as that means we lose him...as we did.


    We've lost coaches (Pruitt, Chaney, Hankton) we were glad to see go, and others that were so good, we hated losing them but appreciate them so much the overwhelming sentiment is support in their new role. (Lanning). 


    Oregon got an extremely good coach. We are not surprised Lanning became a head coach, we are surprised Oregon was smarter then every other NCAA program to get him. 


    His first season may not be a W/L success, it takes a while to get there, but Oregon has one of the finest coaches in football.


    Whew! Can you get praise much better than that?

    I agree with the article you wrote on this and with the Bulldog fans.  Really liking what I am seeing with this coaching staff and DL himself.

  6. I like what Jon is presenting. 


    I agreed with Jon when he said awhile back the Pac12 and Big12 should have combined into one conference when that opportunity arisen back when Oklahoma and Texas jumped ship.  This would have given both conferences a greater chance of bringing in big revenue and a bigger say at the table due to a huge geographic coverage.  But, that ship has passed.



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  7. The NIL situation has become disconcerting when it comes to recruiting.  We lost JC to Tennessee and might possibly lose Overton to TAMU?  Who knows how much USC is willing to pay out for this same very purpose, to beat out the competition.


    I feel like the NIL has brought sad days to college football.  Colleges losing out with top recruits because they can't compete financially with other institutions who can.  Oregon might not be able to bring in these recruits because of this, even though we have great facilities and what it has to offer for recruits as student athletes as one of the perks.  But it seems now whoever is the highest bidder takes the prize.


    I feel like NIL money shadowing over a school who spent a lot of money for certain players, what is this going to do to a team as a whole?  Not just football but basketball, baseball, track and field as well as other non-profiting sports?  


    I know this has been a conversation for awhile, but it's frustrating seeing this happening that could possibly destroy college sports as a whole.  Don't get me wrong, I believe players should be compensated above a full scholarship ride, but NIL should be harnessed with check and balances so there isn't this free for all that is going on.


    Sorry, I guess I am ranting.  I hope I am wrong about this whole situation and rules will eventually be put in place, but so far it does not look good.



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  8. You all might have already read this article by Jon Wilner on why he believes the Alliance has accomplished its mission.  Read this from another blog sight.  Wanted to share just in case you haven't.



    A delay in nonconference scheduling is secondary to larger goals.


  9. On 3/1/2022 at 12:13 PM, David Marsh said:

    Arizona under Rich Rod would regularly run more plays than Oregon... but Oregon's offense was more efficient and more explosive. In the only stat that matters... Oregon had more wins. 80 plays per game doesn't mean those are efficient plays, just lots of plays run.

    I think that is the right ingredient..."Oregon's offense was more efficient and more explosive."  I feel under MC we weren't really either of these in most games along with a stout defense.

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