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Desert Duck

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  1. Who in the world are these guys? They're killin' me. Just when I thought they were going to suck their way through the end of the season, they roll off 4 straight wins... with a road win OT game against the #11 team in the nation. It must be mid-to-late February... heading into March.
  2. Well, at least the first part of the season was fun.
  3. After watching ASU play rather poorly and still nearly beat Texas, and after watching OSU completely throttle Tennessee and Oregon, I figured OSU would clown Stomp Texas. However, while I never felt like the game was much in doubt, it seemed like OSU looked fairly pedestrian. But after the beatdowns and the energy they expended against Tennessee and Oregon, perhaps it's understandable if they let up a bit. But if they show up with that level of energy against Notre Dame, it could be a long night for the Buckeyes. However, I expect the Tennessee / Oregon Buckeyes to show up on the 20th.
  4. Obviously, the answer is easy... We simply cannot let these Ducks play another home game in the tomb known as MKA.
  5. And managed properly, ADHD can be a tremendous asset.
  6. Ducks are shooting lights out - 52% & 46%, and yet are only up by 7. I think we've got to score more points in the paint. However, when we're shooting lights out like this, it's hard to argue with success. Hopefully we can keep it up in the second half
  7. What an impressive 1st NFL season for Bo. He led the Broncos to what few believed possible... a trip to the playoffs. Likely a sign of many seasons to come for this young man.
  8. "Difficult travel was a given when those teams joined, and the Bruins are dealing with it now." We all knew B1G travel would suck, but when you're playing 30+ regular season games -- BEFORE post season, it's beyond ridiculous.
  9. Maybe that TD is a picture of things to come... hopefully for both of them.
  10. He was a bit before my time, and I hate to admit it, I don't recall his name. But averaging 17 boards a game in your senior season is off the charts insane. And to win 7 NBA championships is one amazing run. I had to look him up and what a career. He also averaged 20 ppg his senior year, still holds the Oregon record for most rebounds in a single game with 32 (nearly 70 years later), and was the #3 pick in the draft. I'm embarrassed that I didn't know who he was.
  11. How awesome is that! What a great story. Thanks for sharing it.
  12. Years ago, I loved the NBA. But, IMHO, it is now a rather crap product. I haven't really followed it for years now. Why Oregon would choose to emulate that product is beyond me.
  13. Thanks for sharing this. It is such a phenomenal memory. I was in 6th grade at the time and we had a basketball game that afternoon. I can't remember if we won our game or not, but I do remember us all tearing out of the gymnasium, jumping into the cars, and everyone turning on the radio just in time to catch the last 4 minutes of the game. We all went a bit nuts when we won that game. And then, the icing on top, was a week later the Sports Illustrated cover coming out. Our little corner of the world almost never got any national press so this was a big deal.
  14. I had finally purged that evil play from my memory. Thanks for bringing back my PTSD
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