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Posts posted by NJDuck

  1. Thanks Alan for this wonderful spoof expressing what we all feel towards USC.   The Pac-12 has been carrying their dead carcass around for the last 15 years.  USC has done nothing but blocked anything the Pac-12 was, in a half hazard way, trying to do to bring success to the conference.


    Let's face it.  If USC and UCLA was not stationed in the LA market would the BIG Ten give them the time of day?  Maybe not. 


    This decision has forced the rest of the schools in the Pac-12 figuring out what is the best move for their university.  According to this analysis, which has been already stated, Oregon would be consider a tier 1 fit to possibly be invited to the Big Ten.  Especially if BIG Ten needs to form a Pacific division along with Washington, Stanford and maybe Cal to join USC and UCLA. 



    Which schools should the Big Ten poach next?


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