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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. As you know the final score was 42-6, and our defensive performance is what messed everyone up, except for... DUCati855! He predicted a 38-6 score, and thus was only off by four points. And this is the second time he's won in five games! Seems like he should go to...
  2. I'll bet that if they timed Williams 40 yard dash time--it would be average for a safety. But put pads on him and he plays at football speed, and he is a missile both rushing and in pursuit.
  3. I love the graphic at the bottom of the Pac 12 channel telling us that Lanning is 13-0 when his Oregon team has scored at least 38 points in a game. That is incredibly cool to me…but, what does that factoid tell you? How does that bode for us this year with this offense? (Is Charles giddy or what?)
  4. I have to salute them, as Stanford played Oregon perfect in the first quarter. Only two three and outs in the first quarter for Oregon? The way the ‘Furd blocked so well, drove down the field and burned up clock? Whew! Stanford played it perfect, but they could not keep it up, and Oregon was due to explode… as they did! Weren’t you beginning to get a little worried? Especially with the track record Stanford has for giving us trouble in the past? Was I the only one starting to get uncomfortable?
  5. You heard the Husky sports-caster, Lincoln Kennedy, say those words often in the telecast. And he came back to the fact that there was “No Separation” on the number of very big plays. We saw the beginning of this from the defensive backs in the Spring Game, and now, it is manifesting and improving over the five games. Do you think we are about ready as we can be for the Huskies? (Evan Williams, a Safety, has three sacks in two games?)
  6. Here we are my Duck-Buddies, the thread for pondering the actual game as it happens. Let's discuss before, and during the game! The vast majority of you are GREAT in this thread, but you must remember that this forum is different, as we require civilized discourse. Discussion of negative is fine, but don't vent on us! Rule No. 31d covers GameDay Thread Conduct, and it is not hard for the vast majority of us--just a tiny few who need to reign it in when things don't go well for Our Beloved Ducks. Let's Have Fun Posting During the Game!
  7. Our good friend, Log-Haulin started a great thread earlier about the other games out there today, so let's continue the discussion here! (I locked the other thread as it was getting long--so let's keep track of those other games in the this new thread)
  8. I am going to lock this thread, and start a new one. Thanks to our friend Log-Haulin for starting it!
  9. They did not win against New Mexico State, but they beat the spread!
  10. Only if they are four or five star players, because that is what Oregon needs to win a ‘Natty. If Beavus wants to waste scholarships on tons of diamonds in the rough, good for them. But we need the very best possible to take on Ohio State, Michigan. Penn State, Etc. next year. In-state talent is nice, and makes a great story, but for what we are trying to achieve… It does not matter, IMHO.
  11. I have not paid any attention to Bruin Football, but I cannot help but wonder if he took that slogan of “Win the Day” with him to UCLA? Or was that simply an Oregon thing?
  12. To have four of the verbals out of five being 4/5-Star players says TONS about how Lanning, with enough time, can build great connections and relationships with recruits. I felt from the beginning, that he was working and scratching, as hard as he could to get what he could in recruiting, but with future classes, where they can get acquainted with him over a year or two.… His recruiting would turn to elite. Perhaps we are on the verge of elite recruiting? Top-five kind of Recruiting?
  13. Great point. I have been VERY impressed with WR blocking downfield, and the little Tez Johnson is tough at blocking!
  14. I was there, and freezing my butt off. Just another layer of hate that I have for the Huskies..... Pardon me. I just used the "H" word...
  15. Forget the spread, but who is the outright winner in tonight's 6:00 PM game on FS1? This is tough, as I see the factors below... --Oregon State is very tough at home the last two years... --Without Cam Rising....can Utah score enough? --Utah's incredible run defense versus the Beaver run game...whew! --Can the Beavers score enough through the air? What other factors do you see, and what is YOUR pick? (And don't forget the OBD Prediction Contest in the green pinned post at the top of the forum!) Mine is Utah, 17-14, although an OSU win would help scramble the Pac-12 title race.
  16. Coach Lanning has been bringing up this phrase only in the last few games, and in today's Eugene morning paper--he referred to the goals of the team versus Stanford were, 1) win the game, and 2) play to "the Standard." I love how he is raising the bar of expectations for the team of player performance--and this is a visible step to trying to establish what he had in Georgia. Reference made often is how the opponent is the same each week, and it is OREGON. Again, he is trying to extract consistent maximum performance from the players. It is easy to get up for the big games, but you cannot allow the teams you should beat to ruin your season, as was common with the prior coach. I've noted also that he has not really had a "theme" or slogan of any type until now. Why? Because last year's team was so far away on defense from what he wanted! The standard had not even been set; now with superb secondary performance and a massive step up in pass-rushing...we see a glimpse of where he wants to take this defense. What do you think of "The Standard?" This QB cannot "Duck" what is next...
  17. Hello My OBD FishDuck Forum Friends! What is your prediction versus Stanford? Take your shot and let's have fun with it... Lets get these predictions started, and remember I look for the differential between your predicted points with both teams from the actual points. I will use the tiebreaker information when needed, so provide all the data below! Entries without ALL the information are invalid, and predictions on other threads don't count. Please follow directions, as I need all that is below for tiebreakers: --the winner --the score --the amount of turnovers Oregon creates --the number of sacks Oregon records on the opposing team --the number of passing yards by the Ducks. My prediction is: Oregon, 42-14, 3, 5, 292
  18. That is precisely right. I can't remember my license plate number!
  19. Looks pretty similar to a Blast-from-the-Past! I have it qued up to the play...just click. No. 46, Michael Clay, and Chip did it from our own 28 yard line... (What kind of sicko remembers stuff like this from 13 years ago? Yours-truly!)
  20. Yikes. Isn't this the same uniform we wore when we lost down there last time? Close...we had the white lid then...
  21. Great article, Alex, and the biggest point to me, refers to not running our quarterback. With all the weapons we have at our disposal, there simply isn’t any reason to run him between the tackles in any game, as far as I am concerned. Wide open zone reads, or scrambles with open field when back to pass, are the only two times for Bo to takeoff running, IMHO. Even then, slide and go, Outabounds!
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