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About WilsonvilleDuckFan

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  1. Charles, so grateful for this site. I’ve enjoyed browsing it daily for years now, never seeing the nastiness that sometimes appears on o5er sites. And there’s a lot of knowledge found here that has helped me enjoy this fabulous Ducks flight we’ve been on, especially since the arrival of Dan L. Duck himself.
  2. Good thing Herbie’s opinion only matters to him! I probably care as much about his opinion as he does mine (not at all).
  3. Committed? How about “strongly interested “ or “leaning toward”.
  4. Once real football games are being played again, nobody will care what the PAC/2 does. Right now, they occasionally do things that create fodder for a bit of speculation and conversation. Reality is, both OSU and WSU have Couged it.
  5. Somehow, it’s easy to imagine a game where Michigan dominates, and loses. It’s been that kind of year.
  6. At least no SEC in championship.
  7. Talkin Ducks is also back on Root TV if you get that station.
  8. Too simple. “They” will never do something that easy, but they should.
  9. I think a couple of things are being conflated here. My guess is many agree that the PAC-2 should be in charge of the “conference” going forward, and they are entitled to “future” revenue. That’s future, like NEXT year. Revenue earned THIS year? That’s not theirs to use as they wish. They are entitled to protection regarding sharing any current obligations, such as the overpayments made to the conference in the past, but beyond that, they are entitled to their 1/12 share each, I’m hoping the judge who is overseeing this transfer sees fairness as important as protecting these two weak programs.
  10. Interesting that the Ducks won the final PAC-10 CC, won the first PAC-12 CC. Only fitting to close out the conference with another championship.
  11. It also appears the referee is playing pretty good pass defense at the moment Bo would have been looking for a target. Wrong place, wrong time and trying to get out of the way.
  12. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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