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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Oh goody. Let's get into an even longer and worse contract... But the athletes would get to spend a ton of time on airplanes!
  2. I appreciate the thought given as to why the Big-12 and Oregon/Washington are not a good fit from either side's perspective. I like how it is written a couple of times how "Oregon is striving for the Playoffs." This is good branding of the present goals, helpful for ranking voters, recruits, and national respect. "But anyone expecting bold action from the Pac-12 presidents is setting themselves up for disappointment. The group talks about a strategic approach that anticipates “where the puck is going.” In reality, it’s unable to see the puck until the conference gets whacked in the mouth." Do you feel that you have been misled by your sources inside the Pac-12? Wilner: Not at all, and here’s the reason: To a significant extent, our coverage of the media rights process has leaned into 1) sources in the sports media industry who are unaffiliated with the conference and 2) on-the-record comments by the university presidents. I suggest reading the rest!
  3. Ha! Jon will confirm how I often say to him...."Jon, we are dinosaurs!"
  4. Yep. And now we are supposed to apologize the Big-12 Trolls who predicted umpteen times that Colorado was leaving...and it did not happen until now? If a media deal is announced later this week--does that mean that Canzano is a liar for all those prior times...or right because of this time?
  5. From my own limited experience with player/coach/analyst interviews in the past....often you learn a TON in those interviews that you just cannot share with the audience. Maybe they are waiting on some final approvals, or signatures or some last-minutes revisions to be answered, thus he cannot reveal that. I have heard some juicy stuff that never saw the light of day, or I lost my source forever. Only years later do I tell someone, and even then--it often turns out different, thus what I heard was accurate at that time, but events have obscured it, and thus it remains buried forever. I am quite sure John hears a lot more than he can share. (IMHO)
  6. I disagree. Lanning is putting together the most talent-laden Oregon team ever, and if we make the Playoffs? The league we are in does not matter. (As mighty USC was back-in-the-day, or Clemson in a weak ACC years ago) Our brand is big, and will remain so as long as we keep winning. Oregon will be fine.
  7. In today's article, John Canzano asked someone who was in the room for the Pac-12 CEO meeting on Thursday. The source told him... "Meeting was fine. I think we are pretty solid,” the person said. “Waiting to early next week. League needs to deliver something soon and good. Excellent communication between ADs. Seems we are strongly committed to wait and see the deals.” The issues with the deal? “Just taking far too long,” the source said. “But the climate is terrible. And peers from other conferences are trying to take the league. Along with (Fox) trying to own it all. Not healthy.” John reminded his readers... I had a Pac-12 CEO Group source tell me two weeks ago “it will be worth the wait.” I don’t think the person was blowing smoke. But that ‘wait’ needs to end soon. How’s next week for everyone? Work for you?
  8. To repeat what is buried in another thread....."Which conference would you want to join? The B1G or the Big-12?"
  9. Through all of these decisions about changing conferences...the fans of the schools involved are never asked. We are told..."this is about money, so...." A FishDuck photographer moved to Oklahoma nearly a year ago, and he told me that he has not met a single Sooner fan who wanted to leave the Big-12. Not one! He shoots pics for Oklahoma often, and thus is in contact with tons of their fans between work and socially since he lives close to Norman. A former FishDuck writer told me, as another major Oregon told me...who both have TONS of UCLA fans as friends in SoCal, that NONE of them wanted to leave the Pac-12. In fact a big USC fan I know has told me the same thing! Now I know that many Trojan fans in the forums have rejoiced at the move, but tons of other USC fans are not happy with it. I would bet that a HUGE majority of the fans at the schools impacted by conference realignment would be against it. But who are they? Just the ones paying the freight for the whole damn thing!
  10. Your idea has great sentimental value to us, but a media contract for this Northwest league would not fund the athletic department needs. And, I am not sure that Phil is as generous with his money as we are with his money.
  11. Oh brother. That article is a GREAT example of a ton of "blah-blah" wrapped up in an editorial with an opinion that has some sizzle. In the end...it says nothing, speculates, but nothing beyond what we have seen on the forum often. The writer has been around a while, and actually provided pictures to a Oregon-USC game in LA years ago for this site. So he is talented in many ways--most of which is bloviating. He makes reference to Oregon and Washington doing "the long con," and wow....look who is talking! He also writes that the Ducks and Huskies feel that, "We want to make the Pac-12 work for us … but if not, we won’t be devastated.” Geez, no kidding. Haven't I been writing for months that no matter what happens...Oregon will be just fine? This is why I don't read a lot of that crap...
  12. Having a different opinion here is not crazy, and you will be disagreed with, but we insist on everyone being "polite and respectful" to each other. With that, I disagree with your premise; if MW teams were a great thing to watch, then their contract would reflect the number of eyes on them. I see no benefit to merging the two conferences for media purposes, other than to dilute the Pac-12 product further. MW teams would benefit; we would not. Nobody wants to watch most of those teams play, and thus why I personally am not in favor of bringing on Fresno State, Boise, etc., into the Pac-12, although SDST is fine.
  13. Picture the poor Beaver fan who knows that if the Pac-12 dissolves--his team is headed to the Mountain West. But the one team who can keep the conference together...who can save their flat-tails is the team they hate more than they love Oregon State. Yep, it's Oregon. That has to create quite a pit in their stomach as they go to sleep... Do they deserve it?
  14. Some really good stuff in here to ponder... Who's next to take the realignment leap? Latest intel after Colorado jumps to the Big 12 247SPORTS.COM The Pac-12 needs at least one new member and so does the Big 12, and it appears the Big 12 is not done picking at the bones of the Pac-12. Meanwhile, the ACC and Big Ten's eyes have...
  15. I don't know what to make of this or how to feel... For those who cannot read the rest... FOX doesn't want to run the risk of losing any of their top football viewership schools to ESPN. The Ohio State insiders are saying the same thing. This is as close as I will be able to get to "confirm" that Oregon and Washington are on the verge of entering formal conversations with the Big Ten via FOX. I've mentioned many times that NBC, CBS, and FOX will grow the Big Ten. I bet it goes to 24 schools.
  16. Don't miss the ending! C'mon....you have to admit--it's funny!
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