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  1. Let's hope so, to be honest I didn't watch a whole lot of UCLA games when he was there and highlights can be deceiving. I do remember the deer in the headlights look though, fairly difficult for a freshman being fed to the wolves with no protection.
  2. D1baseball and ESPN have the Ducks at #9 in the country! The pitching depth looks to be outstanding this year which has been a weak spot in years past. The bats are swinging about a good as can be hoped for with so many batters over .300 it's hard to list them all. Wish I was closer so I could bring the family out for a game or two and support this amazing team.
  3. Moore has a year of development in the system with really good players around him. Just the upgrade at the O line could cut the INTs in half, if I remember correctly he was under pressure a lot. Even mediocre QBs can look good with a stout O line but if he has time to throw down field this Offense could become a nightmare to hold down.
  4. I listened to part of the game on the radio and was actually confused, on of a few plays, of where the game was being played.
  5. I'm hopes he gets it going for the playoffs.
  6. Is just me or are these guy crushing the Home Runs? Seems like they have to be a fair amount ahead of last year on a per game average.
  7. Late season motivation is coming on strong with the win at Wisconsin. Getting hot late in the season is a show we've all seen before, this team does have a high ceiling and could really put on a run in the tournament. The question is, does Jekyll or Hyde show up?
  8. Agreed, on O he's better at being fed the ball down low than trying to create his own shots dribbling which is what has been going on with him lately. I really liked his game at Stanford, felt like they got him the ball as he was heading towards the basket l. Evans was more productive when he was starting, learning to come off the bench is not easy for a guy who probably never had to do that in highschool.
  9. He shoots 32% from 3, I'd prefer him down low trying to rebound. If he's wide open sure but even then he shouldn't be that far away from the basket most the time.
  10. It's time for that late season run going into the tournament!
  11. Evans wants his starting position back. When he comes out with energy he's tough to stop on both sides of the floor and Angel can be good but I haven't seen much energy from him lately. When Evan stays in his Lane and isn't out shooting 3's he can be more dynamic in the rebounding game. For that matter, there's only three people on this team. I want to see shooting threes Shelstad, Bartholomew, and Tracy everyone else is better off rebounding.
  12. So that's what I get for giving up and going plowing snow. Granted The snow is not going to plow itself but it looks like I missed a really good half of basketball. Go Ducks! Let me guess they stopped jacking threes and started going down low with the ball.
  13. Pretty typical for this team, as soon as they get behind they just start jacking threes right and left without moving the ball without throwing it inside or going to the rim. Evans had good energy down low, feed him already. If Oregon doesn't take another 3 this game they have a chance to win.
  14. No Hussle at all the second half. the Ducks looked like they where wearing cement boots on both sides of the court.
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