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Posts posted by 2002duck

  1. It's kind of a very optimistic outlook, but with the Matt Damon & Ben Affleck movie "Air" coming out on April 5th, I can see Nike, Phil Knight, and in some way...Oregon becoming really hot on the national scene.


    If it could get the interest of B1G decisions makers to move the needle for Oregon ever so slightly, I think it might be enough to get us into the B1G sooner rather than later.


    Sometimes you've got to think B1G.


    • Let’s hope! 1
  2. On 3/12/2023 at 8:42 AM, Charles Fischer said:

    Dante’ is ready for the next level, and Ware is not.



    "I check pretty frequently, and I've never seen Dante on a mock draft for this year's draft. I saw he was projected to go in the second round next year on nbadraft.net a few weeks ago, but now he's completely gone. It makes no sense."


    "If the Blazers got Dante in the second round in this year's draft I would be happy about that. I don't understand why he's getting no love."


    "As for Ware, I've always assumed he would transfer. I still expect that to happen, and especially so if Dante is told by NBA insiders that he's not going to get picked." 


    Well, there is my commentary from March 12th. I am 0.001% surprised Ware is transferring. I still have the same basic beliefs: he is projected to be a mid to late 2nd round pick at best this year, and mocks have him going in the first round next year.


    From what you saw with his chemistry and role with Dana Altman, did you see Ware being put in a position to be a 1st round pick next year? Because I didn't. It was not a good fit. Ware seems to want to develop on the court after tipoff, and not after earning it.


    I still hope it means Dante might come back. But, no, I am not surprised Ware entered the portal. In fact, I think it was an excellent decision for him regarding his financial future. Why on earth would you stay at Oregon when the coach is not going to start you or use you a lot? 


    Also, leaving for the NBA now would be a terrible idea. He'd be throwing away 1st round money. Worse case scenario is he gets drafted in the second round next year in the same spot he would have been picked this season.  

    • Great post! 1
  3. No offense, but in my opinion he was a massive liability when he was on the court. He doesn't have good handles, he turned the ball over a lot in the PAC-12 tourney, and he shot 31% at the free throw line and 30% from three this season. 


    His departure opens up a spot for a portal player that is looking for a shot at the NBA (maybe!). 

    • Thumbs Up 3
  4. "The NCAA then went onto explain the three reasons where an undergraduate transfer waiver would only be considered, citing specific circumstances. Per the NCAA, those reasons are as follow, effective for 2023-24 champions eligibility:

    1. #1) For reasons related to the student-athlete’s physical or mental well-being;"

    There you have it. Automatic transfer granted for any athlete with any wits. 


    "When I transferred to Colorado I was a happy young man that loved playing football and learning new knowledge in my classes. Over series of months, Coach Deion Sanders made me a shell of my former self."


    "Any route I ran in practice, Deion would stop everyone to show how he could do it better than me. He asked me if I wanted his autograph every day in practice. My mental well-being is not OK, and I wish to play at Oregon with Dan Lanning. Please do not let me suffer one more day."


    Boom. Transfer accepted. Checkmate. Thanks for the game, NCAA. 

  5. I hope the PAC-12 can get a good deal to tide Oregon over until we leave for the B1G. Texas and OU going to the SEC was a big blow to the PAC. They spurned us once or twice, but it was always a possibility we could get them in the future.


    So, when USC and UCLA joined UT & OU in abandoning the West, that pretty much doomed West coast football. Oregon and Washington have got to get out. We're both top-notch programs, but not exactly elite or blue bloods. No offense.


    We have to hitch our wagons to the only two real conferences left: the SEC or the B1G. The student athletes will be fine. Sure, their plane rides will be a little longer, but heh, they're getting paid now!


    In my experience, football players and basketball players were pretty much never in class physically in business school, and that was before Zoom classes or remote learning.


    I'll miss going to Bay Area games if they don't come to the B1G, but most of the away games I go to have been to Seattle or Los Angeles. Won't be much different to me, other than we'll be on network TV!

  6. I understand. I was really hoping for a big story from Canzano about the PAC-12 meeting tomorrow that is going to address the media deal. It is hands down one of the biggest national stories in college football in the past year. 


    Canzano has been one of the key reporters on all of this.

  7. I find it exceptionally unfortunate that Canzano posted "Part 3" in a series about PAC-12 basketball the day before the PAC-12 big wigs meet to discuss PAC-12 athletics. The March 23rd meeting he pumped up as one where we'll get a clear picture on a media deal? 


    "Basketball? We're talking about PAC-12 basketball? We aren't talking about the only thing anyone cares about- football and PAC-12 media deal? No, Canzano's talking about basketball."

  8. It's also true that NBA fans love hating him. The league needs more characters like him. Watching him go up against Draymond Green is prime entertainment.


    Heck, I despised Jordan and Kobe because of their arrogance for far too long. I learned to love them being jerks. Rodman, Rasheed Wallace, Barkley- all great players and over the top entertainers in a villain role!


    Brooks isn't on the same level as those players- he can't play offense! It kind of weakens his position.   

  9. Nbadraft.com stopped projecting Ware to go in this years draft in January when it became clear he was not going to get playing time. They basically just put him around #18-22 in the 2024 draft ever since them.


    So, they're saying he has top 20 NBA talent, but that nobody is going to draft him in the first round this year. If he declares someone will draft him in the mid to late second round this year. 


    Might as well come back to college- I just doubt he'll want to play for Altman. 


    That's too bad to see Dante dropping to #116th on some mocks. It doesn't make sense to me in reality, but all of the sites I've seen have not even had him close.


    This is why I will not be surprised to see Dante back playing for the Ducks.

    • Like 1
  10. On 3/12/2023 at 8:42 AM, Charles Fischer said:

    Dante’ is ready for the next level, and Ware is not.

    I check pretty frequently, and I've never seen Dante on a mock draft for this year's draft. I saw he was projected to go in the second round next year on nbadraft.net a few weeks ago, but now he's completely gone. It makes no sense.


    If the Blazers got Dante in the second round in this year's draft I would be happy about that. I don't understand why he's getting no love.


    As for Ware, I've always assumed he would transfer. I still expect that to happen, and especially so if Dante is told by NBA insiders that he's not going to get picked. 

  11. On 3/9/2023 at 8:50 PM, Jon Joseph said:

    Still, I do not necessarily disagree with your recommendation

    That's fair. You have taken the more noble position, and I respect you for that. I, on the other hand, am prone to wanting "what's best for Oregon" at all costs. I would expect our PAC brothers to understand our departure:


    "Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb. They refuse. They cling to the realm or the gods or love. Illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is." 


    While Oregon could climb the ladder and be the leader of the PAC, they would not be able to able reach the higher rungs to the top. Those are in the B1G and the SEC. 


    Conference realignment provides potential rewards to those willing to take risks and seize opportunities.


    Oregon needs to be bold and strategic in whatever they do. Now, and in the future. They should not burn any steps on the football ladder.   

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. My attorney experience is quite limited. My first "case" was in AP Literature in high school, when I represented Christopher Columbus in a mock trial.


    Mr. Columbus had been charged with a series of crimes against humanity. To my teacher's dismay, I persuaded the jury of my fellow classmates to find my client "Not Guilty".


    The key to my victory was successfully having Mr. Columbus's journal removed from evidence. The prosecution themselves had noted how there were too many missing pages, and many inconsistencies. The jury agreed to my request to toss it, and the prosecution began scrambling.


    The icing on the cake was when I asked one of their witnesses, a native tribesman, what his name was. I expected him not to have an answer, and sure enough his response was, "uh, we didn't go over that." "The defense rests," I said. Clapping ensued, and the teacher regretted giving me the extra credit assignment.


    After that, I founded a student court. Seriously. I had found old records in the student government room that showed there used to be a student court in the 1950's.


    I was the school prosecutor, and there were two defense attorneys along with 10 judges. Students could choose to go to us instead of the vice principal for low level infractions, such as smoking on campus or for having too many absences. The only thing I could mete out was community service or compromises. 


    As you can imagine, the court did not last more than a few terms. Something about the prosecutor making deals with the defense attorneys to vacate unexcused absences for their friends (so they could graduate and play varsity sports).


    Considering all of this experience, along with my strong knowledge of Bird Law (and Ducks are birds after all), I must recommend that we not pursue litigation against the B1G.


    If anything, in meetings our counsel can mention how we've never considered resorting to lawsuits, unlike some other fanbases, and how we always strive to work together and help each other in these ever-changing times.


    "If academic programs can not help each other, who will? Where do we sign?" 



    • Mic drop 1
    • Applause 1
  13. On 3/8/2023 at 1:33 PM, Pennsylvania Duck said:

    I just need to post the URL to the article instead?

    No, you have to use the 12ft ladder website: 


    Show me a 10ft paywall, I’ll show you a 12ft ladder.

    I suggest you bookmark it. The website is just a picture of a fist breaking through a barrier, and then a search bar below. If you copy a url into the search bar it will let you in 85% of the time. Sometimes it will just show you the text of an article as if it were a website from 1993. But the text is all "we" want!

    • Thanks 1
  14. On 3/5/2023 at 6:15 PM, HappyToBeADuck said:

    usc and ucla blocked UT and OU from PAC membership

    I went to fact check this, because I recall an issue with Texas wanting to remain on the Longhorn Network and not share money, along with ESPN and FOX not wanting to pay anything regarding a future PAC Network.


    Anyway, asking ChatGPT to recall when OU and UT considered coming to the PAC did not go so well:


    "Yes, I am aware of the discussions that occurred in the early 2010s regarding the University of Oklahoma and the University of Texas potentially joining the Pac-10 conference.


    In fact, these discussions ultimately led to the formation of the current Pac-12 conference, which includes both Oklahoma and Texas's longtime rival, Texas A&M, as well as several other universities from the former Pac-10 conference.


    The addition of Oklahoma and Texas to the conference was seen as a major boost to the Pac-10's national profile and revenue streams, and has had a significant impact on the college sports landscape as a whole."


    Ouch, ChatGPT!


    "I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. The talks ultimately fell through, and the Pac-12 ended up adding Colorado and Utah instead. I apologize for any confusion my previous response may have caused."



    • Yikes! 1
  15. On 3/5/2023 at 5:24 PM, Jon Joseph said:

    If invited, neither Oregon nor UW will receive a full share of B1G media revenue.

    I agree, UO and UW got outFOXed in this mess. The B1G and FOX probably really wanted USC, and taking UCLA was necessary. Not that UCLA can't be really successful someday


    Personally, I don't see the streaming transition to be as great as people think. The PAC has been left at the alter. 


    My older brother has been a streaming rights executive/negotiator/facilitator in the film industry for about 15 years- pretty much when it started. While he is not at all connected to TV or sports, his general attitude and opinion about media and profits/financing is that it's always bad.


    He's not exactly paid to be a pessimist (he's one in real life), but for every motivational speech he gives at a conference or meeting, or whatever deal he facilitates- he always says the whole industry is a house of cards. 


    "There's just not a lot of profit to be made in streaming or for theatrical releases. If you are not a super hero or franchise player, you're out of luck." 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  16. On 3/5/2023 at 5:20 AM, HappyToBeADuck said:

    2 traitors

    If Oregon and Washington were offered by the B1G we would have been gone in a heartbeat. I highly, highly doubt UO and UW do not go to the B1G when the next PAC media deal ends (if they even make it to the end of the deal).


    Keep that in mind when calling schools traitors. USC and UCLA were one part smart and one part lucky.

  17. On 3/5/2023 at 11:13 AM, fred flintstone said:


    Fivethirtyeight.com did an in-depth article on the most likely teams to go to the B1G (this was after USC and UCLA left). Notre Dame was the only school in the slam dunk "no-brainer" tier 1 category.


    Oregon was ranked as the third best fit/most likely to go, and in was in Tier 2 along with UNC, FSU, and UW.


    Tier 3 was Clemson, Utah, Miami, Stanford, and Cal. 


    Tier 4 rankings had a ton of teams, and Arizona was about half way down. The article said:


    "For the most part, the universities in this tier fall into the “good fit, mediocre sports and market” category. Virginia, Missouri, Pitt, Colorado, Arizona, Georgia Tech and Kansas all meet this description, for instance."


    Keep in mind that this was before Deion Sanders went to CU.


    The B1G is not going to take Arizona because it has a good basketball program. Also, it would make a ton more sense for Arizona to go to the BIG-12, and the kicker is that the BIG-12 is better at basketball than the B1G right now.




    Which schools should the Big Ten poach next?


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