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Everything posted by 30Duck

  1. I heard that for now, with 4 assistant coaches also gone, that the DC is interim Coach. Hard to say who would be directing the offense.
  2. I'm with you on all of those and I had enough $$ to ignore Id seriously take Oklahoma -39 @ Kansas. It opened -38.
  3. It is diabolical of you, Charles to do this right before the UCLA game. What the Ducks do in that one could change my opinion drastically, or confirm it. 8-5 27 31
  4. "I think AB is doing a solid job in his role"
  5. I don't expect Ty Thompson would come in and play like Williams did against Texas, and then look like like a savvy Vet the next week. But, I honestly just don't see the downfall to the offense if Thompson had started against Cal? AB is what he is, behind him, the Ducks rallied and held on to beat Cal, at home.
  6. Bring On The Hoops. I didn't do a search, but I believe the Ducks are the only teams to be in the Top 15 for Men's and Women's basketball in the conference. This season Altman will be doing what he always does; bring a group of players together and turn them into a powerhouse. Last season Graves had the season after the BEST basketball team in Oregon history . They were new and had a huge target on their backs from the damage, Ionescu, Hebard and Sabally had done. Finishing in 3rd place in the Pac-12 is no small accomplishment, and with the returning players and some highly skilled freshmen and transfers, the rest of the conference will need to get used to being clobbered by Oregon.
  7. Oregon commit Jahlil Florence recaps weekend official visit
  8. Agreed, youth and inexperience are not AB's problems.
  9. This season could be where we saw a "Bad win". Not that beating tOSU was bad, it was glorious. But, it put Oregon in the Top 4, then up to No. 3, and all our expectations went up. But, after that game, the team leveled off, probably to where we all expected it to be, but because of the W in Columbus, it was shocking and disappointing.
  10. Great point, and it seems an element of coaching that Cristobal hasn't developed yet. Mario has a "plan", he's got high quality players. But he hasn't figured out yet how to implement it beyond being Tough. He is resistant to change because he really doesn't have anything in place yet, just an idea.
  11. The Kelly offensive years were beyond fun, but a dominating D can be a blast as well, look no further than Georgia. Last week, Kentucky exploded for 13 points against the No.1 Bulldogs; before that Georgia had allowed 5,5 points a game. Oregon's defense isn't at that level. But KT, Sewell, McKinley, Dorlus, this team has the players on D to make life miserable for Pac-12 teams, and be wildly entertaining doing it. The "Bend But Don't Break" defense was a perfect match for the blur. A suffocating D has to be the counterpart for Cristobal's design.
  12. Now we need somebody who knows how many times Corso picked the Ducks and they won, and how many times Corso picked the Ducks and they lost?
  13. Well, the Article isn't as good as ours, but it makes some good points, the same ones that are made here. It was Oregon that beat Ohio State. But that Oregon hasn't been seen since that early morning. The Oregon that has played since then isn't a Top 10 team, though it could be the best team in the Pac-12.
  14. It was either, 2011, Oregon 34 UW 17 or 2013, Oregon 45 UW 24, "Gameday" was in Seattle, and the Husky fans were all fired up, certain that the streak would end. It didn't.
  15. This is the problem at USC. Mark is the brother that should be on their list, but Big Game Bob is The Name. Pete Carroll wasn't a big hire, and he worked out pretty well. But since he left, USC is a story you'd expect from Hollywood.
  16. This could be the breakout year for Richardson. Last year was supposed to be but he injured his thumb. His ability to get to the basket and finish has always been the part of his game I've appreciated the most, but he is a talented passer as well, and with the team Oregon has now, both will be observed often.
  17. UCLA is a basketball school, Kentucky realized it was a basketball school when they played Georgia on Saturday. But USC is teetering, and UCLA can see the blood in the water. But to really make their move, the Bruins, coached by the Chipper needs to beat Oregon. But, let there be no doubt, Oregon needs to win this game too.
  18. Agree with everything. A lot of the "Tradition" teams are wandering around now, seeking the Coach who will return them to glory. As a rule they didn't like Oregon when Chip's run started, "Flashy, Finesse," were the calls against the new kid in town. Oregon went through a downturn, but has come back, at least farther back than Nebraska, FSU, Texas, USC. But yet, there's trouble. The last thing we want is for Mario to feel alienated by the fans. But we see what we see, and being loyal doesn't mean shut up and clap. Mario wants to win a championship. So do we.
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