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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. You are quite right, as this is a way to bring the conference to the negotiating table, but it would still spell the end of the conference as the "have-nots" would get less money, and thus join a Group-of-5 conference? (Bye-Bye Beavers?)
  2. The end of the Pac-12....Wowsa. Gotta stew on this a while...
  3. I almost burst out laughing...."Koby....talk to Micah Pittman and the other receivers who were going to bolt from Oregon!" How many receivers did Mari put in the league?
  4. "Mario Cristobal held down Justin Herbert better than any defense in the NFL!"
  5. To Duck 1972 and Wrathis: I am not going to repeat the articles written about the Rose Bowl, except to say that Herbert did not run the ball on his own or call his own play. These were "Zone-Read" plays that in the past--Herbert was not allowed to pull the ball, but in the Rose Bowl--he could if the "read" defender went after the running back and vacated his zone. Two of the Zone-Reads for touchdowns were made out of the Pistol, and a third TD was out of the Zone Read in the Shotgun. Even with the correct read--Herbert still had to put a juke on an outside linebacker to make the TDs. Justin Herbert doing the Zone Read out of the Pistol in the Rose Bowl
  6. Yep. For all the talk about the offensive line...we had quite a drop-off with Cristobal. And Minnie-Me...
  7. There are articles out there that provide the data... "Recruiting rankings matter when building championship contenders. They’re just as critical when projecting if a player will reach the NFL." What Do Those Star Ratings Mean? - Last Word on College Football LASTWORDONSPORTS.COM When discussing recruits, we often hear that star ratings mean very little. We analyze the question: what do those star ratings mean exactly? Do stars matter in recruiting? The data says they do - Footballscoop FOOTBALLSCOOP.COM Put any coach in front of a microphone and ask him if stars matter and he'll probably say one or all of the following: "We don't look at that stuff." "We trust NFL Draft: The 'Stars Don't Matter' Narrative Gets Crushed 2020 NFL Draft: The 'stars don't matter' narrative gets crushed 247SPORTS.COM You hear it every year: Stars don't matter. But the NFL Draft (like it does every year) showed that sentiment to be incorrect.
  8. Yes it matters in the big picture, not with individual players. The higher the Stars, the higher the probability of that player helping your team, IMHO. Now we have had a ton of 2-Star and 3-Star players in the past who have excelled, but they are in the vast minority. And then there is the question that Steve Greatwood would ask..."how do we measure within a recruit what is right here?" (Pointing to his heart)
  9. My FishDuck Friends, to explain this aspect of why we should not get concerned about early high rankings...let's look at the Rivals ranking right now for the 2023 class right here. You will see that Baylor is No. 5 in the nation, has 20 verbals, (which means they are close to being done) with sixteen 3-Star verbals and only three 4-Star verbals. Now let's look at the final 2022 recruiting class rankings on Rivals right here, and see who is No. 32 (West Virginia) with the same sixteen 3-Star verbals and only three 4-Star players signed. The Mountaineers actually had more total recruits (23 to 20) than the Baylor example, but they do not end up in the top grouping at all. So...what is No. 5 now will end up being No. 32 later....so don't worry about Washington's or Baylor's ranking now. We will pass them later! If you extrapolate the classes to 24 recruits each....UW will end up with two 4-Star players and Oregon will up with twelve 4 & 5-Star recruits. (Not that it will happen... but you get the idea-don't get wonked out now) What matters is how you finish up, the quality of the class, not where you are now.
  10. This is going to be a much bigger factor on both offense and defense, IMHO, because I believe both sides of the ball are coming out surprising and impressing people. Remember what Lanning's mantra.... "It is not what you say, but what you do."
  11. Pretty, pretty impressive....but take the last one off as he verballed to Texas this morning.
  12. If things on offense do not explode...then Lanning/Dillingham will have a serious credibility issue with the fans. Cristobal lied to us from the very beginning, but hid it well in nuance. Even when presented the precise words he stated in his press conference--many Oregon fans still carried his water for him, and attacked me for even suggesting anything untoward. By contrast, Dillingham has come out almost shouting about "explosion plays, and creating space for playmakers with one-on-one matchups." In fact, if I were a coach trying to announce my intentions of returning to a high-scoring offense again--the way they have done it is how I would do it! I too, had been wondering about the direction of the offense, but found proof of Dillingham's intentions in the Spring Game...right off the bat. (Oh...these FishDuck writers!) Coach Dillingham's Offensive Attack Philosophy Confirmed with... FISHDUCK.COM Oregon Offensive Coordinator Kenny Dillingham has explained how he prefers a fast-tempo offense and in particular—taking advantage of one-on-one matchups that...
  13. I am surprised that people are concerned at this stage. Simply because any team has more verbals at this point, we eventually end up with the same number verbals, but Oregon’s quality of class is much much higher. Trust me on this, Oregon will have a much higher class than Washington, and what takes place in June really doesn’t matter. One 4 star out of 12 verbals for Washington, versus four 4 stars out of eight verbals for Oregon, is quite a difference already. It is just that Washington gets additional points momentarily because they have more verbals. I thought most of us had already been through this and kind of knew how it works. But it is not anything for us to be concerned about. Oregon will get theirs.
  14. If you consider a typical class of 25 players, they are halfway there with only one four-star player. By the time it is over, I don’t think they will even be in the top 30 in the nation, which is not that great. Compared to Chris Peterson, that is not good recruiting, which is what my point was.
  15. By the time Mari is let go--he will be quite rich and set for life. He can then coach at a backwater school in Florida for fun. Oh. He can't go there because Willie Taggart has that one taken.
  16. Washington just had a string of new verbals...as they have 12 verbals, but 11 are 3-Star, with only one 4-Star on Rivals. By contrast Oregon has eight verbals with half, or four of the 4-Stars, with more coming. The Huskies have more points because they have more verbals at the moment. We will have 25 commits eventually, so I do not hit panic button this early. I am not trying to be dismissive of your concerns, but I believe they are premature. I have been following Oregon recruiting closely for nearly 25 years, and continue reading everything about it on the two subscription Oregon sites. I have also written quite a few recruiting articles over the years as well. I am not saying I am always correct, but I do believe your concerns before July 1st are a bit early. We will get ours.
  17. "Prevent Offense" was coined by our own 30Duck here on the OBD forum, and it perfectly described the offense under Cristobal.
  18. This is great stuff from our new friends from the Big-12, and given us a ton to consider. Please check in and post often, as you are very welcome.
  19. Websites that report news are hard-up for content, as that article is just a bunch of "blah-blah" that we already know. "If Moore comes to Oregon--it will help further recruiting!"
  20. I vote with Oregon State as the Trap game, if we accomplish what I think we can. Will we be "full-of-ourselves" by that time in the season and not be ready? Due to their massive stadium remodeling--there will NOT be many Oregon fans allowed, as visiting teams will be given far fewer tickets, and allow OSU fans priority first.
  21. I am quite surprised that Oregon has more fans than Alabama? Over 5 million? Wow.
  22. Nemec is simply reading 247 and ScoopDuck and copying what they are reporting; he has no sources. But 'Hop at SD has it happening in the next two weeks...and that could start a set of recruiting dominoes that are thrilling for Oregon fans.
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