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    I love this community.

    There is no other Oregon forum like this where you can safety read and post opinions in the absence of the nastiness of the outside world. For the wonderful members of the Our Beloved Ducks forum…it is our GREEN REFUGE, an escape into Oregon sports.

    We have as much traffic as needed for a free forum, thus it is an honor to be accepted into this free forum, and in the presence of such fine people along with a staff dedicated to civility.

    So now my top priority is to protect this community from the Trolls and Spammers. I want new members who are nice people, and able to post their opinions only, and nothing about fellow OBD members or their opinions.

    How Do You Post Safely?

    Our 33 rules at the free OBD Forum can be summarized to this: 1) be polite and respectful, 2) do not tell anyone what to think, feel or write, and 3) no reference of any kind to politics or religion. Easy-peasy!

    Can you do this? Trolls and Spammers are crushed immediately here, while the nice people of this community have no problems.

    Our registration process requires more than usual, (takes a few minutes is all) in order to help me to determine Oregon fans of good nature. You are not automatically signed up when you complete this, as I personally have to approve you manually. For the typical great Duck fan—this is easy because we want good people here!

    When I sign up, what is visible to the public?  Only your Posting Name, and your profile picture, of which is also called an Avatar.

    A Posting Name identifies the writer of a post; Do NOT use your real name, but a handle or nickname for your Posting Name. (Be clever in a Duck reference!)

    Please know that I have NEVER sold to marketing companies the personal information of the hundreds of writers, editors, moderators, and thousands of YouTube and OBD forum members in our 12 year existence with the two sites.  Never have, and never will because I believe in the Golden Rule.

    We must have a working email account that you check, as you will be receiving at least one, and probably two emails from me. They will go into your spam folder or not even appear unless you add them to your contacts in your email.  Make two new contacts in your email address book. (Takes 30 seconds is all)

    forum@fishduck.com  (Call it OBD Forum in the listing)

    charles@fishduck.com (Put it as Charles Fischer of FishDuck.com and OBD Forum in the listing

    I need an actual phone number for occasional verification, and questions that might occur. Phony email addresses or phone numbers eliminate your membership. You can call me anytime…

    Be sure to check the rules, so you don’t run afowl, and do learn about the greatest feature of this forum, as reading marks will take you back to where you left off reading on a thread!

    Up to 40 Oregon Sports articles a day are posted in this forum. No need to go to 20 different sites, when all the important news is here in the Our Beloved Ducks forum!


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    (Give me three or four sentences, some detail, please,so I know you are not a Robot or Spammer)

    Didn't fill in everything above? Then nothing happens, no membership. Questions? Email me: charles@fishduck.com
