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Marshall Lucky

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  1. Remember Blount’s endzone fumble against OS2 in Chips first Rose Bowl? lol
  2. After second thought, I’m pissed off. F’rhe powers that be. I look forward to the shoe and beating their rear-ends in front of their mommies.
  3. And….the playoff Commission has gotten every game they wanted. sucks, but we keep swinging.
  4. Did I mention this sucks and I hate OSU2?
  5. Perspective brothers and sisters. this game is the culmination of what Rich Brooks started in the basement of Mac’ Court a half century. What matters more than the game and the Championship is the next snap, and the snap after that..
  6. Roll up the newspaper, the puppies been bad!
  7. ….and the B1G-er
  8. Dad past yesterday. We’d gone to games at Autzen every year from 1980 until I left for college…and then always talked after games. For all of you that’s been here; I’m feeling ya.
  9. Part a; At some point between 2 & 3 I remembered the sordid history of how the PCC shed OSU, WSU and UO to become the AAWU in ‘59…then finally the PAC 8, in 1964. Basically the bigs cheated, got busted…quit and formed their own lil’ conference of cheaters….leaving Oregon and Oregon State in independent purgatory…which took the Rich Brooks tenure to recover from.. Conclusion- “Screw the Pac-whatever” part b: the west coast conference made sense in 1915 because we were geographically isolated in the late fall and early winter as travel was restrictive unless going north-south. God bless the turbofan engine…that isn’t the case now. We’ve just been self isolating by time zone. Time to end it! part c…the Big 1G media and aggregate fan base have NO CLUE what they just let in…lolz
  10. Dubs is a malamute, so not an actual Husky.
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