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Charles Fischer

Important Football Season Reminders for OBD Members...

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Now is the time when we get very passionate and emotional about Our Beloved Ducks, and sharing that passion is what this forum is for. Yet we are the forum-with-decorum where the fundamental philosophy is grounded on the Golden Rule...


"Be Polite and Respectful to all."  (Rule 6b) All posts, everything comes back to this.  Most of you have never heard from me because you follow this basic precept! 


Do check our rules again, as this is the only forum that requires civility from everyone.






--Posting negative is fine, as negative events occur all the time, and that is what this forum is for, but venting on us is not. (See No. 31a and 31b)


--Being critical of player performance and coaching decisions is fine; as again, that is what the forum is for.  But you do NOT get personal with current coaches and players. (Prior coaches and players are fair game)  See Rule No. 26


--Throwing Group-Shade, where you denigrate the group of those who may disagree with your view is off-limits.  (See Rule No.2a and 2b)


If in doubt? Just post your opinion, your facts, or your rationale and that is it. Make no reference to anyone else's opinion, and you'll be fine. We want spirited debate on topics to see all the angles...so share yours!


Remember, over 99.60% of posts here are perfect. If you violate our rules--guess where the problem is?  Be nice, and you'll be fine. This is such an exceptional community with so many great volunteers that make it happen.  Be a part, share your thoughts, and savor this upcoming season!


Recruiting on Fire FP.jpg

Love that Yell-O background!


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Mr. FishDuck

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