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Charles Fischer

Do NOT Make Reference to Religion at ALL!

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Good gosh what a long weekend.  I am ready to start kicking butts-through-the-goalposts.


Have some of you lost your minds?  You KNOW we do not allow any reference to politics or religion in our rules, whether it is Mormons with BYU, Catholics with Notre Dame, or now Evangelicals with Liberty.


Leave it ALONE. I have no patience, and no time for this nonsense.  Now that I've warned you--no mulligans.  And don't claim it was benign, because people will get offended from what you wrote, and then you or others respond back, and it gets ugly.  Been there!


Just LEAVE IT ALONE.  We are here to discuss Oregon Sports....stay on track.


Geez.  All I want is a nice peaceful, clean forum.  Don't you?


Rule No. 12: No Reference of any kind to Politics or Religion:  I do not allow even a hint of politics/religion or subtopics pertaining to either; no names, no terms, no links, not even a word or any references pertaining to anything political or religious. Do not even use the word, "politics" or "political" or "religion" in your posts because just the word is a lightning rod that generates discussions in a direction we do not want the site to go in.


Any of the aforementioned could initiate a political/religious discussion, and veering in that direction at all will cause a site meltdown in today’s acrimonious climate. We do not allow anything negative directed at any religion, toward anyone in the LGBT community, or toward any race, gender or ethnic group.


No. 12a): Part of the challenge I have is not only deleting any comment that pertains at all to politics or religion, but to also remove the comments that could also instigate discussions that could hurt our community. I have to ask myself, “will that comment initiate political or religious discussion, even though the comment is fairly benign?”


That is why I delete posts/comments that may not be blatantly political, as I have prevent the responses and fall-out that would ensue from the comment. People here want that protection, and not just from being attacked politically or for their faith, but from even having to read it.


C'mon OBD Members...read the damn rules!

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