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Charles Fischer

Nasty Trolls Attacked OBD Forum...

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Nothing good happens after midnight for football players or the OBD forum.


Drive-by Trolls

I've had to get up several times in the middle of the night in the last month, (last night again) and not only delete posts, but immediately ban the new member who signed up to Troll-us.  I call them "Drive-by Trolls," as they like to strike at night knowing that the forum is heavily watched by moderators during the day.  It happened again last night as someone wanted to rub salt on the wounds that Duck fans have right now.


Since I have Sleep Apnea, have a C-Pap machine and go through a process for going to bed--it is unpleasant to have to deal with these people, but I do not want you coming into the forum in the morning and reading that garbage.  Awful stuff from awful people.


We have had two instances of Spammers penetrating our defenses recently and because of the quick action of the moderators--few saw the damage for very long.  The web developer and I are installing some new protocols in the registration process that should catch the few robots that penetrate the first level.  (And yes, this costs money and time to protect everyone on a free site)


You Are Being WATCHED....

I do not mean that in a creepy way, but to remind you that there are four moderators and I who are checking posts.  EVERY post is read at least once, and this is all meant to protect all of you from the nasty stuff that exists everywhere else.  You would not believe all the stuff you have not had to read because they were caught immediately by our wonderful volunteer moderators.


Use Good Judgment...

Ask yourself before you post..."was that polite and respectful?"  Don't give into your impulses, and give thought to others when you post and reply.  This forum is special because of the people in it, and the discerning way they behave.


Don't Just Sign-Up....Post Your Thoughts!
This is the only place to post opinions that are out-there, because everybody still has to be nice to you!  So jump in, as the water is fine for Ducks at the Our Beloved Ducks forum!


And do refer us to your friends, as good people are always welcome here.


My thanks,





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Mr. FishDuck

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Mucho Thanks, Charles…..and Mods!

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