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Charles Fischer

Helping the Spammers: Artificial Intelligence is Getting Better at Attacking Us

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Why would anyone in Red China, Russia, Ukraine, Pakistan and India want to penetrate an Oregon Football site for Our Beloved Ducks?  Boy, they do and the FishDuck funds spent on a new, more thorough registration process saved my tailfeathers recently.


Of the last 25 signups in the registration?  20 of them were spammers!  Now they tried to sign up, but they were foiled by all my questions.  Yet AI is already getting better; in just a month I've noticed the answers given in registration went from laughable to almost plausible.  In fact one recently from London was impressive.


The good news is that I have SO MANY questions to qualify people, that AI is quite a ways from scoring on them all.  But I am impressed with the progress in such a short time...


Don't Worry...We'll Keep it Shut!


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Mr. FishDuck

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