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Charles Fischer

Diamond Ducks in Top-10, and a New B1G Team Ranked!

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D1Baseball has Oregon at No. 10 this week, (19-5) one off from last week's No. 9, but I do not have a problem with it as we are in a team hitting slump at the moment.  Top ten is fantastic for this time, as there is SO MUCH upside to this team.


The new team from the B1G to be ranked?  It is UCLA (18-5) at No. 24 and since they have solved their injury problem--they'll be moving up over the next couple of months.  As you see below, they are also tied for first with Oregon in the B1G as is Iowa at 14-8, and Our Beloved Ducks will be playing both teams this season to sort it all out.


What was amusing to me as well, is that the former Pac-12 had FIVE teams in the Top-25 in Oregon State No. 5, Oregon No. 10, Stanford No. 20, Arizona No. 23, and UCLA at No. 24.  We had a good Baseball conference!


B1G Baseball Standing 3-24.jpg


Why is Iowa put ahead of Oregon?  I assume it is the alphabetical thing again...


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Mr. FishDuck

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A couple of things surprise me about that Baseball listing above:


--This is one sport where Ohio State is not strong, and Our Beloved Ducks travel to Ohio this week to play a series with them. Sounds like a good "get-right" weekend!


--Of the 18 B1G schools...only ONE does not have a baseball program, that is Wisconsin.  I would have thought more would bow out....


So Wisconsin doesn't, but all the other cold-weather teams play baseball?


BTW...Oregon's Tuesday and Wednesday games with Kent State have been cancelled due to unfortunate weather conditions this week. Just the Buckeyes for now!


Jacob Walsh fields it himself, and makes the out!

Jacob Walsh fields his own.jpg


Mr. FishDuck

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There cannot be enough credit heaped upon Oregon's Diamond coaches, Lombardi and Wasikowski. When White left Oregon, a lot of the players went with him to Texas, a lot of others left, and there were signs of tension between Lombardi, and the few players who stayed. All Lombardi did was leave the dominant team in the sport, go across the country, to coach a team that was beyond broken. and now look where they are, "The Jane" is rockin' again.


The baseball team wasn't in ruins when Wasikowski took over, but kind of in a coma. Small ball wasn't getting it done under Horton. He did a good job getting the sport started again at Oregon. But it was time for a new coach and style. 



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