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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. I don't think we'll see that this year! (Not done during the years I was referring to)
  2. If they are getting burned deep often, then it shows that Oregon did not have the pass rush in the year that happened, but I believe we will this year. While that happened in the past, I do not believe it happened much during the Chip Kelly high-scoring years, nor in 2014. Ifo was good at stopping it...
  3. If you do not have the personnel to completely pull it off--what you get is slowing down the opponent, and making it hard on them to score, while you outscore them. It works when you have the high-scoring offense, and makes logical sense if you do have the high scoring. In my view, it was the perfect defense to run when you had Chip's offense, and not enough bodies on defense. That is why it was 52-27, or 48-31 or a score where we won with a sizable margin, but the other team scored more than we all were comfortable with. (Chip was no fool, and allowed Nick to run the defense) But this year? We have the players on offense and defense to carry it out much better, IMHO. Or we can disagree, and that is OK. Dion Jordan
  4. This was NOT Chip's fault, as Barner made the wrong read, and took on Nick Fairley. (Bad move) The perimeter was well blocked and open! (Game-Changer!)
  5. Of course not. But you are playing the high-percentages in your favor. For example...we lost three games (including to Beavis in '22) where a field goal would have won the game. I think THREE LOSSES out of the five Lanning has is pretty compelling "percentages" assertion. But what do I know? Just another opinion, and I love them all. BTW Mike...nice of you to admit a change of heart on an issue. This forum has changed my views on tons of topics too. This transfer, Atticus Sappington, made 93% of his field goals last year, and he transferred to us.
  6. Holy Crap! What a weekend, as I got hit with an attack of 15 Spammers from around the world trying to penetrate our Registration System. You may recall that I fended off an attack from a group of 16 in India the evening of Thanksgiving last November with the help of a number of our wonderful moderators. This time the primary location that came up with the IP search was, "Russian Federation" and the others around the world joined in a coordinated attack on the Our Beloved Ducks forum. If they can get registered, then they create so many advertising spam posts that when you get up in the morning...it is pages and pages of spam starting with the first page on the front of the forum. I have a couple of methods to detect the bastards, but it all takes my time. Some of the new people who have registered recently received a phone call from me to confirm their existence as a Duck fan, and it was a couple of fun conversations hearing their Oregon story. But again--more of my time. Bottom line is that I have a couple of technical lines of defense built into the registration system now, as it is combination of high tech, and then low-tech, which is my judgment, elbow grease and time. It is sad that a lovely little football site gets attacked, but that is the new world we live in. Ever Thought About Writing for FishDuck? The football season is coming up and we will have a MILLION things to savor over and discuss as fans. To write for FishDuck.com, you do not need football expertise, you just need an opinion. The vast majority of our articles are "Op-Eds," or Opinion-Editorial articles, and I love them as they create great discussion in this forum. I would like a few more writers for the fall, and the technology is not hard--once you spend a little time, and then you got it nailed. I help writers with that through the process, as we have OBD members who write for fun while having a full time job. It is a very satisfying hobby to spend a few hours creating something, seeing it published, and then bantering-with-our-Duck-Buddies in the forum. Join us! If there was ever a perfect time, an ideal season...this is it! I am going to be training a few newbies, and would love to add a few. Contact me: charles@fishduck.com and I'll get information to you. Love this community! Charles Last year the two FishDuck sites served over a quarter-million returning readers....join us!
  7. The Purdue game was an away game with the Storm Trooper helmet and jerseys, with green pants. We won in Double-Overtime after being down 20-3 after the first quarter, and then the defense only gave up six points after that. Gosh, it was a future NFL Defensive Backfield with Jarius Byrd, Walter Thurmond, TJ Ward, and Patrick Chung. Whew! At linebacker we had Spencer Paysinger and Casey Matthews and on the defensive line with had Will Tukuafu and Nick Reed! On offense was Jeremiah Johnson, LeGarrette Blount, Ed Dickson and Jeff Maehl. At QB we had Justin Roper playing most of it due to injury, and when got hurt in OT, then Freshman Chris Harper ran the Zone Read and option well enough for Oregon to score. Sweet stuff! Walter Thurmond
  8. He is going to be a sneaky good receiver out of the backfield, as he will command attention as a power running back and then after a ball fake turns upfield? He looked like a WR on the Spring Game TD, but they also sent him on a wheel route earlier in the game. A new weapon...
  9. The only reason that the B1G invited Oregon and Washington, is because Fox threw in more money to get our brand and the Seattle market. Thus all teams in the B1G each got more money for us joining, hence the invitation. Unless Fox gives the conference more money to invite Cal/Furd, they will not be invited, IMHO. Adding them would actually be dilutive to the other B1G members because their audience numbers do not move the needle. I wanted to see them join the B1G, as I thought academically--they are an ideal matchup and we could then have a west coast pod of six teams which would reduce travel. But alas...our attorney friend Jon Joseph politely brought these points to my attention, and they make sense.
  10. Interesting how both recruits today were from B1G country...Illinois and Ohio. Would this have happened had we remained in the...??
  11. There is one non-Ducks show on at 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM, but other than that...it is all-Oregon from 5:00 PM to Midnight PST. Also...the official WELCOME show for Oregon is replayed Sunday morning at 6:30 AM, so set your DVRs! LaMichael James in the open field versus Purdue... Kiko Alonso sacking Russell Wilson...one of my favorite pics of all time!
  12. Starting at 5:00 PM PST is the replay versus Purdue, as Oregon was just emerging in the Spread Offense in 2008, with some sweet names from the past. Then the 2012 and 2020 Rose Bowls against Wisconsin are programed, with an Oregon practice report as well. A Sweet Beginning!
  13. There is no reason for me to promote Rivals, in fact I had such a bad experience on their forum in the past that I discontinued, and never went back. But when it comes to recruiting rankings--I put my bias aside to look at what is the most accurate over the last 25 years. Below is an explanation... Why I Use Rivals.com over 247 for Recruiting Comparisons | FishDuck FISHDUCK.COM So many people ask why I do not refer to the CBS 247 Recruiting analyses and rankings and use the Rivals.com rankings instead? It is because I often am looking…
  14. He is a Rivals 4-Star, who was offered by Ohio State, Michigan, Georgia, Notre Dame, Texas A&M and USC. Trey McNutt | DuckSportsAuthority N.RIVALS.COM Trey McNutt - 2025 4 Star Safety for Shaker Heights (Cleveland, OH) on Rivals.com
  15. On a pay-site....the analysis of him is beyond glowing, pretty impressive. I cannot copy it because it is too soon, and their members pay for the great position analysis they provide, but I will give you the conclusion... "Frankly speaking there isn’t a whole lot Williams can’t do now and whatever he might not be able to do now he will be able to do in short order. He’s not far down his developmental runway and he’s already a truly elite prospect. What will he look like with added physical development?" "You could have told me he was a senior before watching his full game tapes. His athletic arrogance is apparent and the game seems slow for him which at 15 or 16 years old is really uncommon. This was some of the better sophomore film I’ve seen from a prep qb."
  16. Well now! Our B1G blueprint is going well, as we took a QB out of Illinois. He is 6'3" and a Rivals 4-Star and was offered by Alabama, LSU, Michigan, Ohio State, Iowa, Washington and Notre Dame. Jonas Williams | DuckSportsAuthority N.RIVALS.COM Jonas Williams - 2026 4 Star Dual threat quarterback for Lincoln Way East (Frankfort, IL) on Rivals.com Note they say he is a "Dual Threat" QB, so he can run!
  17. Thank you Duckley Palace for the kind words, as I and those who volunteer put in a ton of hours to make it all happen. In fact I will be spending about four hours today working on a project for the sites that is in the background, that nobody sees, but the work has to be done for the season. I could not operate this forum without the volunteers, and my full gratitude cannot be expressed with mere words. I do not have to go to other schools' sites for comparison, as I check out the other two pay sites for Oregon fans, as I used to be an active member of them. The reason I started this forum was because of those experiences, and the nonsense that still pervades those sites. Our dozen moderators keep this site clear, as Trolls hardly have a bad post up for very long. In fact, we have had quite a spell of very few rule violations, and it has been great. Love this community! We have a smaller community here than those sites, but we actually have as much discussion or more in a given day due to how people at OBD forum know they can post without being put down for a different opinion. We also post more articles to read here for all locations than any other Oregon site, and that is due to NJDuck and the Duck News Hunting Team. (NJDuck, Steven A., Smith72 and Jon Joseph...and we need more!) As for Nebraska and B1G fans who already don't like Duck fans? We have great fans, and we have disgusting fans, and I am not apologizing for it. (Although I think I may be in BOTH categories at times) I am just embracing the fun of the season, and if other B1G fans want to share in discussion--the door is open and we would welcome them. But they have to behave...
  18. The yellow helmet...with the stripe! It has been SO LONG, and I love it! BTW...above is my favorite color of green...
  19. Inexperience as a Head Coach.... Take the Damn Points! (It's been awhile since I wrote that)
  20. Cool! The new B1G map video (30 seconds) with Oregon in it!
  21. Interesting responses by athletes in the B1G when asked what they think of when they think of Oregon...
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