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Posts posted by Annie

  1. I don't know if "I can't stand Stanford" equates to hate, but I can't stand them. Just their "mascot" being the color cardinal  and having that represented by a tree, is just being too "cute" for words IMHO. Also, they way they try to portray their band's sophomoric antics as satire is another gripe.

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  2. I don’t know… I get the feeling that TT is just not ready for prime time and the coaches don’t want to sacrifice him in what could be a vain attempt to better the season.  Maybe in practice they’ve seen that he has a long way to go in reading defenses? On the one hand, yes, he’s been here since January. On the other hand, he is a true freshman.

  3. It does concern me not hearing any updates (not because of coaching, but for him as a person). I realize medical information is private, but I'd think if he was improving, showing signs that he would be released from the hospital soon, that we might have heard that. On the other hand, it's understandable if he and the family just want to keep it all private.

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  4. I've been decluttering the house for months now and just ran across a box with football memorabilia in it. Programs, newspapers, posters, tickets, etc.


    What have you done with such items? Kept them? Tossed them? Donated them to Goodwill?


    They are such an emotional walk down memory lane for me, but they've been in a box for over 20 years! Will I look at them again? Or will the box gather new dust?

    football ticket.2.psp

  5. 38 minutes ago, nogerO said:

    Until we figure out how to stop third and long situations regularly we never will.  I can't even count the number of times I've said aloud, "well it's third and long, they've got us right where they want us.  Absolutely intolerable track record in this regard.  PRESSURE. PRESSURE, PRESSURE.  Pressure on defense is the key to winning any game in almost any team sport you care to name. Stop the damned prevent defense in those situations and Blitz the hell out of them and make them throw it quickly.  We have the people to do it.  This getting to be a broken record.  Anyway,


    GO Ducks!!!

    I'm probably just being nostalgic, but I do have fond memories of Aliotti's bend-don't-break defense. Yes, the opposing teams often seemed to zip right down to the 20-yard line--but then one of three things usually happened. 1) The Ducks would create a fumble and recover the ball. 2) The Ducks would intercept the ball. Or 3) The Ducks would hold the opponent to a field goal.

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