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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. This was a very important recruit, as we missed on another high-end TE in this cycle. Word is...he was "All-Oregon" and then Tennessee made a big pitch and turned him to Knoxville. Oregon found out at the last minute yesterday that they had lost him, and apparently went back to the bargaining table. (NIL) It is unfortunate there are no rules at the moment, yet it is nice to be the one out-bidding a major SEC program for once. (Well, maybe twice in the last 24 hours, as Sharma was set to Texas until just hours before his announcement) Brame is a Rivals 4-Star, and as many analysts have stated...."can do it all." He is precisely what we needed to replace Terrance Ferguson, although we do need another TE in this class to replace Patrick Herbert as well. His major offers, summarizing, besides Oregon and Tennessee were...Alabama, Michigan, LSU, Oklahoma, Penn State, and Ole Miss. DaSaahn Brame | DuckSportsAuthority N.RIVALS.COM DaSaahn Brame - 2025 4 Star Tight end for Derby (Derby, KS) on Rivals.com
  2. This is a big benchmark win for Oregon, as we have not recruited the best running backs out of high school in a very long time. Davison is the No. 2 RB in the nation, so this is a win that cannot be overstated.
  3. As stated in another post--he is rare, in that he is a Rivals 5-Star, yet 4-Star with the rating services who do not rate as tough as Rivals, IMHO. Oregon beat out another offer list that is elite of Alabama, Georgia, Florida State, Michigan, Notre Dame, Ohio State, Penn State and Texas. Head-spinning recruiting! Jordon Davison | DuckSportsAuthority N.RIVALS.COM Jordon Davison - 2025 5 Star Running back for Mater Dei (Santa Ana, CA) on Rivals.com I forgot to mention that he is a big back (5'11", 230 lbs.) who runs a 4.46! Whew!
  4. When another D-Tackle we were pursuing, (Trajen Odom) verballed to Ohio State, then Oregon put the finishing blast on for Sharma. Yet this guy is a Rivals 4-Star, and he was offered by Michigan, Alabama, Georgia, USC, Washington and in particular--everyone thought he was a lock to Texas. Big recruiting win! Josiah Sharma | DuckSportsAuthority N.RIVALS.COM Josiah Sharma - 2025 4 Star Defensive tackle for Folsom (Folsom, CA) on Rivals.com
  5. OK my FishDuck Friends, the video below is short, incredibly funny, and might be a little raunchy in one spot. But we're adults here and can handle it. Besides the rest is too much fun...
  6. The Ducks may get a QUAAACK from one of the best running backs in the nation today, and something surrounds him that I have not seen before. Rivals is known to have tougher grading for awarding the stars and ranking, thus it is common that when the media reports a player as a 5-Star, that means it is true on 247 Sports, but not Rivals. Usually he is a 4-Star on Rivals, but on occasion will match the 247 ranking. But this RB Jordon Davison, is a 4-Star on ESPN, On3, and 247, yet is a 5-Star on Rivals? I cannot ever recall seeing a player given a 5-Star rating at Rivals that was not true with the other rating services. You can check the star comparison right here, and be amazed as I have been. This is very rare, and whoever he announces to--is getting a superb talent.
  7. Not! It has been a long road of learning, but this community has successfully trained themselves to stay away from politics, and I wish to say THANK YOU to the community. Now, once in a while we get a bonehead who cannot restrain himself, but our wonderful moderators hide his comment immediately and hardly anyone sees it. The point is--it used to be a problem, and now, between enforcing our rules, and the internal discipline applied by our superb OBD members--this forum is truly a safe zone for reading and writing. I was holding my breath during election week in 2022, but nothing was written--fantastic! And with the debate last night--nobody went near that topic here, and I am grateful, as I do not have to come down hard on anyone. So NICE to have this GREEN REFUGE to turn to from nastiness of real-life! The upcoming time in politics is going to test the resolve of everyone here on the Our Beloved Ducks Forum, so please continue to be disciplined. Whatever political stuff that is written offends half the people here, good people who I love and care about, and with the hundreds of political sites--there is no need to do that here. Stay strong, and let's continue to discuss, debate and love what really matters in this community... (And trust me--if anyone violates the 'No Politics' rule--the post is removed immediately, and I will drop-kick their butt over the goal posts.)
  8. Wowsa. Oregon Baseball, in the final polls, finished No. 12 in the nation on both Baseball America, and one I follow the most, D1 Baseball. Our of 300 Division-One Baseball teams, Our Beloved Ducks finished in the Top-4%, that is pretty darn good. Once we get great pitching that is deep....look out! The Bastard Beavers, (who we tied with in games 2-2) finished No. 10 and Arizona was No. 25. Waz has built a GOOD program!
  9. Good gosh, that is a cool AI photo! Will the Ducks be the Death-Star to the B1G?
  10. My friends, while the article above has a gambling link in it--it is a legit article I wrote that I've been pondering. Both Jon Joseph and NJDuck know I've been thinking about this topic for a while... Would love your thoughts! I had to publish now instead of the morning, and if that was not wild enough--I received orders from the West African nations of Benin and Nigeria! (And yes...I got paid upfront!)
  11. They are so WACKO, and I hope we pummel them in September, and they never want to play us again. Although, it is always fun to give Beavis a kick...
  12. Helmet is cool, and the diamond plating is not much of the uniform. But it is a good tribute, as that era placed us in the national eye.
  13. This video tells more of the story behind the new uniforms in less than two minutes...
  14. It was nice until I read this.... "There will never be two universities I pull for more than Oregon State and Washington State. They did nothing to deserve the hand they’ve been dealt." What a bunch of crap. Overpaid by millions for decades as they clearly did not pull their share, and what did they do to fix their lack of brand and audience? Nothing. But you are partially correct Ashley...they did nothing, thus why they did deserve it. So what was the Pig-2 response? Steal the money from those who earned it. False narratives from Sports Reporters? And they wonder why so many of us hate the current media... (That explains why she was published on John Canzano's site!)
  15. Oh Mike... First of all for those who do not know--Mike and I are friends who are not bashful about sharing our thoughts with each other, and this time it is on the forum, and not on the phone. Second....I no longer have much patience for the "Chicken-Little" pronouncements that used to gush from this site, and still pop up on occasion like Mike's post. Why? Because these dreadful "predictions" have no basis in fact, and are just that person's WAG on the situation of which is also throwing cold water on everyone else who may want to enjoy an epic season coming up. I've heard all this before....TONS of people wringing their hands here and gnashing their teeth over, "how NIL and the portal will destroy college football." Not for Oregon; in fact Our Beloved Ducks have killed-the-portal with Dan Lanning unlike anything we could have ever imagined. In fact...where would this team be without all the portal transfers? Would we be a 'Natty contender without the NIL and portal? This is one example of how the gloom-and-doomers were completely WRONG, and how things turned pretty well for Oregon. Third...is the market big enough? Who cares? What matters is that for the intense Oregon fan like I-is that we are in the thick of it, and we will flourish and do fine. Selfish, yes, but not any different than how anyone else would react. I cannot change the market forces making these changes, thus no need to be a negative-Nellie to everyone else when I have no idea how things will actually play-out later. If you are right and the market is not there? Then the next media contract will reflect that, and everyone will have to adjust. Sometimes traditions are broken due to societal trends, and those currents cannot be stopped. Other times it was a faulty model that existed for years, and finally ran its course. Nobody likes all the changes, but we need to embrace it, for we will still get to enjoy watching Oregon Football in the future. Let's see how it actually shakes out before declaring the worst?
  16. When Dano was hired at Oregon...he said they would go nationwide to get talent...and he is. Being in the B1G had to have helped land this player?
  17. I think Miami fans feel they belong, and it is a good media market. But-heck with them! And there is talk of Utah, who is good at a ton of sports… But I wanted Cal and Stanford to join the Big Ten simply so we would have cannon fodder on the West Coast and not have to travel so well, and because they are such a great academic additions to the conference. But, you have convinced me that they do not add value to the conference in terms of revenue, and in fact would hurt the bottom line for all of us.
  18. 2025 Washington Huskies Football Industry Comparison Commits WWW.ON3.COM 2025 Washington Huskies Football team commit list with the industry comparison.
  19. Never miss an opportunity to give Beavis a kick, laugh at USC, or insult the Huskies... Washington has three of the Rivals 4-Stars, while Oregon has seven, with more coming! (Whoops! Just picked up another 4-Star...make that eight!) Good thing I never said I was noble!
  20. Ok, it is great that Oregon ranks so high at No. 5 in the nation, but a couple of disclaimers need to be added: 1. These are rankings on 247 Sports, and not Rivals. 2. Most of the Ducks' 4/5-Star players are still underclassmen, and not making a big impact yet. 3. This ranking does not include transfers! Good gosh, with the way Lanning has killed it in the portal...and that doesn't count? So, a player like Dillon Gabriel, who was originally a 3-Star with UCF, but now is a Heisman Candidate-does not count? Ditto for so many others brought in by the portal? My FishDuck Friends....this means our roster is MUCH more loaded than anyone realizes. We are going to surprise a ton of people...especially in the B1G!
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