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Everything posted by Ktmguy2018

  1. This morning, I was waiting for my order at Starbucks in the Cosmopolitan and an individual wearing a Husky jersey walked over to the waiting area. I was wearing my Duck gear so my allegiance was clear. Not knowing what to expect, we started with the "you going to the game?" casualness. Conversation turned to the season, the playoffs, the medias crush/love affair with the SEC, etc. He was an old school fan like me and had a TON of respect for what the Ducks have accomplished. We both bemoaned the destruction of our beloved conference at the hands of idiots and talked about the new conference. While both of us are excited for the new competition, the logistics of getting to games is gonna hurt the wallet. Wouldn't you know it, as we are having a great conversation, some younger UW fan walks over and says "why ya talking to a Duck?" My new acquaintance just shook his head and said that these new/younger fans have no respect for recognizing good competition and just want to think of everyone else as subhuman. We parted ways, each with our drink of choice. I dislike the Huskies, always have. But I did find a like minded fan today....he just happens to like the "other" team.
  2. The amount of folks wearing duck gear down here in Vegas is off the charts. In contrast I've seen one, ONE fan in Husky gear.... And dang, I'd sell my ticket for $57k!!! Section 124, row 6...any takers??
  3. Not many records that DJ would threaten.
  4. I may be underestimating the pups based one what my eye test tells me. BUT, after watching a season of Ducks vs. Them and seeing the preparation that goes in, I don't for a moment believe that DL has the team underestimating the pups. I think Penix has nightmares about a giant being called DorlusBirch that chases him constantly around the field and that he will not be comfortable in the pocket when he realizes the beast is real.
  5. JPJ channeling some DAT!! That should be played for ever Ok recruit!!
  6. Yeah, I was pretty surprised at the comments at uwdawgpound.com. The general consensus seems to be this is gonna be a loss...a few folks are very optimistic. They were REALLY pulling for the Beavers because they wanted to play UA over Oregon. Many folks are VERY concerned about what has happened with Penix since the Oregon game and they know he isn't 100%. Also, UW has not blown out anyone lately and the games have been down to the wire...fans are concerned about the toll that these games are taking on the emotional and physical health of the players. Nix has gotten to rest for the second half of several games.
  7. Okay, not only did we have the Ducks vs. Them drop, but Jacoby brings us the 2023 Oregon Ducks Pac-12! Championship Pump Up. I am so excited for this upcoming game! Take a look and listen. Gave me goosebumps! I will warn you, the first part is rough....but it is necessary.
  8. Alabama needed a MIRACLE of a play in the last seconds to defeat a .500 Auburn team. Milroe has NOT faced a defense like he will face with Georgia (even though the Georgia defense is not as elite as past years). I absolutely do not see Alabama winning that game. Call me nuts but a "not very impressive" Texas team beat them. Yeah, I get it, Texas only has one loss. But their games (except for TT) have not been pretty. I know Saban is a GOAT but the Crimson Tide will stop rolling after the SEC championship. And the Texas - Ok St game will be closer than most people think. Unless bad OK St shows up. So, with Alabama destined to lose, Texas's best win is over a two loss Alabama team while Oregon knocks off an undefeated Washington ranked #3. This is Oregon's to lose in my opinion!
  9. Folks, Ducks Vs. Them Civil War edition is one for the ages. Watching the preparation, DL's correlation with the Ducks having a closer mentality like Mariano Rivera and then seeing the Ducks walk into the stadium to "Enter Sandman"....it gave me goosebumps. Then, to see the response to Spencer Webb's family by the Autzen crowd brought tears to my eyes. What a production!!
  10. I am an emotional person but I was not prepared for the end of the Pac-12 After Dark episode. The network has always been decent, not great; but I never really thought about the folks who put so much into it. I didn't think about how the network has been a part of a my life for so long. Tonight, Nick Alioti, Nigel Burton, and Ashley Adamson signed off for the last time. Burton broke down, Alioti was very emotional, and Adamson said she was going to sign off with sounds from the last 10 years. Hard to believe that it's been 10 years but seeing Mariota on there started the emotions flowing. It was then that I realized how much I will miss the Pac-12. Yes, we are going to be part of the Big10 conference. But it is going to feel like we are visitors for a little while. The Pac-12 was home, it was where I lived for my entire life. I grew up watching the Ducks and just barely remember when the Pac-8 became the Pac-10. John Elway at Stanford made me a Denver Bronco fan for life. I guess I've kinda disassociated all those emotions of the dissolution of the Pac-12, directing them more to anger at Larry Scott and his ineptitude. But watching the episode, I see and feel what I am losing. I don't like it. It hurts. Being in Vegas for the final game of the Pac-8/10/12 conference that shaped my life as a sports fan is going to be an emotional kick to the tenders. I want to be there though...to see it end with a Ducks victory. And to bid adieu to the conference that I have loved. The Ducks will continue in their greatness. The Pac-12....thanks for everything, I will miss you.
  11. I get the fear, for me it stems back to Harrington getting jobbed. However, since that UW loss, Oregon has destroyed opponents....not just beaten them, destroyed them. As a superior team should. Bama struggled against a .500 team, Florida State struggled against a .500 team. The "experts" don't trust Texas ..far to many close games against inferior competition. Eye test matters...at least I am telling myself that.
  12. Tied at 14-14. UW has not been sharp, Penix has looked very off and they have no running game. I get it's a rivalry game....but so was the Civil War. I know that it was 14-7 in the second quarter but there was NO doubt that Oregon was in control. In this game, WSU is the aggressor, has more yards, and Chris Petersen just said the Cougs look like the #4 team.
  13. Folks, you want to read some angry, disappointed, and rudderless fan posts...head over to angrybeavs.com. Those folks are absolutely lost right now, some are questioning if they will even be able field a roster for a bowl game. Not sure if there is anyone that DL would want to poach but my guess would be a lot of portal action in a bit! It's actually enough to make you ALMOST feel bad for them.
  14. I am not pulling for either team but what I am pulling for is an UGLY game...one of those games where the committee is not thinking, wow these teams are both really good...can we get them both in. Ugly, mistake filled, penalties....that's my hope.
  15. I wandered over to uwdawgpound.com to see how things were going for the buttsniffers after Oregon completely destroyed a team that had given them fits. I tell you what, there are some fans there who choose to live in a world devoid of logic and rationale thinking. I can't tell if they are scared to face Oregon again or just full of bloated arrogance. One fan went so far as to say that if both UW and Oregon finish with one less to each other, that UW had a better look against common opponents....REALLY?? did they watch the same ASU games, or the same OSU games? There is so much "Oregon stinks/sucks/is overrated" that I couldn't help but laugh. One guy trying to be the voice of reason had to start his post with "I'm not a doom sayer, but this Oregon team is really good". Venture over at your own risk. It does demonstrate that there is a segment of the population in severe need of medication!
  16. Kay, I am having WAY to much fun with this but let's contrast what DL did with how our previous coaches would have handled it: MC: JPJ, tie em again...the same way JPJ: Coach, it isn't working MC: It will, IF you do it with more PHYSICALITY!! That is all we need!! WT: Shoelaces? Dang, don't need no flippin shoelaces in Florida. JPJ: Coach? WT: Uhhh, oh yeah...Do Something. MH: Mmmmkay....well, this is a pickle. JPJ: Coach, I just need to get my shoes tied. MH: Hmmm....what would Chip do?
  17. DL: "Well, here's the problem. Stop making the bunny ears. JPJ: "But coach, that's all I know. DL: "Today is a new day. Rooted in substance. Let me teach you. "
  18. I'll do it for 500k a year....I consider myself an incredible shoe-tier...and I'd be a bargain.
  19. Bet he is proficient in calling "Dive, A gap Right.... again"
  20. Can't imagine the swag at the Depends Adult Protection bowl that USC is gonna find themselves in...
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