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Usually I React Right After a Game and Then Cool off Later

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So, you won't generally find a post from me for a day or two after a Duck game. But this time, I'm only getting angrier as the hours go by, so here I come, same day, or I will violate every rule that Charles has, and probably a few he hasn't considered. As I told the Big Fish in an email right after the game, "The next good stop we make in a down that matters will be our first.


No hyperbole: That was the worst display of tackling that I have ever seen, at any level of football. I hope there is silence and bowed heads on the flight home." I was worried about Kenny Dillingham. Is Tosh Lupoi what we always thought he was when he was in Montlake? Atrocious and embarrassing. A slap in the face to the team, school, and conference.

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