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Marshall Lucky

Leaders vs. Managers: Purpose, Principles, and Practices....

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All of us have dealt with managers, the lucky few have seen leaders.  Some of you are leaders...   The differences are the capability to have a compelling vision and the ability to bring others along in making that vision a reality.


This requires the leader to have an understanding  three things...:


Purpose....why are we doing this, and why does it matter?


Principles:  The fundamental concepts and ideas that don’t change over time, They are not affected by circumstance.


Practice:  What we do, and when we do it..


And, with all that...what’s your vision?





Elevate and teach the skills and values required to succeed and advance in this world.


We teach this first t in our student athletes, then our students, then our communities, then our nation.  Tell me you haven’t taken life lessons from the Ducks.



Hard Work-Duty over outcome....this is why WTD (Win the Day) was so meaningful.  We don’t change how hard work regardless of criticism or praise..that is transitory.  We work the same, hard.


Next man Up: Everyone is invaluable, everyone is replaceable.  Do what you can.


It’s a game of inches....mind the details, don’t sweat the big stuff.


These have been the same from Newt Rockney to Dan our Man. 

And finally: Practices

for me.... the Boyd Cycle


Observe your opponent 

Orient yourself to their point ov view

Decide how to totally F’ their world up

Do It, raw, fast and gnarly...repeat as fast as possible 


Practice  through iteration....as fast as possible.





Please, throw rocks and opinions...


In he long run, these silly games matter..

Edited by Marshall Lucky
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Great take. Did you feel our new coach embraces them?

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I geeked out when he said “Principles” and “Old School”, and then lost all objectivity.  

I’m Gen X, and a natural cynic..


So, we’re probably screwed.  🙂

Edited by Marshall Lucky
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