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Charles Fischer

Media Reacts to Oregon Taking Control of Conference and Winning...

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This is an interesting thread of the media reacting throughout the game to events and their blustering both ways.  It is funny to see that Bill Walton can annoy fellow sportscasters as well!


As an aside to it all--I thought that was the best coaching I've seen at UCLA in many, many years.  When they get fully loaded with Cronin's players--I think they will be pretty tough in the future.  Do you see the upside in Westwood that I saw?


Media Reacts to Oregon Pulling Away from UCLA in Key Pac-12 Battle by 247Sports


Mr. FishDuck

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 Hyperbole from Bill? Perhaps, but not all that different from what UCLA coach, Mick Cronin said, 


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Hyperbole coming from Bill seems more "over-the-top" and fits with his persona.  I will admit that this time...he toned it down and focused more on the game and was much better.  Still too irritating with his nonsense about non-related items, but I do appreciate his love for the conference and the information/attention he gives to both teams.  He could actually be fantastic if he had impulse control... 


I suspect the networks have him on for "mixing-up-the-styles" of broadcasting and because when we are talking about him--it is good for the sport.


And OK....the drumsticks on Dave's head suggested was funny!

Mr. FishDuck

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